Carrying hiking

Brown bears and grizzly are bigger. I believe a good average for those is more in the 500-600lbs range.

Brown bears seem to me to be a bit larger than that here; if we are talking adult bruins, more like 700-1,700 lbs. range.

"In Alaska and Canada, average weight can be 900 pounds for males."

Did you notice that "Northern" average is close to half a ton?

And the upper end is close to a full ton?
Speeding is allowed?

No, it's not a knee jerk reaction. It is the law. But some places people who obey the law are considered to be fools or jerks. Or so it would seem.
If I recall my taxonomy correctly, polar bears are so closely related to grizzlies that some zoologists consider them subspecies rather than fully separate species (although that is a minority opinion).

If they live up to their reputation for being extremely dangerous animals, apparently white does not always signify innocence and purity.
AZAK, I was going off an article about conflict between polar bears and grizzlies as the polar ice shifts.

The article indicated the polar bears were significantly larger, but the grizzlies were more numerous and sneakier.

An adult polar bear, according to the article, should easily kill an adult grizzly, but the adult grizzlies normally targeted immature polar bears.

Not sure how accurate the article was, and your numbers may well be closer.

In any case, the things are much larger than I'd want to deal with. Luckily for me, I don't live where they are. (Or unluckily, in a way, as Montana and Alaska are gorgeous... but then I'd have to buy a .460 or .500 S&W, etc)
(Or unluckily, in a way, as Montana and Alaska are gorgeous... but then I'd have to buy a .460 or .500 S&W, etc)

I knew there was a reason that I lived in both places for over a decade each, aside from the fact that I can shoot 24 hours a day during the summer up here - no stars and all; and I still am up here!

Why don't you come North for a visit, then you would "have to" buy that big revolver!

Good reading on Alaska bears, Alaska Bear Tales by Larry Kaniut; shameless plug for a friend (actually his books make for good reading!)