Cartridge Quiz

So, 1 and 3-5 are definitely set.

It's just #2 left.

I'm running out of ideas.

How about 7.5x55 Swiss?

It's that or a blown out 7.62x57mm...
I figured someone would get it when you guessed the 284 Win.

You can actually make a 7.5x55 by running a 284 case thru a 7.5x55 die.
Here is one only 2 cartridges same caliber 2 different bullets:

Here is my first true wildcat and only AI cartridge I ever tried in various stages of forming. Didn't have any pics next to any other cartridge for reference so I hope the tape measure helps.

OK, I'll start:

2 Cartridges in first pic are:

9.3x62 and 9.3x57

Cartridge in lower pic is:

303 AI - Epps
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Gosh, I missed the flange on the middle 2 in the 1st pic.
I don't think its a 9.3X57R

So.......If were to do this w/o hints. I'm going to cherry pick:

1st Pic:
9.3x62 and 375 JDJ

2nd Pic:
303 Epps
I just went back to see if the photo itself provided any hints, and it does.

I promise, I did not cheat. ...Which may be evident based on my use of an incorrect name.
Well I guess I gave that one away! I got the GNR barrel second hand and didn't realize the 7mm GNR is based off the .30- 30 case and my .280 is based off the .405 Win case. The short neck is the way the barrel came chambered from Gary Reeder.

I don't have the barrel anymore it was too much of a good thing with the brake it had on it. It would peel my muffs off if I was wearing a ball cap to shoot in, and the concussion from it caused quite a flinch. I traded it to a guy for the .375 JDJ, since the .280 had a 17.5" barrel he tried using it as a carbine. I don't think I'd ever want my face that close to the brake!

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FrankenMauser wrote:

I promise, I did not cheat. ...Which may be evident based on my use of an incorrect name.

I believe ya!

You did real good on IDing that 7mm - I had never heard of that one.
I had no idea past some type of improved 303B.
Interesting, I wasn't aware that there was a GNR version of 7-30 Waters.
That does make me incorrect.

My guess was based on the .405 Win wildcat, which I now know is properly called .280 GNR.
I've heard of some of the GNRs before, but never really paid attention.

What actually got me there was that the case body and shoulder really reminded me of a couple ICL cartridges, combined with realizing that the middle cartridge in the first image was probably a .444 Marlin wildcat (and likely a JDJ).

So, I started running through TC chamberings (primarily aftermarket), looking for something with that funky, short neck.
I never did find it, but I realized that the case body seemed too long for .444 Marlin and I suspected the bullet diameter was between 6.5mm and .30 caliber.

.310 GNR popped up, and I figured I was in the right family - just with a shorter neck.
I was going to guess that it was a 6.5mm variation, but the bullet-to-body diameter ratio wasn't right and the bullets were too stubby. And the red-tipped bullet somehow looked "wrong" for a .30 caliber.
So I split the difference and went with "7mm GNR". :rolleyes:

.375 JDJ was just a matter of being very familiar with .444 Marlin (awesome cartridge), and comparing .358 and .375 JDJ.
I am going to guess the center two cartridges are .357 Herrett, although they look to be loaded with .358" spitzers and I always loaded with .357" flat points.