Carrying In Gym Shorts/Workout Clothing

A North American Arms Mini Revolver is an excellent choice if you want to be armed while running...that you can pocket carry while running and forget its there.

This. I routinely use mine for the same thing in conjunction with a small pocket knife. I've even clipped it to the elastic of my briefs on "those" days, and forgotten it was there.
I’m curious for those of you who workout with a bellyband or similar product doesn’t it get damp with sweat and thus the gun itself gets sweaty. While I’m not an excessive sweater I do perspire when I workout and the clothing against my skin gets damp.

Yep, easy enough to clean the gun and dry out the band. Mine is a little ragged after a few years of use but I've gotten my money's worth.

Mostly use a treadmill at home these days anyway for running.
I've found that to many folks that run/workout in public, the fashion statement they make is as important as the exercise they get.:rolleyes:

Hard to conceal a firearm in clothing that reveals every dimple of cellulite or that has less mass than the firearm one is attempting to conceal.

Lots of suggestions here about how to carry for what you are wearing, I suggest you consider dressing to make concealed carry easier or just resort to a bellyband/fannypack system. I wonder how much more impedance a loose fitting t-shirt and longer baggier shorts gives to the average jogger over those skin tight Lycra-spandex singlets.;)
I don't run (knee replacement) but I ride a bicycle and work out at a gym regularly. I carry an NAA Black Widow in my sweats or shorts pocket while at the gym. I have a bag attached to the top tube of my bike's frame that will hold my wallet and a pocket 380.
If I were running in an area that was so dangerous I needed to carry a gun I would find somewhere else to run.:(

In the town I live in, Burleson Tx I see women running at all hours of the early morning and late at night. And they do it all alone. The local cops are ticket happy around here but they do run a safe town.

Maybe its time to learn some basic martial arts so you have less dependency on a gun.
Good luck running in those clothes like the OP says he is doing.

Depending on where in FL you are, do you REALLY need to carry while running?

In my area of FL, you don't

Yea. Lotta students...or as they are known to muggers...targets. Happens all the time. Last roommate I had, had a gun shoved in his face in his own apartment. Idk why he opened the door for the guy, but rumor has it that it was cause he was too flashy in the wrong crowd. Probably knew the guy.

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If I were running in an area that was so dangerous I needed to carry a gun I would find somewhere else to run.

Carrying a gun while running or walking for exercise just makes good sense for many of us. Maybe if you run in circles around your yard, or even around your town, you are fine. Running or hiking in more remote locations is part of the joy many of us experience. It also increases the risk of running into trouble.

Maybe its time to learn some basic martial arts so you have less dependency on a gun.

I am a big advocate of having martial arts training. I also am a big advocate of concealed carry. I understand their limitations and choose both whenever possible.

I lock my handgun in the truck while at the gym. When running, I always carry in a small fanny pack made for that purpose. I don't ever expect to use a gun, hand to hand skills, pepper spray, folding knife, or charm and good looks to protect myself. I take them anyway...just in case.
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Pistol Wear makes a good one that is like a sports bra of sorts. It positions gun between pubis region and belly button. Cannot see that I have a gun in thin running shirt and shorts. Darker color shirts make even better, even if mesh. I carry lcp in it but sw 340 is same weight if ya need more caliber, 642 only few ounces more. I removed snap on my holster as that printed through. You'll be happy with that.
Running or hiking in more remote locations is part of the joy many of us experience. It also increases the risk of running into trouble.

I agree in this situation having a gun makes sense. But in a remote area you would not find me wearing gym clothes.

I just like to have options and one of them is to reduce my dependency on having a gun. Thats why I recommended some basic fighting skills. I learned mine from a friend who was a 5th degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. Just basic stuff but what I believe is enough to give me an advantage.
One of the dangers average runners/bikers/hikers face besides human predators is dogs running loose, even in fairly urban settings. Many times the action of running/biking imitates fleeing and stimulates a predatory instinct in them. Sometimes they just wanna display their alpha status. I walk my dog every day in a semi-rural scenario and take my EDC with me because the threat from dogs running loose is so great. Not a problem as I generally don't wear spandex and open carry is legal here also. While I have not had to use my gun yet, I have pulled it out several times.
No problem....Wear light weight cargo shorts with multiple deep pockets. I'd recommend CCW in the upper pocket so it doesn't wobble when exercising in the gym or trekking. They'll never know you carry. LCP with Hornady Critical Duty rounds.
Thunderwear - It's an elastic strap that goes around your low waist with a pouch in the very front large enough to conceal a small pistol or revolver. I've carried that way at he public pool a number of times just to test it out and even people that know I'm carrying can't tell. Pretty good.
Gym Carry?

Try this. It would probably work for speedo carry. I just brought it home for true pocket carry. It's great, but I'm still trying to warm up to the .380 caliber.

Kahr P380
If I were running in an area that was so dangerous I needed to carry a gun I would find somewhere else to run.

In the town I live in, Burleson Tx I see women running at all hours of the early morning and late at night. And they do it all alone. The local cops are ticket happy around here but they do run a safe town.

Maybe its time to learn some basic martial arts so you have less dependency on a gun.

You could make the exact same argument for CCW in general, not just running. Fact is that many of us prefer to carry all the time, no matter what we happen to be doing. Its not fear, its not that we might be attacked, its a philosophy for having appropriate tools for protection available should we need them.

While I also recommend having martial arts skills, many of us might not be physically able (age, handicap) to utilize them AND, should our attacker have.. say.. a gun, what good are martial arts? Or multiple attackers.

Perhaps it is time to offer advice on the topic and not criticize other people's lifestyle choices?

EDIT: Also, my first reason for CCW applies here too. I used to live in a town (rural AK) with unleashed dogs. Rabid animals wandering into town was very common. Martial arts won't help me vs a rabid animal, a gun will.