Busted my Cherry....With OPEN CARRY!

I live in Colorado where, technically, open carry is legal. But you'd have to be a fool to do so anywhere around metro Denver. The cops will find some kind of charge for 'menacing' the sheep.

But if i was going to do it, I think I'd dress like Harry Calahan, in a cheap, off-the-rack suit. One thing I like about Dirty Harry is he did know how do the off-the-rack look.

Let them think you're a LEO, and it's one less reason for somebody to call 911 for a 'man with a gun'.

actually, it is illegal in the city of denver. in colorado, it's legal, but somehow denver sued the state and won it's own wierd gun laws. I'm in westminster, and OC here in my neighborhood while walking the dog is no big deal. I would DEFINATELY not try it in the peoples republic of boulder, though! it may just have the highest concentration of liberalists in the world!

I know what you mean about having the right kind of retention holster. My old Galco paddle minimalist was just not enough protection.

The new one - from tactical holsters is super. Great retention capability, even better than a thumb strap. You can only draw the weapon straight up, and from the rear type steals results in the weapon sticking in the holster.

Well worth the $60. :D
anyone know the laws about open carry in Alabama? I am under the impression that it is illegal since when I got my CC license, no one ever said anything about it. I just assumed it was only for LEO and security guards.
Hi, johndavid! As you see Im from AL too, I faintly remember something about having the right to open carry while on foot. I guess this means you cant while driving. i've never seen anyone besides LEO's open carry round Marshall County area. Of course I said I'm not for sure about this, so someone more qualified chiming in would be greatly appreciatied.
One thing to keep in mind, however, that one of the main reasons for concealed carry is that you maintain a certain tactical advantage.

I would conceal carry, but I don't have an AZ CCW, so it's either open carry, or go unarmed, which is unacceptable.
I think open carry is a trade off... you give up the element of surprise by letting people know that you're armed, but in return the fact that you're visably armed might just be the key to deterring a threat to your life before it even occurs.

Open carry is legal here in NH, though I have some reservations about it since hearing of mvpel's incident at the local Barnes & Noble. So, I usually make at least half an effort to conceal anything I carry.
Tried oc a couple times here, found it made people a little nervous that were sitting around me in the restaurant and at the grocery store, plus I didn't like the attention it drew to me, so cc is the way I go now.
Here in Norway you aint even allowed to have ammo near your gun. This means that you will have to load a clip before you can shoot. The laws here are getting worse each year and the police can even search your house anytime they want without a warrant if you have a gun license.
Like JRLaws, I'm in KY where open carry is legal. I live in a really small town, and I don't know how that will go over. It's normal around here to see a rifle or shotgun in someone's truck (usually unlocked with the windows down & still running in the paking lot -- yeah, that kind of small town) so I know people here are comfortable with guns. I just don't ever see anyone carrying a pistol. So, it's CC for me for the time being, but I'm sure the urge will eventually get the best of me & I'll give it a try.

The "standard" repository for information along those lines is www.packing.org, you should be able to find what you are looking for there.


Ok, I did a little digging, and came up with this:

30-7-2. Unlawful carrying of a deadly weapon.

A. Unlawful carrying of a deadly weapon consists of carrying a concealed loaded firearm or any other type of deadly weapon anywhere, except in the following cases:
(1) in the person's residence or on real property belonging to him as owner, lessee, tenant or licensee;
(2) in a private automobile or other private means of conveyance, for lawful protection of the person's or another's person or property;
(3) by a peace officer in accordance with the policies of his law enforcement agency who is certified pursuant to the Law Enforcement Training Act [29-7-1 NMSA 1978];
(4) by a peace officer in accordance with the policies of his law enforcement agency who is employed on a temporary basis by that agency and who has successfully completed a course of firearms instruction prescribed by the New Mexico law enforcement academy or provided by a certified firearms instructor who is employed on a permanent basis by a law enforcement agency; or
(5) by a person in possession of a valid concealed handgun license issued to him by the department of public safety pursuant to the provisions of the Concealed Handgun Carry Act [29-19-1 NMSA 1978].
B. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the carrying of any unloaded firearm.
C. Whoever commits unlawful carrying of a deadly weapon is guilty of a petty misdemeanor.

Which seems much more sensible than what we have here in Ga, where there is no open carry save for a few exceptions like hunting and the shooting range.

Oh, BTW -- there are some restrictions on where you can't carry, I haven't listed them. You might want to check out the relevant NM statutes here, where I came up with that above info.
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I think open carry in all but the smallest towns, is akin to wearing a sign that says "Shoot me first". This not the 1800's and unless you live in Dodge city, concealed carry is the safe way to go, anything else is asking for trouble.
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Nope -- no open carry in GA unless at the range or hunting. No concealed carry anywhere alcohol is served.


Georgia is not a traditional open carry state. However, open carry IS legal with a Georgia permit. It is also worthy of note that you MAY openly carry a firearm without a permit in a motor vehicle. [from www.opencarry.org]
I think open carry in all but the smallest towns, is akin to wearing a sign that says "Shot me first". This not the 1800's and unless you live in Dodge city, concealed carry is the safe way to go, anything else is asking for trouble.
Agreed. But I won't rain on anyone else's parade if they choose to carry openly. *shrug*

And there is something to be said for carrying a big hulking piece (USP Tactical, M6, dot sight :p) instead of a smaller one.
This guy is goin through hell for open carry...

No offense, but it sounds like this guy had a chip on his shoulder, caused a scene and made a jerk of himself to the officers. The sad part is that I get this impression from reading his side of the story. I imagine if he had been cooperative and friendly he probably wouldn't have had the same amount of problems that he ran into when he used such wonderful lines as, "You need to do your job and leave me alone." and "I did not ask for your opinion.”

Don't get me wrong, I don't think that people's civil rights should ever be violated, but if your going to be a dick and piss on the cops, don't cry about it when they make your life miserable. They are human after all.

Whatever happened to the "golden rule"?
I see where your coming from, though I still see him in the right. Cops have gotten to powerful, and think they are the almighty. His case pretty much proves it. They harrassed him for a legal activity in the state of WA. OC isn't banned, it is in writing in our consitution.