Carbine for Home Defense

I'm not going to be clearing my house at night. If I find evidence of an intruder, I fall back into the 911 mode, and will wait until either the intruder openly approaches, or the LEOs arrive. In that case, a 12 ga. will be the primary arm. My wife has her SA 1911A1 to back me up.

The house is alarmed, with battery back-up, and wireless hook-up to the phone system in the street. LEO response is under 5 minutes.

As for answering the door. We have a wide angle peep, a well-lit approach, and no vegetation to hide anyone in. There is a pistol in easy reach to pick-up prior to even approaching the door. Our neighbors on both sides also utilize motion sensor floods, as do we. One of the neighbors is a retired couple, and the other is running a business from their home.

I do not routinely arm myself to put out the trash, and wouldn't live in a neighborhood where that was necessary. The neighbors here are all armed, as well.

Depending upon construction, distance, and your layout, a carbine may be a viable arm. Pistol or rifle caliber will also be very dependent upon those circumstances, and the presence of others in close proximity, such as children or other residents in different areas of the habitat.

Hardening your residence will go a long ways towards alleviating the necessity of your choices.:)
the "bump in the night" guns for us are the Storm and 92. The 92 is on my side of the bed, in my hand while I retrieve the Storm from it's home in our bedroom. Then the 92 is given to Spoon...

With a decent light slung under the barrel, and 45 rds on demand, and plenty of accuracy within household distances, the Storm (to me) is the perfect choice...
A lever action rifle in the 38/357 caliber can be used in a HD situation. It is a small, fast handling gun. Can be loaded with 38 spl. ammo which would cut down on it's penetration.

Loaded with the 357 it comes in as an anemic 30-30. The 357 caliber really benefits from the longer barrel...

Since you are using a handgun caliber, it is beneficial to have a handgun chambered in the same caliber.

I have a mod.66 tarus while wify-poo has a Rossi Mod 92 (carbine) both are in the 357 so there is no problem with ammo...can toss a speed loader back and forth and either gun can function.

I should also mention that the 38/357 in the rifle has no recoil!
.223 vs Shotgun for HD

First I'll state the truth before quibbling about the less important facts. Both weapons are adequate for home defense. However, after using both, and relying on a Moss 590A1 with SureFire foreend for years, I've switched to what I think is the best home defense weapon made: a Colt M4, loaded with a 55 gr. 5.56 mm NATO M193 cartridge. The only weapon I think is even close is the SIG 552 (I believe: 8-10" barrel), smaller than the M4, comes with Picatinny rails for mounting lights, sights, and a completely folding stock makes it more compact than the M4, but I think that's a minor difference for home defense. Anyway, it's still illegal for civillians to buy, while if you look hard you can know get your hands on a real Colt M4 that is identical to the type our US Armed Special Forces CQB house to house search teams use, our SWAT teams use. All these teams are quickly abandoning the MP-5 because the M4 has far better terminal ballistics than the 9mm MP-5, especially against BG's with body armor. M4 still stops the BG, MP-5 bounces off body armor. And don't think BG's don't use body armor. Here in Phoenix a couple years ago, a couple BGs with body armor posing as Bounty Hunters invaded a house with an innocent man and his wife. The home owner and his wife were armed with pistols; their rounds bounced off. The BG Bounty Hunters killed the couple; they were looking for drugs and cash, but were at the wrong address. So, I digress, but give you a couple reasons to consider a M4 or a Bushmaster M4 type rifle. With a light and an Aimpoint red dot sight, nothing comes close. . . . . . oh yeah I did say that a shotgun would get the job done if mounted with a light. . . . . ;)
I like the ideas of the M1 Carbine with the 110 gr. soft points.

I thought about an SKS, but overpenetration would be an issue.
HD Weapon

A carbine would be a great HD weapon. I have many of the firearms mentioned through the numerous treads from my M-1 Carbine, AR-15 Carbine, and Mossberg 500 Shotgun. In a situation that would involve an unwanted intruder I would probably go with my AR-15. Just because I have two 40 round mags joined with a Samco Mag clinch right next to my bed. A Shotgun is a great weapon but can be a little messy but will definitely do the job. My M-1 Carbine I actually bought for my wife just in case I was out of town and she needed a good HD rifle. I really recommend the M-1 Carbine for a woman because of the simplicity of loading, firing, and the lightweight.