Carry gun/Night stand gun

My bedside gun is equipped with a light, is substantially larger than what I carry when going to town or the city, and weighs a small ton. For those reasons, I carry something else, depending on what activities are on the docket for the day.

The bedside gun, if you're interested, is a Sig P226 Mk25 with a supplementary .40 S&W slide and barrel installed along with a TLR 1 light on the rail.

My carry pieces vary from a Smith M69, to a Sig P225A1, to a Colt .22 LR Diamondback depending on the day's work schedule and my wardrobe choices. I've also been known to carry a Sig P290, Smith M637 or M60, or a Smith .380 Bodyguard depending on the day.

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Nothing super complex here. Wake up in the morning, take carry gun out of nightstand (still in holster), put on holster and spare mag. Reverse process at bedtime.
I have young kids so I have a quick access nightstand safe. I am limited to a slim single stack for carry due to weather in South Florida and my typical office attire. I see no reason to limit myself at home. I have a Sig P229 in there with more than double the capacity of my Glock 43. I have spare mags and a Surefire in the actual nightstand.
My CZ-75D PCR had done both. It is a mid size compact, more service sized actually, but with the lightweight, aluminum alloy frame, so easier to carry.
Mine is a S&W M&P 2.0 compact (G19 sized). Surefire Xc-1 light on it 24/7. CCW’d in a Bravo concealmant appendix rig, nightstand has a quick access safe.

Same gun, all the time breeds proficiency.
I carry a small 9mm, HD are several full sized firearms, strategically placed, all with higher capacity than my carry piece.
No nightstand gun. I don't find the need, as my primary home defense is K-9. If the dog goes nuts, I will have more than enough time to grab a weapon out of the safe and then go investigate. My EDC is a Shield 9mm, occasionally I'll carry the XDs .45

As they say, there isn't anything like the sound of a pissed off German Shephard!

CC is 92FS. When I unstrap at night, it goes on the nightstand and then back on the belt in the morning.

Upon further thought, though, I should probably start keeping a shotgun or AR next to the bed.....

My pillow gun is whatever I was wearing that evening... warm weather... S&W or Ruger, snub or K frame .38, or larger frame .357. Cold weather might be one of my S&W .44's.
I don't like having more than one pistol out of my safe at a time unless the secondary is a backup gun.

So whether it's my P229, P226, or P220 that I'm carrying (all with rails, lights are super important for home defense) they all make it to my nightstand at the end of the day.

That said, I also have my AR hooked on a wall by the butt for a quick grab and go. Depends on what I hear, to be honest. But the pistol usually goes with me as its much easier to maneuver with most "unclear" cases of -CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED- was that?

Now if I hear the door get kicked in or kicked hard to glass breaking, that seems like a violent home invasion and I grab the AR.
My nightstand gun is currently a .38 revolver. I just picked up a 9mm Sig P250 Compact that will become my nightstand gun as soon as I can shoot it enough to call it dependable. I have 17rnd mags for it now and plan on picking up a couple of 21 rounders as soon as the discretionary funds replenish. I also plan on installing night sights and getting a light for it.
Excoastie makes a good point. How many of you are sound sleepers? If you don't have an early warning system, it won't matter if you have a machine gun next to the bed. We had a large dog before, but she passed already. We really don't have time for a dog right now so it wouldn't be fair. We just rely on our alarm system as advanced warning.
S&W Govnornor loaded with PDX? 3 buck and a slug special rounds, they seemed the most promising in ballistic tests for the Governor. It's my bed gun, once I don't use it for anything else.. I figure if someone came through my window I wouldn't miss at 3 feet in the middle of the night. My other guns are only a few feet away..
As they say, there isn't anything like the sound of a pissed off German Shephard!

Yes! My American Pitbull looks more intimidating but my African Basenji / Pitbull mix has a much greater bark. I swear she stole that bark from another dog.
I live in Pennsylvania, which means unfortunately as soon as I cross any state line north (NY), south (MD) or worst case scenario east (NJ) I become a felon if I'm carrying. Thus, I don't carry EVERY day, nor do I keep one in my car whenever I'm in it as I'd like to. So my EDC is really an SDC :-). When I do, it's my Sig P938 with Gold Dots. Concealable but still enough bang so I don't just piss somebody off if I ever had to use it. Next to the bed in case I hear a bump in the night is a G17 with a full mag of defense. No more kids, but I still keep it in a small electronic safe I can open in less than 2 seconds. Reason I don't use same gun for both... I haven't found it easy to conceal anything much more than a small 9mm without being uncomfortable driving.
My HD handgun is a GP100 in .357. The 6" barrel makes it difficult to conceal carry. My carry weapon is a Springfield XD9 in 9mm because of the capacity. I do carry the GP100 in the woods.