CCW and the public's fear

My wife has been a bartender for many years and while she's never had to shoot in self-defense, she has pulled her gun on occasion to prevent a situation from going bad. I was raised around firearms so I always thought they were a tool for a job just like a hammer and screwdriver. I've finally decided to get my CCW just so I can carry if/when I want as it is my right.

Anyone that trusts the establishment to totally protect their interests had better wake up before it's to late. Given the option of protecting myself and family or depending on someone else - I'll take the former versus the latter...
the point was that while liberals close their eyes to good things about guns, conservatives close their eyes about other things.

I don't think they've closed their eyes. They've just arrived at conclusions that are different from yours.
The non gun public fears CCWers because of ramboism, internet chest pounding, anger and aggression as demonstrated by posts on this Board as well as the questionable behavior of such yahoos as that guy in Texas.

I believe that it's just the opposite. People fear CCWers because they've grown up being raised by Brokaw/Rather/Couric, and just don't know anything about guns, and just swallow the "guns are evil, period" implication fed to them by the media hook, line, and sinker. The minute they start being exposed to the realities of self-defense and guns in any manner, be it internet chest pounding or whatever, the truth starts to sink in. The more we talk about guns, expose guns, expose the public TO guns, the more they accept and understand that good people carry guns too! Whether that talk is normal discourse or a tad bit of hyperbole/chest thumping is 99% irrelevant.