Can you remember how many deer you have killed ?

Took my first doe at 12, took a buck and a doe the next year, and one doe right up until I went to Afghanistan. Nothing since I've gotten back. So....

So nine deer, all doe except for the one buck.
I kept a log for about 10 years: weather conditions, times, places, game seen, shots taken/not taken ..... the whole nine yards ...... I wrote it down because Jeff Cooper wrote: "If you don't write it down, it did not happen!"

....then I started taking the kids .... first my nephew, then my daughters .... The Boy starts next year, and I have promised to take my cousin's daughter and a friend from the VFD's boy ..... We got skunked a couple of years, as kids and all their foibles and impedimentia (bringing your sleeping bag out to the stand is just lugging a big human scent bomb out with you..... but OK, if it'll keep you out here.....) are not exactly conducive to success..... but we had a good time, and the kids learned to appreciate the successes we had. I think if it come as easily as it did for me when I was a kid, whe permits were harder to come by, they may have gotten bored..... as it is, my nephew has taken 3, Eldest 4, and my girliest girl Jac* took a shot this year (missed, but nephew dropped him) and wants very badly to get her own..... I have taken around 2 dozen deer, but I will remember the ones taken by my "apprentices" more than the ones I took ..... there is nothing like it the world: Watching your kids do something, with skill and confidence, that you taught them to do. Even better: Listening to them tell their friends about it ..... Nothing like it in the World, I tell you!

*Who fusses with her hair on the way to the stand in the pitch dark ..... "I'm not looking like a bedhead goofball, EVEN OUT HERE!"
Lost count at 30 deer when I was in my early 30's. I killed many, many more and am 69 years old now. So, I really do not know how many deer I have taken, but I know I can gut one without piercing the gut or bladder with a blindfold on, or by feel in the dark, so I had quite a bit of practice.
I've hunted deer in many states due largely to assignments with USAF. This doe from last week makes 62 deer down for me.


One. When I was 14. I didn't hunt a lot in my teens because football conflicted with deer hunting season, and then I was too busy during college. I just started hunting deer again this year and got skunked. :(
I am 52 yo, been hunting for 46 of those years. I disremember exactly the total but I do remember killing 78 one year. All legal and all et by some one.
I guess I've only been seriously deer hunting for the last 13 years or so. I've also got several Wyoming antelope hunts under my belt and I can remember all of the deer and antelope I've taken.

Part of the memory is the how and where but also who I was with. I really cherish those memories.
A little off topic, but...

A friend of mine was telling me he just recently read an article in which Remington Arms acknowledged a 97yr. old woman that has taken 40+ deer since she was 80yrs. old. :eek:... I love this country!
Just started hunting last year. I was too busy racing dirt bikes and chasing girls during my teen years. My total is 3, two last year and one so far this year. My total with various motor vehicles: WAY too many to count.