Body armor considerations: Poll, how many wear body armor?

The clay examples are impressive, but they are against a solid backstop.

A human wearing a vest and shot in the torso will likely suffer broken ribs or bruised organs, but will likely be able to return fire.

I watched a video of a US soldier, a medic in fact, standing next to his HumVEE. On the video he took a 7.62 to the chest. His armor (heavier than mine, but also a significantly heavier bullet) absorbed it. It knocked him back a step, and he took cover behind the Humvee and returned fire.

He had bruising to his chest (maybe some cracked ribs, I don't remember) but that vest absolutely saved his life and he was able to function just fine. It's rather cool video.

Downscaling both the armor and caliber, if one were shot with a handgun load covered by civilian armor, one could still function.

Ask any cop and he'll agree.
There are generally about 15,000 firearm related homicides annually in the US. I don't know the figure, but I am willing to bet there are significantly more gunshot wounds to the torso that were near fatal and left the victims hospitalized with permanent or long term injuries.

I have ZERO idea how many are gang related, pistol related, and rifle related. However, my GUESS is that most of these people that were shot did not expect it, were probably shot with a small caliber pistol, and were probably shot in the torso -- which by the way are all preventable for $500 and some daily discomfort. I bet every one of them would pony up the $500 for a vest if they could go back.

Since most of us carry, we tend to think that the world is violent and filled with BGs, some with guns.

I think it particularly naive, no offense grandpa, to think that you have to live in a poor neighborhood or go looking for crime. The fact is that crime sometimes finds you, no matter where you are.

Wearing, in my opinion, only makes sense.
Since most of us carry, we tend to think that the world is violent and filled with BGs, some with guns.

sSince you are a lawyer you should realize how weak post hoc ergo propter hoc statements like that one are.

PS...I'm pretty happy in my world which is a nice place. I dont cruise the streets of south central LA at night, nor go to sleazy bars, nor hang around dope dealers, nor have extensive contact with the criiminal element...neither do you I reckon.

Therefore I dont need body armor.

Taking it to its rediculous extremes, maybe we need armoured vehicles.

Anything can be taken to the extreme, of course.

I don't see readily available and relatively cheap bullet resistent armor to protect most of my vitals, which is also light, flexible and easy to use and barely noticable, particularly in light of the fact that I carry a gun and expect that I may need to one day use it -- which by itself REQUIRES the threat of deadly force on the part of another (read, sometimes a handgun), as excessive.

And I'm a bad lawyer because I type run-ons like the above too :)
I am not only not naive, I also have not purchased stock in a tinfoil manufacturer. I have a rather long lifetime of experience to draw upon. (Many years as LE in a major city)

In a country of 300 million people I have yet to witness, while in my normal civilian day to day life, a gun battle or violent assault. I have also never seen an auto accident occur directly in my presence. There are more auto accidents happening randomly just about anyplace you can drive an auto, and some where you should not, than there are violent acts with firearms. In addition, some firearm and weapon activity can pretty much be predicted to occur in certain places, while auto accidents generally cannot. Whether you want to admit it or not, much violence can be avoided by being prudent. To think otherwise is actually naive.

IE: It's really pretty safe and boring out there on the fruited plain.

Having said all that, I think spending time thinking about, purchasing and actually wearing body armor while being an ordinary citizen is grounds for taking a month long vacation in, say, Key West, where there are naked women (and men if you're so inclined) and a lot of drinking establishments as well as opportunity to fish, boat, or dive, to say nothing about the great food and weather.

Life is too short and sweet to be obsessing about your personal safety so much. You are also confirming the notion that the anti's have; that we're all nuts. I have been going to KW for about 10 years now where just about every critter that has been known to breathe, and some that are questionable, seem to congregate. I've not been robbed, shot nor been offered the opportunity to be sexually attacked (although I'm still hoping for this one) and have not seen the need to wear much else than my Keen sandals, shorts and a raggedy t-shirt with pictures of guns on it that says "Celebrate Diversity".


PS: 106 posts in 5 days? Man, your motor is in overdrive and you really, really need to relax....or better yet, you need to come over and mow my lawn, wash n wax the car, paint the house and maybe re-roof it while your at it. Just kiddin, dude. We like to joke here a bit, too.
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Aw heck, let him be.

We all have our plans and thoughts on what to do if this or that happens. He wants to wear body armour, that is his choice.

Me, I own it and the reason that I own it (besides it was free) is if the time comes when I need it, it's not going to be a good day (you know what I'm talking about).

I've got a trunk full of stuff where I can set up a tent city, surgical unit, and sustain about 4 people for a couple of weeks, up to and including hot food. Many will say that is to the extreme, but over all the years, that is my BOB. Even if I could only take the hikers rack, I could do the same for about 3 days and still do all the above.

He has just gone that extra step to use his tools on a regular basis. Most of us that have, have chosen not to do the same. As we shouldn't dismiss or ridicule his choices on his personal safety, he shouldn't do the same with ours.

The important thing is this, at least we all have a plan, something that thousands of people didn't and it didn't fair well for them :(.

No offense meant for the "naive" comment. I think we can agree it's an unpredictable and violent world. I should have rephrased that comment.


Do you wear your seatbelt and would you even if it was legal to not wear it? Deadly auto accidents are rare when you factor the sheer number of autos, the volume of cars, and the HOURS you have spent in them. I've never personally witnessed a deadly car accident.

Do you have fire or theft insurance? Odds are you probably will never be the victim of a fire or theft from your home. I've never witnessed a home fire or witnessed a burglary.

Do you carry a gun? Odds are you'll never need to use it.

We do alot of precautionary things on a daily basis.

Do you have an emergency evacuation plan or a BOB? Needing such will be highly unlikely, but many have them.

The answer, for me, is yes to all of the above. Despite the odds, it has to happen to somebody. And I personally have been burgled and had two handguns stolen, so I know there are at least two illegal handguns in my city in the wrong hands.

I agree that average "people" may think I"m a nut for wearing a vest as a mild mannered civilian, and I don't advertise that I wear a vest or carrry a gun. However, I also really don't care what the average population thinks because they won't survive in situations that I will. And, the most important rule is, "He who lives the longest, wins."
However, I also really don't care what the average population thinks because they won't survive in situations that I will.

Yeah unless you get headshot...

Funny, the last two murders in Anchorage were head shots :D

I don't begrudge it to others, but personally can't imagine wearing a vest unless there were some clear and present danger, which for me there is none...
I've got the headshots covered too. I had a 2 gallon bucket lined with IIIA kevlar and have small eye slits carved in the side, and have a full head harness system to make it comfortable and stays in place.

For those who think I"m serious, I am joking :)
I personally do not wear a vest, but I do own one for the SHTF/Mutant Zombie scenario.

However I did wear a 'stab' vest every day when I was working security in the inner city areas, and 'bouncing' at the local bars at night. It saved my bacon more than once in the barroom.....never needed it on the crime-ridden streets though.....funny that....