Bob Barr Enters Presidential Race as Libertarian

Will you consider voting for Bob Barr for President?

  • Yes

    Votes: 64 45.4%
  • No

    Votes: 77 54.6%

  • Total voters


New member
Bob Barr has officially entered the presidential race as a Libertarian. The former Republican says that important conservative issues are being ignored by the other candidates in the race.

If you consider yourself a conservative or a republican, or if you typically vote for republicans, will you consider voting for Bob Barr in November?

My answer is, yes, I will consider voting for him because I already know a bit about him, and I like his conservative credentials. Voting for the lesser of two evils is not something I do. I typically vote for the most conservative candidate in the race. It seems to me that Bob Barr is the most conservative of the candidates.
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I would love to see him use this as leverage to beccome McCain's VEEP. If he was serious about a run he would have started at least 6 months ago.
Sorry, while I agree he is more conservative than McCain, McCain still has the best shot at beating Hillibama...until I feel confident that Barr could, likely never to happen, I will not jump ship.
agree he is a spoiler

he sat back and rather than attempting to be a viable candidate over the past year he waits till now to proclaim his intent.

I truly believe there is a need for a third party. However I want that to be a party that actually commits and does not simply show up now and then to say they are here. When the libertarians make an honest attempt to go through the entire process I'd support them with my vote. As things are now I'd rather not vote for any candidate than simply vote libertarian to foster the spoiler faction.
If he does get in the race, the most interesting aspect of his decision will be to watch how John McCain and the Country Club republicans deal with his entry into the race. That might give us a very clear look into their ideology.
Not unexpected...nature abhors a vacuum.

McCain to conservatives: "Who the hell else you gonna vote for?"

If McCain hadn't sat back, rather than actually attempting to court the conservative bloc, this predictable result wouldn't have occurred. Face it, McCain will probably nominate a vp more liberal than himself, in an attempt to gather the disaffected Hillary voters.

Well, at least the republican whiners will have another whipping boy to flog, besides Ron Paul, for the next four years. ;) Maybe this will set the stage for a truly viable republican ticket in 2012. :p
On the issues, I support someone like Barr over McCain.

But I can't see splitting the conservative vote between McCain and Barr to allow Obama into the White House. Which is what will probably happen.

Better buy your guns now, because I'd bet money that we're getting Obama, a semi-auto ban, and a gun a month law. Maybe even a limited handgun ban.

Let's just hope those with current CCW permits are grandfathered in when we get the federal ban.
IMHO.....Most GOP voters are band wagon voters.......they do not vote based on principle...(if they did...McCain/RINO would NEVER be considered) they vote based on fear/lesser of two evils/"security"/partyline, even if RINO......and that is why the party is a mess.

again IMHO
"IMHO.....Most GOP voters are band wagon voters.......they do not vote based on principle...(if they did...McCain/RINO would NEVER be considered) they vote based on fear/lesser of two evils/"security"/partyline, even if RINO......and that is why the party is a mess."

I have been a Republican for 50 years. The Republican party started on their down hill slide when the so-called "moral majority" got involved: Then it got much worse. I've voted lesser of two evils for my last time: Tired of all the feel good party line crap that is devoid of substance.

If Barr is the Libertarian candidate he has my vote. No Republican candidate will get my vote this election year. Jim Inhofe and Tom Cole can go pound sand.
I have no party to belong to the Dems went north and now the reps have went north. They left me I am a consersitive and the Consistution is my guide line so I have nowhere to turn yet in this election.
tony pasley
I have no party to belong to the Dems went north and now the reps have went north. They left me I am a consersitive and the Consistution is my guide line so I have nowhere to turn yet in this election.

Give some thought to Bob Barr. He has good conservative credentials. Watch this hannity and colmes segment where Hannity tries to attack barr. Barr gives as good as he gets. He's a smart man. Makes a lot of sense.

Alley Kat
There are a lot of conservative nobodies about. I ain't voting for any of them. MY only choice is McCain.

So, you choose to vote for a liberal instead of a conservative? Why?