Bug out bag?

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It's pretty clear that people just want a "bag to bug out with" regardless of advice or reason. Run for the hills with your duffel bag, I'll be on my couch, sitting next to my wood stove and all my food and valuables.

A "bug out" bag is for dropping everything and running away to another location so you can hide. Seems very popular in the movies, but non-existent in everyday life. My parents and grandparents never required one, and in my 43 years I haven't yet. I think I'll be ok, and you will be too. Besides, who cant take a few minutes to grab a few items if they have to evac to a hotel? We have the modern convenience of weather stations that tell you days in advance of pending weather troubles and natural disasters. Also, you have the right to refuse to leave too....and yes, plenty of people even during the Katrina flood refused to leave, and were just fine.

It's smart to be prepared, but not smart to let paranoia and movie scenes dictate how you run your life. However, your life is yours and you're free to do what ever it is that makes you happy...
OK, I'm sorry, but I jumped ahead here, just cuase of what the "new England" guy said! I'm really glad you live in paradise! I, on the other hand, live in the country, and will stand my ground during most weather emergency's without a problem! BUT!!!! I am also just south of a nuclear power plant! So WHEN something goes wrong, I might need to get me and mine out of the area, FAST!
Is it possible you just haven't taken a good look around? If this plant goes up, the jet stream is already pointing at you! So have your tea an crumpets, nuclear fall out will look like snow!!! We'll make a post card with a pic of your house!!!
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