Bring Your guns and Pray It doesn't rain Again!! Pennsylvania TFL shoot!!!

Hmm, just trying to figure out logistics.

How far is it from where you park to the line? I have a problem walking so I`ll be bringing my handtruck.

I`m also going to bring my AR. I think I`ll try the 400 yarder.:D Do you guys have enough targets for that? I have life size "thug" targets if anyone wants to combat shoot.

How will we know each other? Is there a spot to look for you?
dinosaur, not very far if you can get a good spot! I would say ummm 50 feet max???

Oh umm how would we know who is from TFL or what?? Just walk up and start asking away... That is what I did when I went up there 2 weeks ago....

So that makes about 10 or so.. Nice!
Yeah Dead walked up and said ARE YOU SODAPOP :)
Dinosaur you can drive right up to the pistol range. If you are there early you can park 10 feet behind the table. We can all pile into my van to drive down range from 100-500yds. If you bring some thug targets Dead and I will help cart the Guns and Ammo for you. I'll probable be the guy with a Soda in one hand and an FAL in the other LOOK FOR ME :D!
Oh and count one more from
The weather looks great for sunday GEOFF DID YOU BACK OUT OR SOMETHING ??? Just kidding!! This should be fun if a bunch of FAL people show up. To this day I have never seen anyone at a rifle range with an FAL. The one and only time I took my FAL to this range everyone asked me what it was.
Have another TFL member that said they are going to be there :D

I am packing my digital camera as I speak (or is that type), and my friend should be bringing theirs also. So we can take LOTS of pictures this time, not just two like last time ;)

dinosaur, yeah there will be plenty of help to carry things there if you need it. (As long as you dont bring an eighteen wheeler FULL of stuff ;) )