Busted my Cherry....With OPEN CARRY!


New member
Took that leap of faith. Last weekend....Saturday: SO informed me it was our 4th year anniversary - so being the typical male idiot, I forgot. Made quick plans to go out to dinner to a nice restaurant.

Main issue: Here in VA, CC in bars / restaurants that have a license to server alcohol on premises is illegal. Choice: Go unarmed or OC.

Decided to go OC. Carried the Walther P99 in .40 (might as well go full size if you are going OC - right? Why carry a peashooter....) walked into restaurant with weapon on strong side right holster.

I must admit - I was very nervous at first. That disappeared when the manager welcomed us, and we got excellent service. The table across from us, the gentlemen glaced several times at my weapon (probably in admiration).

So gone are the urban legends of old ladies and others going nuts and calling the cops - did not happen.

The food was excellent (Japanese sushi...), and all and all, I would definately do it again. :D

Anyone else - how was your first OPEN CARRY experience?
Not an option here, but is an option in the other 2 states I visit.
Just not comfortable doing so yet, as I have not finished enough training.

/edit: I do give you the thumbs up on your experience. +1 to your OC ability.
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bah, i need to get the hell out of here. i'm drooling. i'd give a toe to carry concealed an hour a week.
I'm taking a road trip to AZ next month, during which I will open carry my Service Six. I'll let you know how it goes.
I doubt you'll have any problem in Arizona with open carry. One thing to keep in mind, however, that one of the main reasons for concealed carry is that you maintain a certain tactical advantage.

Nope -- no open carry in GA unless at the range or hunting. No concealed carry anywhere alcohol is served. :barf:
Here in Arizona it depends where you are to see what reaction you get. In Phoenix no one ever does it, and the Police get called constantly when someone does open carry. However in Tucson when I worked down their, I would see people do it sometimes, however other people would give them dirty looks. I am sure some of the smaller towns in Arizona it is normal to see people open carry. Here in Arizona you can't conceal carry, or open carry in a place that serves liquor. However Arizona just passed a law that reduces our CCW course from 16 hours to 8 hours. I have mixed feelings on that.
I have no desire to open carry. For me, besides provoking a lot of questions and perhaps a tense discussion with a police officer, I have a feeling it makes me as much a target for a crime as deterring one. I know that 98% of BG's would pass me by to look for the unarmed old lady (most probably do anyway) but for the 2% that are looking for a free gun, the may figure a blow to the back of my head will win them what they want.

My CCW is an unexpected surprise for the BG that thinks he can victimize me because I'm a "too civilized" suburbanite who dared come downtown after dark or dared venture too far away from a mall. It will stay concealed until the situation gets way too out of hand to handle with normal measures (talking, threatening, negotiating, etc.) and it becomes clear the guy is about to do serious harm to me, and then the BG will find himself looking at it.

But the view will quickly change to a pleasant cloudy environment and some pearly gates. Hope they open for him ... :D
I'd love to try that but don't know how far I'd get. The way I understand the law here in MO, open carry is legal in the state but county and city jurisdictions can forbid it if they like. In Kansas City it is not forbiden by law, rather they prefer to consider all open carry to be concealed (since you have to carry it in SOMETHING and part of the gun will always be concealed). This leads to a CCW arrest. Now, what would happen if they tried that with somebody who has a CCW permit, I don't know. Haven't gotten a straight answer on that from a cop OR a lawyer yet!
But the view will quickly change to a pleasant cloudy environment and some pearly gates. Hope they open for him ...
Really? I thought the purpose of burying the BG was to put him six feet closer to Hell! LOL.

I don't open carry, even though sometimes it would make summer carry a lot nicer. Can't afford to tick off the sheeple around here! Also had a police officer tell me it's a condition of the CCW permit. Still want to confirm that since I haven't seen anything in PA Crimes Code requiring it (possible exception - Philadelphia).

All the time around the place and at work.. get some interesting reactions, and some people that just don't care. The only cop that ever commented on it(at the Shoe Shop), said that I was packin a nice piece(a mint Colt OP) :D
Seem like most people would assume a person open carrying is a Law Enforcement type. That would be my first thought anyway.

Yeah probably...

Kind of a bad stereotype though; "Only cops carry guns openly"
Many people open carry in the towns around here. So, the first time I needed to shop while OCing I felt perfectly normal. As a matter of fact, I haven't been able to justify the cost and trouble for a CC permit yet. Perhaps I'll get it before I visit friends in Louisville, but here in the hills I just don't need it.
I live in Colorado where, technically, open carry is legal. But you'd have to be a fool to do so anywhere around metro Denver. The cops will find some kind of charge for 'menacing' the sheep.

But if i was going to do it, I think I'd dress like Harry Calahan, in a cheap, off-the-rack suit. One thing I like about Dirty Harry is he did know how do the off-the-rack look.

Let them think you're a LEO, and it's one less reason for somebody to call 911 for a 'man with a gun'.
haha yea. i've often thought about pulling that one on halloween too. "nope, just part of my dirty harry costume here... see, look the ends of the bullets are even hollow, wouldn't even shoot like that would they?"

hey mack i checked out the site in your signature, i'll join up there soon. my fam's from the chicago burbs but i'm down at the uoi in champaign, at least for the time being.
Open carry is illegal in most cases here, but even if it was I don't think I would.

I hope to rely on the element of surprise. I'd rather blend in with the "normal people". I know a gun in the open would deter most, but I'd be scared to death of the one guy who attacked me anyway. That guy is either going to be totally ruthless with no fear for his own life, or he's going to whack me over the back of the head or-

He's going to swipe my gun and shoot me. If I did open carry I wouldn't do it without a retention holster and some training. I've just heard of too many instances of cops getting guns swiped.

Of course, I'm not saying it should be illegal, or even frowned upon- it's just not my cup of tea.
It's about time you got around to OC Duxman. :p

I was the same way, nervous but confident. Sure people give it a glance but generally no overt act to call the cops so far. Lately I've been really lazy though and leave the gun in the truck because I just don't care for attention.

If I had a more official looking holster for open carry I'd feel better, but the 'barely there' IWB thing I have makes it look like Mexican carry and I just don't trust one without a thumb break for public use. Plus I can't seem to find one for my CZ...