
So, its that kind of world and If you want a good price sometimes it takes some waiting.

If you don't want to shop there that's fine with me.

As CYLA noted, if you don't know your stuff then you can get took. If you do know your stuff, you do fine.

For the Record, Anchorage Cabella is well staffed, polite, they do not hound you. I would complain to the Cabella corporate site. Sounds like a Store Manager after glory and gone rogue forcing employees to force themselves on you. Rather than complain and moan, do something about it.

I did buy a gun sight unseen from them, I was allowed to inspect it before accepting it.

As an old fart over 60, If I can manage it then the younger generation sure should be able to.

I have see the world change since I was old enough to see the world in ways no one ever thought.

I don't complain, I look for solutions.
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I have bought several guns from Cabela's, and have always had excellent service. Yes, their prices are generally higher than some other places unless the item is on sale. But what brings their prices to sometimes well below others is their rewards points from Cabela's Club Visa. The key of course is paying off your balance every month because interest will overshadow the points.
I have done this for years with Cabela's, and others. Getting guns at prices from $200+ off to free!
I love Cabela's for their loss leader stuff. Join the rewards club even the one without the credit card. Buy the $100 giftcards off of Ebay for $80-$82. Then stack them with % or $ off specials like $20 off of $100 and you have a huge discount off their loss leader ammo. I have gotten 556 brass cased ammo for less than $.20 a round. I have used the same process to buy primers & powder.
I've never ordered a gun thru Cabelas as I buy off the shelf. But I have ordered other things and have had to wait due I think the time of year I ordered.
Being told available and paying for up front and not getting is disheartening. But certainly not life altering nor worth holding a grudge over. As its said:

“Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong.”
I found a good deal at Cabelas with a sale and points on the club card. Also, a more unusual revolver they had that was going out of production.

So it is an empirical question as to gun purchases. I do object as I said to their ads. But now I'm an aware consumer, so it's not a problem.
I don't know your situation or your options. However, if there is a local mom & pop well stocked gunstore, I would suggest building a relationship with the folks there. We had one of the now defunct Gander Mountains across the road from my favorite LGS (Ft Thompson for those in the central AR area) and it was night and day.

Never been to a Cabela's, but we do have a Bass Pro Shop on the South side of the LR metro area. I've purchased exactly ONE shotgun from them but that was because my LGS didn't have it in stock and sometime I have the patience of a two year old.....I'm working on it.

Just my two cents.....

I've ordered two rifles (made by Savage especially for Cabela's) on line from Cabela's with in-store pick-up.

Both were listed as in stock and both were subject to rebates.

One wasn't delivered to the store in 10 days so I called customer service and was told that there was an error in their inventory list and they had to reorder and wait for Savage to manufacture the rifle for them. Since the rebate was running out, I cancelled the order.

I succumbed recently and ordered a rifle on-line from Cabela's that was listed as in-stock.
I was notified that it was at the store for pick up the next afternoon.
I picked it up the next day and applied for the rebate when I got back home.
When I mentioned the turn-around to the sales person finishing the paperwork, he said that most of their in store deliveries are within a few days of placing the order.

The first order really ticked me off and the second order sort of cleared the slate for me with Cabela's.
I just ordered a rifle on sale a little over a week ago. I was told in an email which I received immediately that it wouldn't be in my closest store until the end of September. I received an email last Wednesday that it was in waiting to be picked up. Picked it up after work, their routine for receiving it was a little slow but no biggie. All in all excellent service and timely communication. Guess I was just lucky, but so far all my dealings with Cabellas has been very good.
Certain dudenals on this thread are really struggling to get it... :rolleyes:

Let's do a simple review:

For ordering a firearm on-line, forget Cabelas. Go Bud's. Great service and, when placing an order, they don't play "hide-the-ball" with what's actually in stock & ready to ship now.
No, we do get it.

If I could get the same service and cost from Buds then that would be wonderful.

However, on top of the cost issues (and the fact they don't carry the Cabella specific models) I have to pay an FFL and

In my case I am also in one of the Do Not Ship areas.

So, while I am glad you are perfectly happy, it don't work for me so much.
We have a Cabela's wthin 2 hours of our place and we make it a roadtrip once or twice a year. My friends have puchased a few guns on sale (or rebate) without any problems AT THE STORE. They call the day before and make sure it is in stock and they get the salesperson's name and ask if they will be working the next day. Then they warn them that it is a 2 hour drive and that the gun better be there!! They usually squirrel it away someplace for them.

I have a Cabelas credit card and I use it mostly for gas and travel. I like the points. Not the best deal going but I use them mostly for bullets or reloading stuff. I get a couple of "free" boxes of Bergers every year. I have no problem with backorders. I know I'll get it eventually.
I for one agree that bashing the retailer for the actions of an individual is a little lacking in rational. I have worked in retail for about 9 years, and I can tell you that one thing that will make 99% of retail folks disinclined to help you is the "what are you going to do to make it right?" question. Is it appropriate at times? Yes. But there are about 475,000 better ways of starting that conversation. When you ask that, you sound entitled. You also sound like you don't have the common sense to grasp that sometimes entropy and stuff just happen. Taking personal affront to a material purchase gone awry smacks of immaturity... in my experience.

And T. O'Heir - On behalf of big box retailers the country across, I refute your assertion that we're all impoverished imbeciles. I've worked for a big box retailer making over $20/hour with perfectly decent, if not competitive, benefits for close to 10 years. Whatever your experience in such a setting, it doesn't apply to everyone. And if you choose to air that laundry on an open forum, you may be held accountable for it.
I for one agree that bashing the retailer for the actions of an individual is a little lacking in rational. I have worked in retail for about 9 years, and I can tell you that one thing that will make 99% of retail folks disinclined to help you is the "what are you going to do to make it right?" question. Is it appropriate at times? Yes. But there are about 475,000 better ways of starting that conversation. When you ask that, you sound entitled. You also sound like you don't have the common sense to grasp that sometimes entropy and stuff just happen. Taking personal affront to a material purchase gone awry smacks of immaturity... in my experience.

That smacks of immaturity and someone who doesn't value the source of their income to me. What kind of retail employee gets miffed by an approach like that?
You obviously didn't read my post...and are making your comments based on your perceptions rather than the truth. As for "fault" it primarily lies with Cabelas and their system. IF I HAD NOT MADE CLEAR MY EXPECTATIONS FOR PLACING THE ORDER I MIGHT AGREE WITH YOU BUT I did make those expectations extremely clear. So my expectations when they didn't fulfill the order was not out of line!
Does any business record a customer's "expectations"? How does an employee know a customer's "expectations" or the employer's ability to meet those expectations or any shipping company's ability to meet those expectations?
It's pretty easy... the customer makes the expectations clear, the company clerk checks with supervisor to make sure they can meet those expectations before and as a qualification of the "order"...the customer is assured that his expectations will be met before placing the order.

IF these folks didn't know what they were talking about OR most likely they took the order knowing that it was possible that the order wouldn't be fulfilled because the company processes orders knowing that some might not be fulfilled but takes the orders anyway. Same way the airlines over book flights. So you believe this is a good way to do business? I do not order anything that's back ordered....period! I'm not interested in a backordered product!!!!! So in the case of the rifle I knew they were selling fast which is why I pushed the issue and when I was ASSURED the ordered would be fulfilled then, and only then, did I place the order!

Cabelas didn't have rifle in stock so you want them to make it right, what would they have to do to make it right? You asked few times expecting something other than what you got. I'm kind of guessing but if they gave you something that you felt would of made it right you won't be complaining right now.
Buds for sure, I never got any deals from cabelas, bait and switch seems to be correct in my opinion. Also their prices on are higher than I can find elsewhere