can you shoot a .223 out of 7.62x39

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As you your original question...don't even try. Left field question.

Is it possible you were asking about 5.56 military vs 223 civilian rounds?
I've really got to wonder what kind of 7.62x39 magazine would fit, much less feed, 5.56x45 rounds.

But, I would say that it is PERHAPS possible for a 5.56 round to chamber in a 7.62 chamber. The neck and shoulder on the 5.56 round might enter the throat area of the 7.62s chamber, allowing the bolt to close.

For years there have been "HELL, I WAS THERE!" kind of rumors about the Soviets designed their weapons so that they could capture, and fire, our ammo, but not the other way around.

Despite the obvious timeline problems with that argument (the 7.62x39 came out long before the 5.56, or even the .308/7.62x51), as others have noted accuracy is non existent, there's the possibility that the much smaller case will rupture and jam the gun, ad nauseum.
id have to say no. dont try it its not a good idea.

id hate to see what happens on the first of april, these forums are gonna be fun!
Btw I heard some story that one of our marines used ak47 mags in his m16 during a shoot out in Iraq.

Only if he had a SR-47 as I belive they are the only AR variant that the US issues that shoots the 7.62x39mm Russian Ammo :p

Some reason I dont think he was lucky enough to be issued one of the 6 that the US Millitary purchased :p

There are AR-15's I belive that use non-AK mags for the Russian round. (

You are probably right about it being 5.45x39. I never really even thought of that. I have never shot that caliber and am not that familiar with it. That would explain why it would not have been overly obvious to me. I usually load several mags while watching tv or whatever and then place them away for later. If it had been 5.45x39 I suppose it would have fit right in besides the obvious diameter difference. After it fired, the steel had stretched pretty much to chamber size with obvious strain around the base. I assumed it had been a 223?
Sounds lke your answer is the same one I got years ago when I asked a guide if I could shoot off the back of his horse. His answer, " ONCE "
That answer should just be commen since by looking at the difference in the 2 bullets. Go ahead and try it. Tell us how it worked out when you get released.
Btw I heard some story that one of our marines used ak47 mags in his m16 during a shoot out in Iraq.
I told the guy that was telling me this Bull Sh*t. He just looked at me like I was crazy for not beleiving him

Well if it was a Stoner special run then that would work, but if it's a standard M4 it wouldn't. Two different locking system for the mags, AK mags won't even go in the mag well of a M4/AR-15. josh
I once talked to a Vietnam Vet who swore up and down that you could fire 5.56mm rounds out of an AK47. Obviously you can't, but it does seem to be a pretty common misconception.
the only guns i try to shoot differant ammo out of has the approved calibers on the barrel. oh ya and those are my 22's (winchester 9422 winchester gallery gun pump)
i guess the exception would be the 38 in a 357 its not marked on it but you can do it but then again i dont own a 357
You know this misconception of an AK47 capable of sustained firing of 5.56 NATO ammunition has been mentioned by people I've met throughout my military career. First time I heard about it I was still young and the only firearm I owned at that time was a 10/22 Ruger. I listened to this person and I thought he knew what he was talking about. As I learned more about firearms I began to challenge anyone who mentions this AK47 capable of firing 5.56 NATO. As a fact one of my uncles will claim that it is true. After showing him my Colt H-Bar and mags compared to my MAK90 and mags I made a believer out of him especially after our range session. No we did not fire 5.56 out of my MAK90, I didn't have to do that because earlier that year that same uncle fired a 38Super out of my 1911 chambered in 40S&W, let's just say the brass did not look to good and the pistol had to be put on the sidelines until I rectified the problem when I got home. No way a .22 caliber bullet will work in a sustained fire out of a .30 caliber barrel. Here's picture of a 5.56 NATO compared to a 7.62x39 Russian. josh



  • 556NATOvs762x39.jpg
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Being a V/N vet, but never actualy seeing it or trying it, Rumor has it when the V/C would run low on ammo thay would fire ours, If it does function it would not be acurate due to bullet diameter. Keep in mind the case would deform and you could have some neat jamms, but if my ass was on the line I'd give it a try, strongly recommend you,don't run out and try it. Lets just let this be one of lifes unsolved mystries.
the interchangeability of these two cartriges is zero. Any one that believes otherwise is just ignorant. The 'I have a buddy that says that they did that back in Nam', or 'I read a story that says in IRAQ its possible', is just passing along bs and internet myth.
One of many misconceptions I've heard or read about uttered from a military man's mouth. Examples:

A Vietnam era Army range master swearing that the bullets tumbled when they left the barrel which is why they are so accurate and powerful

The M60 uses .60 caliber bullets (written down many times in multiple books written by known Navy SEALs, not Marcinko types)

You can only aim at a guy's equipment when using a .50 BMG

A while back there was a letter sent from Iraq by a Marine saying which weapons were good and which were bad. It was written off as a fake by such a trivial error as he got the Army sniper rifle and the Marine sniper rifle screwed up, got the designations wrong...

Ooookkk.... May I remind you that not only are some military guys not that well informed about guns, but it adds to their dazed and confused state that the Navy still uses M14s, as do the SEALs, there are still .38 caliber revolvers and 1911s in our inventory, and we are using a variety of fun and experimental weapons in Iraq and Afghanistan, from thermobaric bullets to automatic recoilless shotguns.

I still believe the letter was real.
HPD got it right in his first post. A 223 won't even chamber in a 7.62X39. The 223 is to long for the bolt to close in a 7.62X39.

How do I know?:D . I tried to chamber a 223 in a ruger mini 30! Not even close. I thought I grabbed my mini 14. When I tried to rack the bolt the bolt did not close. Not even close. Damn I had the mini 30.:D
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