Cabelas: Back door voluntary gun registration?

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Does anybody think the ATF can't use your name and address and all that other information on the form to look up your phone number?
Why shop at Cabelas? Sale prices are too high. All Chinese products I use the big thick collector catalogs to shoot .22's into, don't even take them out of cardboard. Support your local shops, before the big box stores run them out of business.
There are at least two municipalities in my state (Illinoize) that have municipal ordinances requiring any gun shop in town to report all sales to the police department. One is Chicago Ridge, the other is Orland Park.

Oddly, both those villages USED to have gun shops, but no longer do. :D

Of course, since municipal ordinances are hidden under bushel baskets in most cases, there could be hundreds of others I just haven't learned of.

Oddly, both those villages USED to have gun shops, but no longer do.
You have to wonder if that might not have been one of the reasons for the ordinance. Kinda' sad either way.
As stated on a different thread get on the ATF web site and under publications place a order for the ATF rules and regulations, and yes they do this for free. I have to say that if the ATF wanted your phone number when purchasing a firearm the would have provided a space for it on the 4473. I have been unable to find anywhere in the ATF regs that states the form has to be faxed to the FBI. I would believe the ATF over some nit-wit behind the counter at a store. If you had the regs with you you could ask the nit-wit or head nit-wit to show you in the book where the ATF wants the 4473's faxed to the FBI.

As far as Cabelas goes, they can urineate up a rope for all I care
Guys, please actually FOLLOW a thread before just posting to hear your own voice.

Post #16 demonstrates that this was a stupid gun counter employee, and NOT a Cabelas policy.

Me said:
I got a call from one of the general managers at the Cabelas store here in town... I must confess that I've pulled a brain fart on his name, but it was about 1/2 an hour ago.

He confirmed that it was absolute smoke being blown by one of his staff. He was very interested in the particular clerk's name, which I also confess to not making a note of in my frustration from the initial encounter. I'm bad with names. :-)

Cabelas does NOT fax their 4473's to the FBI. The purpose of the phone number is in the case of errors on the form, or in the event of a 3-day hold order from NICS. He is going to educate his folks exactly in regards to workflow of 4473's as well as agencies that have lawful access to the forms.

Net result: There were dumb employees that need better training, and are going to not only be trained on WHY they collect particular info... they are also going to be better trained on who gets access to the 4473 records if law enforcement needs it.

That's a good thing.

Can I get a mod to lock this thing now so we don't perpetuate some sort of rumor that, while founded from factual statements from a dumb employee, has no real truth to it?
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