Browning Hi-Power: Educate me, please

I was at a local shop today looking for a GP 100 .357, which they didn't have. Just as I was leaving I asked if they had a BHP. The person I was talking to said they might have one at another store, so I asked if they could check. Another clerk overheard us, and went to the back room and brought out a NIB BHP.

It went home for a good wipe down, then directly to the range. I really, really like this gun. Only 100 rounds today, but it just fits my hand like it was made for it.

I was thinking of a 1911 in 9mm, then this thread got me thinking of a BHP instead. So, thank you.
A couple hundred rounds so far and I love everything about this gun. Except the cheesy, cheap case. You'd think they could spend a few cents more to put a $1000 gun a decent case.

I have fairly small hands and don't have any issue with the wood grips. I wouldn't mind if the safety lever was just a tiny bit bigger, though.