CC, how many spare magazines do you carry?

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New member
I'm very new (days even) to CC, and while I slowly make the transition to learning how to properly carry and adjust the way I do things just around the house.

A frequent question I find myself asking is "Do I bring the spare magazine, or do I not?"

Do I need those extra 14 rounds? Where I'm at, crime isn't as big of an issue, but at the same time, I have always kept this in the back of my mind "Better to have it, and not need it, rather than need it and not have it."

That said, where do you draw the line? is one, two, or even three magazines the ideal amount for you? When you do carry extra magazines, what is your preferred method of carry?

I currently have a single IWB clip that I carry my extra magazine in (granted I'm still getting used to it.
The majority of SD situations when a FA is shown (by the good guy), get resolved w/o a shot. However, if you pull it, better be prepared to use it. Most bad guys look for easy targets and would rather run than fight. (Learning Point Here.....LET THEM RUN! Don't try to be a cop, you achieved your SD objective if they run). Even when shots are fired, I am not aware of any normal SD situation ever involving a protracted gun fight and reloading. Never forget that you own every shot no matter where it goes so be accurate. Objective of having a gun for SD is to stay alive if all else fails, not to go toe-to-toe in a gunfight. My advice is not to worry about extra mags, use your smarts to think of ways to avoid needing to pull a FA. Learn to hit your target accurately with what you carry in your FA. Of course, if you are in LE or actively hunting out bad guys with guns, my advice is different.
I think at a minimum, you should at least carry one spare mag, simply as a remedy for function issues. That first spare is actually a dual purpose thing.

Beyond that, its up to you. I normally carry two.
I carry one extra magazine. And it's not so much for the extra ammo, it's more for the following reasons:

1) In case my mag release gets pressed accidentally when my gun is in the holster, or if the mag wasn't properly seated to begin with. In both of these cases, the mag could fall out if I draw my gun, and I'd much rather be able to reach down to my belt to grab a new mag than have to bend over and pick up my dropped mag.

2) In case I have a stoppage that requires stripping the mag, such as a double-feed. In these cases, the first round is often partially out of the mag and must be re-positioned before the mag can be reloaded into the gun. It's a lot faster to just use your extra mag instead of trying to reposition the top round back into your primary mag.

3) Magazines are the weakest part of most semi-autos. I carry an extra one in case my primary one fails.
I'm a 1911 guy. Eight rounds in the mag and one in the tube. Two 8 round magazines in a double mag pouch. If I can't extricate myself with 25 rounds, then nothing short of heavy weapons squad, an airstrike and heavy artillery is going to help.
The magazine and standard weapon malfunction bits are good things to note. I hadn't thought about that initially.
Because of what I carry and how, I tend to favor spare guns instead of spare magazines.

Most frequent "ensemble", PPKS .380 in right cargo pocket, S&W Bodyguard. 38 Special in the left.
It's so easy to leave home with just the gun and no spare mag(s). Based on cops normally carrying two reloads I have two spare mag pouches, but rarely use them. Based on the LEO-reported gunfight hit rate of about only 25%, one spare mag is needed to give me a near certainty of hitting a bad guy with at least one incapacitating shot, and the potential mag malfunction discussion above makes it less than wise to forego at least one spare mag.

I need to modify my behavior.
i keep one in each boot, one in each pocket and one in the mag area of my holster. so 5-7 magazines at all times. because you never know......

really, i carry ZERO extra mags. i make certain my guns are reliable with my mags i do carry, with thousands of rounds of testing, i have never had a magazine failure...i do bring a backpack to work that has a spare mag in it with other general tools and stuff i may need on a day to day basis. i can't think of a scenario where i need more than 13 rounds. i did switch from a revolver to an auto because i didn't feel comfortable with just five though. if i try to imagine the most extreme scenario of CC, i think 3 people tops, but most likely 2 or less. i think i could at least put one in 3 people with 13 rounds, maybe not, if i run out of bullets......put on my gravestone "didn't carry an extra mag" and maybe people will learn from my mistakes.
skizzums said:
i keep one in each boot, one in each pocket and one in the mag area of my holster. so 5-7 magazines at all times. because you never know......
Ha, when I first read this I thought you were serious. I was going to suggest you just carry a rifle with you at all times :D.

skizzums said:
really, i carry ZERO extra mags. i make certain my guns are reliable with my mags i do carry
Yeah, it's unlikely you'll ever need an extra mag and you'll probably be fine without it.

I say carry an extra mag if it's not too much of a burden. And if it is, then it's not that big a deal if you don't.

Me, I like the fact that I have an extra mag in case I have one of the problems I mentioned in post #4. And the extra ammo doesn't hurt. Also, I usually carry a 9mm Shield with the flush mag, so I suppose I'm more likely to need those extra rounds than someone carrying a double stack mag. And the extra Shield mag is easy to carry and fits perfectly in a leather 1911 mag pouch
If I'm carrying a single stack gun I usually carry a spare mag in my weak side pocket. If I'm carrying a double stack gun I only carry what's in the gun.
I carry an extra mag in offside pocket or carrier. From experience, in semi autos, the weak point will be a magazine. If you fire 1 rd, and malfunction. Without an additional magazine, it becomes a rock to throw. If i was only concerned about myself, that's one thing. But, with my family in the equation, different matter. Murphy tends to sneak up at the most inopportune time. But that's my 2€
i keep one in each boot, one in each pocket and one in the mag area of my holster. so 5-7 magazines at all times. because you never know.....

LOL! I think there are some who actually think this way.

For civilian self defense CC if you got your self in a situation requiring a reload you made some really poor choices as to where you were, and what you were doing!
For civilian self defense CC if you got your self in a situation requiring a reload you made some really poor choices as to where you were, and what you were doing!
To the extent this statement is true--and there is some truth to it--it would be equally true if one replaced "a reload" with "a gun".
One spare mag in a horizontal belt pouch. It never hurts to have an extra, but it would really suck to need it and not have it. The horizontal pouch is easily concealed, and it doesn't dig into my side. Win - Win.
None. 13 in the gun is enough for me.

If my murdered body's found with the slide on my BHP locked back on an empty chamber then I was wrong ;)
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