Bring Your guns and Pray It doesn't rain Again!! Pennsylvania TFL shoot!!!

I never fired an M1Carbine so you better show Darogue. Plus your Uncle's SAR will fit in nice. And I have my "TRAILER PARK AR" with me.
What is a "TRAILER PARK AR"??? I would guess you mean a Mini-14?? Those are nice :)

I am still working some people over to see if they will come out for this. I some people that live right down 309 that might come out????
I never heard anyone call a Mini 14 a Trailer Park AR until Darogue told me. I'm still waiting for him to start a Thread over at the Rifle Forum with that title. Maybe after a few of you guys witness a 2MOA Mini 14 next week I'll post something. I'm going to see if I can hit paper at 400yds next week with mine. I have to do some reloading first though.

I'm wondering what happened to everyone nobody responded to my June 10th date. I wonder if everyone got the email? Dead and Geoff did you guys get an email from me last week about the new date? Or did you just see the new Thread here?
I got both of the emails that you sent SodaPop.

I did not reply as I already said I would be out at the next meet, before the last one ended :D Hopefully I can get a few others to come out with me this time.
Yes I got the E Mail.

Like I said I'm not coming so that the other guys will come. I know they haven't come because I am there so if I din't show up they will be there. :rolleyes:

OK, how about a 400 yd shot with iron sights with my AR:) I believe I can do it if the target is a man sized silouette (one of those pistol targets the IDPA guys use). I hope somebody has a good scope, my scope is useless beyond 200 yds, need good glass to spot the rounds.

Geoff Ross
Ok well I'll email a few people this week and try and get word. Geoff you better come out!!!!!!!!! I am going to try and pick up a few big targets for the 400-500yd shooting.
I can try to get some targets!!! Hmmmm Wonder how much watermellons are right now??? :D Been trying to call my freind to see if I can crash at her place, but line is busy damn it!! I should never have fixed her internet! ;)

Oh yeah one of my friends is coming out!! I had to let them borrow one of my toys though (AK Baby for them).

Soda what time do you think you will be out on the range by??? We will most likely be spending Saturday night there so we can make it pretty early!!! :D

P.S. More SAR's this time, not to mention a M1 also! :)

I think I better buy more ammo though, I am running low on that 5.45x39 stuff...
I am going to get there around 11am. I actually forget what time the range opens on Sundays. I think its 9am most of the time but sunday it might be later. I love this range because you can do so much there. I got my FAL back a few days ago so thats coming up with me. FAL,Mini 14, SKS, Colt 1991A1, Beretta 92FS and maybe my Model 70 again. I just did 300rds for the Mini so I'll probable do most of my shooting with that and the FAL. I'm going to email a few people right now just because I haven't heard from anyone.
SodaPop, think they would let us shoot some watermellons on the range?? I could see if I could find some out in Quakertown on my drive in :D
I kinda got the impression that the range would not approve of Watermelons. They seem to like to keep the place neat and orderly. Rotting fruit would not help their image among the old fart Sporting Clays Crowd.

Better ask first, and we would have to clean up afterward.

Although watermelons would be fun:)

Geoff Ross
Hope the weather holds. Anyone planning on goin even if it rains? Is there a place to shoot "combat" shotgun? Marcus
What do you mean Combat shotgun? There is a shotgun range and a pistol range you could shoot shotguns at. I think its safe to say Geoff,Dead and I will show up even if WWIII breaks out. I told everyone in the last thread the Rifle range is covered pretty well and you won't get wet. Well Guess what WE DIDN'T GET WET!! I think the weather is looking good as far as what the Weather man is saying. I'll be there with my FAL rain or shine. Even my Uncle backed out of going last time. SHEEEEESH
I meant non skeet shotgun,ya know buckshot and such. :) Some places frown at buckshot on pistol ranges. Well, cool that`s one more toy to bring. I just wish I had more ammo and or more money for ammo. ;) Well I`ll be there with my a few pistols,a carbine and a shotgun at least. Marcus
I'll be there with one of my friend's, we are heading out there Friday Night/Saturday afternoon.. Staying at my freind's again.... She is making PIE for me, Damn can she cook! :D

Ok I need to get up sooooooonnnn 5:30am ugh I am Dead.

OH YEAH SodaPop, you think they would allow us to shot at Milk Jugs full of water??? Good "kaboom" effect and VERY easy to clean up... Wonder if we could see a hit on one of those @ 500 with 30-06 HPs???

I know a 10ga Slug @ 20yards or so does it in.

[Edited by Dead on 06-06-2001 at 12:13 PM]
Sounds like fun, and I always wanted to try something longer than 200 yards. Problem is my eyesight sucks anymore, I'd be lucky if I could the target that far !

Ballons are the way to go ! Can't see that being a problem for them since they are easy enough to clean up afterwards.

I thought I had been to that range before, but it doesn't look like I remembered ? The handgun area is covered ? Did they do some renovation there lately ?
Shotguns and Pistols

OK !

The pistol range is not covered. It also had a sign that shotguns were NOT allowed on the pistol range. Just thought I would warn you folks.

The shotgun range next to the pistol range is a 5 stand, clay target range.

If you guys want to shoot buck maybe we can set up something on the rifle range, that would make more sense.

Geoff Ross