Can you remember how many deer you have killed ?

I've been deer hunting since 1975 with a rifle and bow shortly after,along with black powder since the 90s.....So the answer is?

"I can't remember?" :D
5 or 20 depending on how you count

three on my own since I got my license

2 as a teen with my father

the rest it tracking already shot animals, which some are found alive, some you can shot again, some are down and only needs to be bleed out
Yes I have documented every year and how and where each deer was taken. I have a diary I keep each day at deer camp and later after the season is over I put that info on an excel spreadsheet on my computer. It is interesting to look back at the information from 30 some years ago when I was a much younger hunter.
I can remember. I've only killed two Deer. I've field dressed and skinned one Elk, and perhaps five or six deer, and butchered one Elk, three deer. (helping friends who did score).
I am 65 for the first 30 years of my life there were not a lot of deer around so I killed less then 5. I remember 1 big buck I killed with my friends new Ford Mustang. Since then in the past 35 years well over 100. In Alabama we have a 2 a day limit with a 70-75 day season.

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NO cant remember them all.But I have pics of over 200 different deer,probably that many again cull deer.Our rifle season opened Sat.20th. Ive took 4 this year sence SAT.i Do hunt for a couple familys & a church group & feed the hungary every year just about.I feel lucky & blessed at the same time.GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL this year.
I doubt I have as many as many of the hunters here but I have taken probably 10-12. I am more in to predator hunting.
Yes, unfortunately. A big old goose egg. When I was young (10-12ish) my father always had my even younger brother and me sit around the base of the same tree. And it never failed that the deer always walked up on my brother's side of the tree. We always hunted on popular public land and in a county that didn't have an antlerless season so pickings were slim to begin with.

When I was 14 or so I gave up on deer hunting. Well all outdoorsy stuff really. I didn't pick up a gun till about ten years later and just started hunting again last year. Only had a couple mornings last year and didn't see anything with horns. Hopefully that will all change this year. I have a place with a doe season on private property so maybe I can put some meat in the freezer.
Can you remember how many deer you have killed?

Quote; ZeroJunk; October 13, 2012, 10:08 AM #1
I was thinking about this in another thread. When you are young it is easy enough so I never wrote it down. But, after 35 years or so of deer hunting I have lost track. I kill two most years, but some years one and some years four or five. I wish I had kept some kind of diary. Might be a good idea for some of you young guys cause your memory will go south on you sooner or later. Of course that gives you the luxury of remembering stuff that didn't happen and forgetting stuff that did.

No. I can't remember!!! But it started 50 years ago.

In my teen years I started a hunting diary, but somewhere between college, the Army, and a wife it got lost.
I have a buddy who is a biology instructor. He has a field book(s) with entries for almost all his hikes, hunts, fishing expeditions, etc. for the last 20 years or so. I am not sure what percentage, but it seems a lot and on several occasions questions have come up and he has been able to refer back to his field book. Drawings, maps, phrenology notes, quotes, and everything else. Some done in the field and some done that night. I have seen a few entries related to questions I have and was impressed. All of them together must contain an astonishing amount of information.

No, I haven't been smart enough to copy his behavior. I can't draw nearly so well nor do I have the diverse knowledge of nature he does.
I started keeping a log book several years ago for hunting, shooting and fishing. Some just have date and results others have weather, equipment info etc. I tried to go back and reconstruct all he deer hunts but many of them just sort of got glossed over. most of the really memorable ones were of just so so deer not trophys it was the hunt that was memorable. Early on there was only a buck season ( you could shoot 1) and later anterless came along, but still limit was usually 2 deer total. In the last 10 years I have killed less deer than in past as I enjoy helping wife and or so hunt more than I enjoy hunting myself. I still love squirrell and rabbit hunting more than deer hunting but just don't have the time I did when I was younger.
I've gotten at least 3, the 4th is up for debate -

Unfortunatley, all were taken at relatively low ballistics of a narrow band of 40-65 mph.

Never seen a single one when actually looking for them on purpose...
Even though I am now 66, I killed my first deer six years ago with a borrowed 7 mm magnum. I have since killed nine with my .30-06 NEF Handi Rifle, two with my NEF Huntsman .50 caliber muzzleloader, and one with my crossbow for a total of 13. I have yet to kill any this season.
I don't know, I remember back in my early twenties when I hit the fifty mark, but somewhere along the line, I quit keeping count, didn't seem important anymore.

I also used to try and kill big bucks, but nowadays I just try to get good eating size ones. One day last year I saw one of the biggest bucks
(160+ easy) I've seen while out hunting in along time, I let it walk. Later that day I shot a medium size doe, very tasty.:)