can you shoot a .223 out of 7.62x39

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I dont think you would be able to get the gun to chamber, a .223 bullet(5.56x45mm) is longer than a 7.62x39 round. Curious- why do you ask such a question?
DON"T DO IT!!!! Not only could it mess up the barrel, the .223 probably won't even chamber correctly (if at all) in the 7.62x39. The .223 case is 45mm long, so I am willing to bet the bolt won't come into battery. If somehow did fire, there would be so much unsupported case in the chamber, the casing would probably rupture and detonate in the chamber. Unless you want to risk screwing up your gun permamently or possible personal injury, DO NOT DO THIS! Only use ammunition chambered for your firearm.
can you shoot a .223 out of 7.62x39

Sure, the bullet should exit the barrel.

if you did that would it mess up the barrel?

No. Because the back of the case, not being supported by the chamber, would rupture and blow up the action instead, blow out the magazine, etc. And your face if close by, or your hand. :eek:

Really dumb idea. You notice the writing on the side of the barrel listing the calibers it's safe to shoot? Those are the ones that are safe to shoot.:rolleyes:
I'm gonna have to go ahead and say don't even TRY this, as it REEKS of stupidity! I take it you're thinking about doing this with an AK, and think that because there are AK's chambered in .223, they can shoot it. Well, the .223 AK's are MADE TO SHOOT .223 FROM THE GET-GO!!! They are a totally different version.

I loaded up a mag with wolf 7.62 x 39 for my Mak90. When I was shooting it, one round sounded really funny. I stopped right away and checked the case. It was a 223 mixed in. I didn't even own Wolf 223, so they screwed it up at the factory and I didn't catch it in my haste to load the mag. It chambered and fired, even hit the target. The steel case stretched a lot, but didn't blow out. Would I do it on Did it blow up and/or hurt my gun when I accidentally fired Was I lucky....probably, maybe, I don't know (and I don't plan on finding out).
Yes Saber I'd say you were very lucky that the brass crushed down enough to allow the gun to go into battery. The shoulder of the 5.56 is larger than the neck of the 7.62 so it won't (shouldn't?)chamber. Evidently it might chamber given enough force. Notice I highlighted MIGHT, because given the same situation it also might not, and explode out of battery. And that would be what's known in technical jargon as a KABOOM.
Exactly HOW does one get in such a hurry that they can't determine the difference between a 5.56x45, and a 7.62x39? I just tried, and my AK mags won't let a 5.56 fit into them. Maybe what you chambered was a 5.45x39? Both are Russian service calibers. Both are 39mm in length, and both are loaded by Wolf.

All in all, still a life-threatening experience.:eek:
Put on your boots boys, the poopy's gettin' deeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!!

BTW, did I mention that one time I accidentally loaded a .22LR (rimfire) in with my .45 ACP (centerfire)... careless manufacturer errors, I am definately going to write them a nasty letter! Anyway, it chambered and fired ok, I even hit paper 300 yards down range... on a one handed shot... with my weak arm... and other eye closed because bird poop landed in it... while talking on my cell phone... pant legs on fire for pyrotechnic clown-show effect...
adephue, HA! FUNNY< I HAD THE same thing with my ar-50 . I had a case of 50 \bmg and a 30-06 got mixed in, No not really, actually , i have heard of this happening, The bad guys over there in the hot, desert country have done this, ( supposedly) When they have run out of ammo, they have (reportedly) couldnt figure out the Dead US soldiers rifle, ("WHAT THE HELL IS THIS THING???") ann managed to unload the magazine into a AK. Aint saying its great, but hdve heard that it works ( in a pinch) But they aint worried about a little Breech blast if they are ready to die in the name of there GOD now are they.
Another Darwin award coming up....I always said there were no dumb questions,,, I think i am going to re think my stand on that
Danger Will Robinson! Danger! I've seen a 243 Win fired in a 308 rifle and the bullet made a funny noise after firing, it sounded like fluttering. I suppose that's a sound of a rapidly tumbling bullet. The 243 brass looked ok except for the expanded neck. Now a 5.56 NATO round fired in a 7.62x39? Danger Will Robinson! Danger! josh
Regardless of all the correct suggestions here I feel compeled to add my two cent. There have been noted cases of the AK variant rifles being used in combat and proper ammo being short, that the handlers of the weapon used .223 ammo with out mishap. Thus the extended vesatility of the AK. It is by no means however suggested that this ammo swapping practice be applied unless you find yourself in a SHTF situation and absolutly no other choice.
Any one with common sense knows to use only the round that the gun is chambered in.
Btw I heard some story that one of our marines used ak47 mags in his m16 during a shoot out in Iraq.
I told the guy that was telling me this Bull Sh*t. He just looked at me like I was crazy for not beleiving him.
"noted cases".... post one. Annotate and link to original. Otherwise I don't believe you for a *moment*.
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