Bush most unpopular president in history

"Worst President Ever" is a different topic than "Most Unpopular President in History." I'm just addressing the topic and why "popularity" is such a useless way to judge a presidency.

I don't consider Lincoln the worst president ever; exactly the opposite, actually. But if the topic is "Most Unpopular President in History," the correct answer is "Lincoln."
The history of the Presidents of the United States is full of Presidents beloved by one part of American society and just despised by the other.

You do the digging in the history books and you'll see.

Just don't accept what one history book says.

Look at the newspapers of the time and editorials submitted along with public revolts as well.

Take a look at the cartoon charactures used in those newspapers too.

Bush jr.certainly has many people disliking him but talk to people on the street and you'll definitely find people who still respect and like the man.

And these are regular people just like you and me,not extremes of American society.

GB jr.is on his way out.

I'm more concerned now with who can right the things that need righted and I'm getting real concerned for my gun rights-AGAIN.

The loco nut cases shooting up colleges and doing the senseless killings are making the liberals drunk with the law passing disease instead of resolution to enforce the hundreds of gun laws already on the books.

From what Im reading on this forum-every presidential candidate running that's got a real chance at the White House has a checkered history on gun rights.

I hope that's not the case.
Wow !!, An Electricians mate (submarines) and A Electrnics Tech ( submarines) in the same forum. What are the chances? I hated standeing AEF by the way.
If I'm not mistaken, isn't China part of the axis of evil yet this President continues to fund the Axis by allowing them to acquire our war debt.

Actually, the three countries named were Iraq, Iran, and North Korea.

Include me in that 19% that support Bush.

What would he have to do to lose that support? Is there ANYTHING that would qualify? By support are you just talking about his military decisions or his presidency in its totality?

I've got a huge problem, namely the timeline in when the White House went to Verizon to get them to help them with wiretaps. This was in the Summer of 2001.

In the end though, it isn't snapshot polls (19% or as others indicate 25%+) but history that determines a president's popularity. Until we can have enough distance to view his 8 years and compare them to other presidents, it doesn't really matter what negative thoughts I personally have against him.
What would he have to do to lose that support? Is there ANYTHING that would qualify? By support are you just talking about his military decisions or his presidency in its totality?

Oh, he has done a couple of things I absolutely hate. He's far from perfect. Overall, I agree with him more than I disagree. Of course, I think Nixon did a decent job too. A few presidents on my "really suck" list include Lincoln, Johnson and Clinton.
I would remove Clinton from the list. He didnt really do that much permanent damage, he was spending too much time diddling interns. He was more of a do-nothing president than an actively bad president.
Going back to the original topic, I'd say it's inaccurate to refer to him as the least popular president in history. As has been pointed out above, they weren't all polled for.
But OTOH it is fair to say that he's very unpopular. HillBama's winning campaign ad:
I would remove Clinton from the list. He didnt really do that much permanent damage, he was spending too much time diddling interns. He was more of a do-nothing president than an actively bad president.
I'd have to disagree with that quite a bit.
WJC was more of a "titanic" president. The greatest part of the damage he did was "below the waterline".
The economic blunders he pulled will haunt this country for the next 50 to 100years - if we manage to even survive them at all, without total all out global war.

Carter was pretty bad too.
A lot of our present economic woes go back to his administration.

There are billions and billions of 30 year .gov notes issued during his term that are about ready to hit - may of them have double digit interest rates.
I personally have one that bears a 17 3/4% rate. ,--yes seventeen not seven.

What's so sad anymore is that the majority of the people in this country have the "fast food" "gimme now" "blame the guy that's left holding the bag" attitude. They don't or simply won't understand that, like the wheels of justice truning slow, the wheels of the .gov and it's long term effects trun even slower.
I don't know for sure, but I'd bet Lincoln's poll rating were down in the teens, but I'll bet he rates better these day. Sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees.
I don't know for sure, but I'd bet Lincoln's poll rating were down in the teens, but I'll bet he rates better these day. Sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees.

Which is all well and good if you're content to let the Democrats run everything for the next 150 years.

If you'd like the Republican party to be relavant within the next century, I'd suggest cutting your losses by admitting that he was terrible and resolving to do better. But you know...that's just me...
I am a conservative who voted for Bush twice, but I agree he is the worst president we have had since I started voting in 1980, including Bill Clinton.

Don't feel too bad, the first time I was eligible to vote I voted for Richard Nixon. So, my voting history is not so good, except for Reagan.
Democrats= socialism, republicans=wealthy corporations and selling out America and the american worker ends up s------, sad to say neither party represents me and they simply don't care or too interested in their personal goals of power and wealth to be concerned about this country.:(
If you'd like the Republican party to be relavant within the next century,
Ironic that you'd say that while supporting a candidate with zero relevance to the vast majority of US voters.
I'd suggest cutting your losses by admitting that he was terrible and resolving to do better.
Not going to happen.
Not going to happen.
Obviously. As a result you will lose the white house and suffer further Dem majorities in both houses. All because you refuse to admit that 3 out of every 4 Americans view Dubya somewhat less favorably than you.
The real tragedy is that I lose my rights alongside yours.
Based solely on my personal observations (post-Kennedy)...

As far back as I can remember paying attention to such things, each successive President has been loudly and vehemently declared the most unpopular, worst, etc. President in history.
Slick Willy was the worst by a long shot IMO. Maybe his wife can get in so they can pardon more of their criminal friends.
.rebuild by needlessly sending it into the meat grinder in Iraq.

A meat grinder was Antietam, the Meuse-Argonne, Omaha Beach, Tarawa and Chosin..Iraq is training with live ammo.

You want to oppose Iraq thats fine, but get a sense of historical perspective. The Sioux were tougher opponents for the US military

WildimupearlyAlaska TM