Bleeding and Plastic

Semi problematic wrote:
What is your expert opinion on how to properly use a flashlight and shotgun to identify a target without pointing a loaded gun at someone?

Not that I would use something like this, and I have never seen one like I describe below, but I suppose someone could rig up a light attached to their shotgun, that swiveled and had a spring and or detente built into it, so you could swivel it to say a 45 degree angle with the fore end holding hand without taking your hand completely off the fore end of the shotgun, then firmly grasp the forend of the gun again, and then somehow (maybe via just a flick of a finger) you could instantly make the light spring back in line with the barrel. In that way you could identify the target without actually pointing the barrel at it, yet in a split second, have the barrel and light aligned and on target if necessary. Something like that, a mini, spring loaded, swiveling spotlight. It's either that or you chance pointing the shotgun at a target you aren't quite sure of yet and keep your finger off the trigger.....but real close to the trigger just in case. Myself, I figure if I'm concerned enough to be stalking around in the dark, then something has made me concerned and it isn't a member of my family creating my concern. So I wouldn't be too concerned about pointing my light and barrel at whatever it was that had caused my concern in the first place. I don't have to function the trigger if the target isn't an immediate threat, and I'm not concerned that I might cause consternation in the mind of the target by my pointing the barrel at whatever the target was that shouldn't be there that caused my concern in the first place.

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What is your expert opinion on how to properly use a flashlight and shotgun to identify a target without pointing a loaded gun at someone?

I'm no expert, and I don't use my shotgun for house clearing ..... neither of mine is handy enough for the tighter corners ..... I'd use my pistol .... mostly because I need to have one hand free for the phone or flashlight.

If I'm sure someone is in the house that should not be, the second tool I'm grabbing is the phone, to call the Cavalry from the Sherriff's Office. I can dial that in the dark ...... flashlight is next down the list.

All this Tacticool Operator House Clearing fantasy stuff ...... you go right ahead.

The most likely bump in the night 'round here is my daughter fighting her pillow in her sleep .....
Jimbob, I'm pretty sure I stated how my shotgun is set-up and why... If not reread that post you partially quoted. :D ANNNNND like you, I'd use my pistol...which again, was stated in that post you partially quoted.

However, I wouldn't need a phone or a flashlight as (again) previously stated I have an alarm and leave the kitchen light on. I have a very open floor plan and from my bedroom door I can see most everything but the laundry room door...which opens out back where my two large dogs live. The sherriff came by last year after an older lady was shot in her home and asked if I owned guns. I said "yes" and he said "good, keep it loaded and use it, as we will not be able to respond soon enough". Or something to that nature.

Does adding a flashlight mount make it tacticool? For some reason I think you're imagining some monstrosity mossberg created (like the zmb chainsaw) and I'm still imagining a shotgun like the OP stated...a synthetic stock 12 gauge...
Everybody's situation is a little different, and what is best or highly useful in one situation might be nothing but extra weight and drag in another.

I have rifles, carbines, shotguns and handguns. My rifles and carbines are of only limited use in a home defense situation, and even more so at night. The advantage to a rifle is range, and that is something of very limited use in a civilian defensive situation.

Remember that I'm not a cop, no longer a soldier (not for decades), and as a simple private citizen, I'm only justified in shooting someone if there is an immediate threat. And its tough to justify shooting someone at rifle distances as necessary defensive shooting. Count on it, that at some point, if you shoot someone, the authorities will become involved (you should.."invite" them, at the earliest practical moment, looks bad if you don't), and if they find you dropped someone 60yds from the house with you AR/AK/Win thutty-thutty, etc., they are going to be asking some tough questions...

SO, home defense is shotgun/handgun range thing. Next comes how you plan to handle it. Several have mentioned house clearing/sweeping, and that's fine, for you. I'm not going to bother. My situation allows me that luxury.

Old, fat, lazy, high drag, low speed operator here. Small house, in the country, yard light (yes, xtra $15 a month), and nothing of any serious value on my property that isn't visible from the windows, even at night. Have a small dog (0 points defensive value, but a good alarm system, and proven).

SO, neither the wife, nor I am inclined to go out and find trouble. My defensive shotgun(s) are for repelling boarders, not offensive action. Win Model 12 with a riot length barrel (no I didn't cut it, I found it that way at a gun show, checked it for legal length - both ways- and took it home). Holds 6 all up, so I don't feel a need for an extended mag tube. Wife's gun is a Joe Biden special (although we had it long before he recommended such), a 12 ga double barrel, coach gun. And yes, we both have enough sense to not just "shoot it in the air off the back porch (the VP's other recommendation :eek:)).

On an average day (or night) a deputy is available in 20-30minutes. Our plan, should it ever be needed, is to hunker down, call for help and repel boarders if needed. I'm quite confident that anyone we take a serious exception to will leave, rapidly, under their own power, or the body will eventually be carried out.

If you think a gun with a light, heat shield, folding stock, pistol grip, extended mag, ammo carrier, can opener and pez dispenser on it is a useful thing to you, then by all means have one and enjoy it. Just don't look down on me and mine because we choose something else.
There are no street lights where I live and the house is really dark at night because we keep the blinds closed. So, we have LED nightlights stategically placed throught the house - mainly,so I don't fall over the dog when I get up at night.

However, the LED nightlights provide enough light to ID someone so, I don't have my FN SLP decked out with lights & other stuff. I figure the 7 shots from the SLP will delay someone enough for my wife to shoot them with the .44 Special revolver or the .45 ACP 1911 we keep in the nightstands.

As for stocks - I just keep whatever comes from the factory. Polymer on the FN, wood on the Beretta, etc.
On the other hand, there is a strong instinctive tendency to use that weapon mounted light to see things with, and that means pointing a loaded weapon at them.

I don't have a set of night vision goggles to wear, so a light is good. If I have the light pointed at someone the barrel is pointed as well, And yes that is a gun light on the mag tube under the barrel.

