Bought a copy of Braveheart

What Id been able to find in various books id read concerning blkbeard was that they were not sure of his ancestry or name. That even the name Edward Teach while attritbuted to him and used by him as an alias was questionable as his true identity, and yea he died off the coast there and I would like to check out that museum there...fubsy.
Since this thread continues, let me toss in a couple more points:
1. It is rather too bad the movie did not track the probable reality more closely. I think it still would have made a great movie.
2. Visit Stirling someday, if you can, and if you find this movie interesting. Do a search on the Declaration of Arbroath - the Scottish declaration of independence in effect - some inspiring statements. And, Stirling, Bannockburn and Falkirk are all within a stone's throw of each other. You can even hike on the Abbey Craig - the mountain where Wallace and his men probably hid in 1297 before they decended upon the English on the Stirling battlefield. And, visit the Wallace monument. They even have an exhibit including what they claim is his sword.

Still, it pains me that the Scottish sense of freedom apparently either died, or simply moved to the U.S. They are such a sad bunch of socialists now ...

ps - check this out as well re: William Wallace: .

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited August 20, 1999).]
I was stationed in scotland for 18 or 19 months, close to alittle town called Edsel.
The socialist mentality you speak of does indeed exist. Inspite of that i found the people wonderful, there is still at the time I was there an undercurrent of resentment towards the english, and the condition most Scott's that I knew felt, that was that the english regarded them as second class citizens. Stuff like the scottish bank notes not as acceptable as the english notes...etc., I never experienced it personally but I do remember it being discussed. The country side was beautiful, the weather almost always damp, or cold or both. I had the opportunity to participate in local tug of wars and to visit the hi-land games twice while I was there and each time they were great festive occasions. The train system was convinent, and for me the old ruins and castles were the best--I went to edinborough and climbed up that hill to the castle and took a tour through it, and visited the local ruins close by.......I wouldnt mind going back to visit, but I couldnt stay, Id miss my country....fubsy.
The Scottish sense of freedom move to America after many left or were driven out after the English victory at Culluden(sp). It seems many people of Scottish decent were perhaps the best fighters we had during the long war for American Independence. The frontiers people were heavily Scots decent and it is a fact that these people enmasse were supporters of the Revolutionary cause. Since only a small percentage of colonists were for independence, all of us owe the people of Scottish decent a great big thanks . They were powerhouse pro Revolutionaries. It is a great tragedy of European history that the Europeans, the Covenant Race from olde Isrealite-Aryan -Phonecian stock, constantly have been at war with each other. But they were fighting under Moses with each other,but civilization was spread even into Europeby these great peoples(Hellenes, Latins, Kelts, Slavs, and Germanic peoples all decended from one root race of Isrealite, Aryan - Phonecian stock;the Adamic Race. The Book,"Tracing our Ancestors", by Frederick Haberman, will show the stupidity of us all in fighting and bickering over which European peoples are superior. But true research has a hard time being heard . Hardly anyone knows that the Phonecians are the ancestors of the Keltic peoples of Britain as one example of supressed history:either by ignorance or design.
I expect the Scots use of French to be Anti- English, an extention of the English-French rivalries as in French Letter vs. English Letter.

Better days to be,

Just remember some lowland Scots were protestants and loyal to the English for a variety of reasons. Also 50% of the Irish in America were and are protestants.
It's not a simple good vs bad.
This reminds of the current politically correct view of Australian history ie that whites were bad all the time and aboriginals were always good.