Can anyone do a Johny Ringo type pistol twirl?

You "prosecuted"? Really? Negligent discharge turned into a possession of cannabis for sale charge and three counts of tax evasion along with a tax forfeiture of everything he/she owns for being a weed salesman? Wasn't the bullet in the leg sufficient punishment?

How did you feel the next morning?

I have a personal experience story of being a first responder on a young boy accidentally sending a .22 magnum round out of a Ruger New Model Single Six convertible into his brother's head while playing good guys and bank robbers. Probably more pertinent than your story if one is trying to fright people from engaging in the art.
I give gun twirling two thumbs up the arse!
A) Its dangerous and violates every rule of safe gun handling.
B) Its useless. What do you gain from spinning your gun around on your finger? Gun spinning is the queerest thing to ever come out of hollyweird....
Lets return to the context here. A gunfighter like Doc Holiday is about to kill someone with his pistol. Is he really worried about gun safety?
Only a complete anarchist would try it.
Unloaded gun???
There is no unloaded gun

Well now, actually there are unloaded guns. Most of us verify this when we clean them, ship them, repair them, etc.

I know what you're tryin to say, but lets not go overboard. Fast and fancy gun handling is "a thing" and I'm not gonna fault a guy for wanting to learn it. I've heard that Randy Travis is expert at it. jd

I'm thinking there were guns made by Colt and Ruger, or modified professionally, to look and handle like a functional revolver, that were used in competitive twirling contests about the peak of the cowboy shooting craze. I recall seeing them for sale, somewhere, and have seen the Phil Spangenberger clips as well.
bamaranger said:
I'm thinking there were guns made by Colt and Ruger, or modified professionally, to look and handle like a functional revolver, that were used in competitive twirling contests about the peak of the cowboy shooting craze. I recall seeing them for sale, somewhere, and have seen the Phil Spangenberger clips as well
I don't recall a dummy revolver from Colt or Ruger but I'm pretty certain Uberti made one for awhile. I believe I saw it written up in Guns of the Old West. It was marketed, IIRC, so people could practice fast draw without worrying that dry firing a real SAA (or clone) might damage it.