Bring Your guns and Pray It doesn't rain Again!! Pennsylvania TFL shoot!!!

Jamie Young

New member
Since it we had such bad weather today The shoot is going to be moved ahead two weeks to Sunday June 10th. Let me know what you all think about that date?
4 of us showed up , very nice site,yes it rained...
slowed some but never stopped raining. had fun anyway
dead brought the most toys..... love that SAR.

100 yd pistol was a real test for me... failed it misarably
but was good fun.... love that SAR

rms/pa you missed my 300yd shot with my Model 70!!! I got a lot done even though it was bad weather. I hope you can make the next shoot even though you said you didn't think you could.
Soda yeah that shot was nice!!! I guess a few more poeple are getting SAR's soon now huh??? They are pretty sweet, and hell of of lotta fun! I will send the pictures, yes all two of them, that I took. I will be out here from the next shoot on the 10th. Hopefully it will be better weather! I will bring more stuff to the next one :)
Yes SAR's are sweet guns!! I think I can go over to the Rifle Forum and post some opinions on the 5.45x39 round now. I'm going to bring everything I own with me, and the 700rds of 45acp that I never got to shoot. Next time I'm gonna set up a clay at 500yds and blow the #$@! out of it! Actually I think I'll bring some balloons up and shoot them. I wanted to do more shooting with my Mini 14 but I ran out of ammo. And I forgot to bring my SKS :(
I'll have to miss it, as we'll be packing to move from Indiana to Bucks County, PA that weekend. Maybe next time,
I'd like to meet some shooters in the area.
Ok I'll I have to bring more SAR's next time, Fun little round that 5.45x39. When I get home tomorrow(today), I'll post those pics. I also got one of my friend's saying they will come out to the next shoot, as long as I let them bring their baby.... :D

I gotta remember to bring a shell deflector for that SAR, or use the end o the line.

I just saw Peral Harbor at the Regal in Quakertown WOW long movie started at 10:30, just got in. Damn good too!

Oh yeah remind me to get a shell deflector for that SAR!!! I killed Soda's Soda with a 5.45 shell casing!!!!!
Yeah thats right, My Coke can was an innocent bystander and got wacked with a 5.45x39 shell for no good reason. It is a good idea to bring a shell deflector, especially if a lot of people are there.
I can`t believe I missed this thread! Good thing for me it rained today. ;) June 10th is good for me, count me in. :) Marcus
Good Training!

Getting showered with SAR 2 brass while trying to shoot . Found brass (or is it steel?) in my sweater afterwards. Curse you Dead, now I'll have to get an SAR 2;)

Can't understand why only four of us showed up. The range was covered and shooting was quite pleasant. ARs and AKs are made to function in the rain.

We had the range to ourselves. Very nice layout, all the way out to 500 yds:eek:

Bring your Shotguns next time, they have a new 5 stand next to the pistol range:)

I'm beginning to think I am a jinx, bad weather every time Soda plans one of these shoots. If I promise not to come will you guys show up?

Geoff Ross
NO Geoff you better come! I actually liked shooting in the rain. I shot my 22magnum 200yds and shot a 7inch group. Not too bad for a gun thats not suppose be able hit anything that far out, especially in the rain. You should put a scope your AR Geoff so you can shoot out to 300-500yds. I'm going to bring some balloons next time for 300,400 and 500yds.

Now you have to get a SAR2, and return the favor with all that steel I dumped on you :) ( has them @ $240 ea. still). Ok now on to the pics!! (Yes all two of them)

Here is one of the range, it doesnt do it justice!

Here is one of SodaPop. (Note his can of Coke before I took it out, with a spent 5.45 caseing)
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June 10 could have been perfect for me. A sunday,my weekend off aah. Now wait what are these...... advanced tickets to WWII weekend at the airfield in Reading. It just is not fair.---DAROGUE1
I wish Sat.......

I would go on Sat but I work night shift friday night and it is too late to ask for a day off. Also going with a bunch of people on sunday. If I could have gone Sat it would have been an excellent weekend I'm sure of that! Yea my uncle has a SAR in 7.62x39 but we haven't shot it yet. Shoot strait-----DAROGUE1

We are their late for the most part, we left at ummm 6pm when it was RAINING!! So show up! :)

[Edited by Dead on 05-31-2001 at 01:09 PM]