Carry enough gun in bear country

Bob. As far as the law is concerned, Federal law overrides any state or local law. Federal law sez "No firearms in National Parks, Refuges (except under certiin restrictions during hunting seasons)National monuments Etc.
While deer hunting in the Kaibab plateau area, just north of the north rim of the Grand Canyon, My wife and I went to see the canyon, as we had never been there. At the gate, I informed the guard of the fact that we had out deer rifles with us, and was there a safe storage area we could leave them while in the park. He checked to see that they were not loaded, and were kept behind the seat of the truck. He let us go in with the admonition, not to remove them from the cases or from behind the seat. IMHO he was a gentleman. I believe he could have lost his job for allowing us into the park with 2 high powered rifles. Come to think of it, we probably could have gone to jail.
You never know what the feds will do.
Paul B.
I'm a CHL instructor in Texas. I have found nothing in writing about federal installations. However, I was told verbally by an Air Force E-6/Tech Sgt Security Policeman at Randolph AFB, Texas, that if I was caught with a firearm on a federal installation I would go to jail.

Posturing? Fact? I don't know. Nobody shows me something in writing and the Dept of Public Safety (the troopers) say it is up to the military. Hey, it's federal - so it's FUBAR'd.
For some commentary on pepper spray, go to "", as a company exec had a bad bear encounter.

In Big Bend National Park, the regulations state that no firearm may be displayed. If it is hidden away or locked away, and you're not a problem to anybody, they won't hunt for your gun. And, as I understand it, if they help you change a tire and see an unloaded gun in the trunk of the car, they won't get excited about it...FWIW.
It's true. If you carry a gun onto a federal installation, you go to jail. That E-6 wasn't just trying to impress you. I looked into it when I got my CCW. Your Concealed Weapons Permit stops at the gate. It's in Title 10 US Code. FWIW.
JR1, you are correct to a degree. While in the military, I had a federal concealed weapon permit. Your rules apply to civilians, etc, and possibly to the military today. I retired about 29 years ago. GLV
Thanks! now I'll have written confirmation for my classes. Appreciate it!

OSI? CID? Something similar?
When I took my CCW class we had to fire at the local Sheriff's range. I asked him about the permit being valid on my base. He replied that he had a letter from the base commander on file in his office, saying if you travel directly to the gate from your quarters and back nothing would happen if you were to be stoped. However he also had a CCW and understood how stupid it would be to arm up and un-arm at the main gate. The base I'm now at does not feel the same way and you will go to jail if you are carrying at all. Here they are extremly anal about weapons, and what qualifys for weapons. I asked about getting someplace to load and clear weapons for thoes of us with a CCW. Not a good career move to say the least. Think the base commander makes Sara Brady look like a NRA life member and in favor of everybody owing all the weapons they want!
Sorry Dennis, nothing that exotic. I was a combat crew member, and one of the issue items was a Shrade switch blade knife, worn in a knife pocket on the front leg of our flying fatigues. Also, I was the designated gun carrier for my crew. That started after the hijackings started in the sixties. GLV
I live in Indiana so, other than reading for the last half century have no actual experience. I recently picked up a Marlin Guide Rifle, shortened 45-70 lever. Then a friend mention a ammo maker namded Garrett.
415 Hard Cast lead... suppose to penetrate bout anything on the conteninet. Well had to get some of them things. 2 boowes (40 rds)
cost $102 (including shipping)
Information sheet that came with ammo was very impressive. Don't know when I'm gonna shoot some of this stuff but if I ever get the opprotunity I have it..
Also been a cop for 22+ years.. firearms instructor, Force instructor, SWAT team commander... gentlemen I don't care where you are a park, or a base or in one of these stores that post the "No Firearms" signs.
If you seriously NEED the damn gun you won't
care.. the main thing is to not display the thing like some cowboy, use good common sense and AVOID any conforntation (human or annimal) that can be avoided. If the confrontation can not be avoided use only the force necessary to WIN. With men many time the very fact that your prepared will do it..
Been my experience that some animals (dogs at least) also get the drift if your serious.
Not sure about bears and just innoncent enough to believe that, yes I can prevail with my 4" 29 loaded with hot, hard cast semi wadcutters. (No I use a 45 auto for duty)
Please excuse spelling, but that should prove I actually am a cop <G>
Thanks to all who replied to my last question about concealed carry vs federal law. I'm in agreement with TLH that the final law I will always obey is avoidence and self preservation and take what ever consequences arise. After all like we have said in past posts about concealed carry that if you do it right no one will every know you are armed. Now all I have to do is find a concealable holster for my Taurus 454 loaded with Cor-Bon 335 hardcast; any suggestions?

What is Garrett's phone number and where are they located? Do you know if they have a web site, did a search and could not find one.

Garrett Cartridges, Inc.
PO. Box 178, Chehalis WA 98532,
This guy's answering machine is ruder than mine but don't be put off. His service is prompt. The ammo is expensive but if the info is correct probably worth it. He does 44 Mag. and 45-70 and apparently that's all. I understand the .44 Mag. is something to touch off. I grew up on Keith & Cooper so I'm perverted in the direction of heavy, large cailber bullets.. just ONE of my many failings. Good luck and let ME know what luck you have with them.