Carrying In Gym Shorts/Workout Clothing

I think it is well understood that carrying (conceal carry in this case) should be encouraged in a firearms forum. Doesn't matter what you are doing or where you are; you could be working out in a gym, jogging outdoors, shopping in a mall or grocery, or just out doing your normal daily routine. Safe area or not, you should carry if you can as long as its legal.

For gym/workout, I have used the belly band and it works quite well even with a medium sized pistol. If you sweat a lot like I do, wear a light tanktop/wifebeater then wrap the belly band over it, then your normal workout shirt over it.
While I also recommend having martial arts skills, many of us might not be physically able (age, handicap) to utilize them AND, should our attacker have.. say.. a gun, what good are martial arts? Or multiple attackers.

Perhaps it is time to offer advice on the topic and not criticize other people's lifestyle choices?

If the OP feels well enough to go out and run he should be well enough to learn some basic self defense skills. And even the older and less active can learn simple self defense moves. The reason cops and military are taught basic hand to hand defense is to reduce the dependency on a gun. You can't always draw and shoot.

And I did offer advice on dog defense to avoiding having to shoot a dog. Trust me, I have shot many dogs when people liked to dump their no longer wanted pets near me when I lived in the country back in the early 1980s. And I hated doing it. Some people should be banned from owning animals if the best they can do is dump them to starve.

I am not criticizing someones lifestyle choice. Only recommending someplace safer to run to avoid needing to shoot.

Too bad you feel the only way you can deal with a situation is to point a gun at somebody or start shooting.:rolleyes:
Too bad you feel the only way you can deal with a situation is to point a gun at somebody or start shooting.

Sigh, all I said was always have the gun as an option. I never said anything about always shooting.

I'm done.
Ratshooter, I don't really understand your need to be mean spirited in this discussion. No one has suggested a gun as the only option.

The notion that I should confine my walking or running the well beaten path so as to avoid the risk of needing to defend myself is ridiculous. I am absolutely committed to avoiding trouble and being situationally aware. I am also committed to using every skill and tool at my disposal to avoid or end a confrontation, whether that is walking or running away, using a nonlethal tactic, or using a gun as a last resort. I think most of us feel the same way. You can advocate for additional training without being nasty about it.
K_mac I don't understand how you think I am being mean spirited. Remember that what is written on the responses don't always come across as intended on forums. With the amount of post you have you should know that.

All I am trying to promote is be aware of where you are running or hiking. Learn to defend yourself without a gun. It can be done. If you have a gun and get close enough to me I will take it away from you unless you have some gun retention training. I am not a martial arts expert by any means. But if you are in my space and I consider you a threat I will kick you into next week. It is not hard to learn.

The point I am promoting is to not be totally reliant on having a gun. I am not trying to be nasty about it. I am suggesting that you learn alternate ways to protect yourself.

So like jr24 I am done. I have nothing else to add.
The notion that I should confine my walking or running the well beaten path so as to avoid the risk of needing to defend myself is ridiculous.
I have to agree and add this is one of those situations where I think some are limiting the question to the context of their activities. If you don't run or you run 5ks and such planning a decent course through a safe area isn't difficult. My wife runs marathons. That means somewhat regularly running 15+ miles. Unless you are just going to loop around and around the same block, which can be psychologically difficult even at the shorter distances I have run, it isn't easy to plan a 100% safe course. I don't think there is any place that is particularly well traveled at 6am either. There simply aren't enough people out. Add to that the need to do lots of that high mileage on soft surfaces to avoid injury and you are no longer in the same areas as senior walkers.

Luckily we live quite close to a very nice running store with a strong community so my wife always has people to run with.

Defending yourself without a gun is great. Defending yourself with the option of a gun is better:)
on many occasions I've carried my S&W 642 in a smartcarry holster under my swimshorts and nobody has any idea I'm carrying. sweatpants too.
