Black Powder Revolver for Deer Hunting

I've seen some published where Pyrodex P loads actually ran a little faster. I put 35 grains in my '60 army. Good accuracy as well. I use the Ox-yoke wads too.

For those who may search and read the thread and wish to know the velocity of an 18 inch barreled Remington cap and ball revolving carbine, I chronographed mine today:

35 grains of 3F powder (of a locally-made powder very simiilar to Goex in power)
and a .454 round ball weighing 140 grains (lee mold) at ten feet:
= 1243 fps
40 grains = 1305 fps
colt walker

I've been able to get 60 grs of powder into my walker.Thats the same as a 45/60 more than enough for deer
double rifle

If you really want an awesome double rifle.I had one made from a sxs 16ga pinfire shotgun.I had it lined with a fast twist bore so I can shoot sabots.Wasn't that difficult to have made and not all that expensive.
DJ Worm-
That .50 cal Ruger sounds like the ultimate. Wow.
I don't think I'm gonna spend the $3500 to get one of my own right now, but if I ever win the lottery it's on the wish list.

If the OP is still around, I agree with the others that a normal B.P. revolver doesn't sound like it will fit the scenario you've laid out. However, what if you used it first? If a group of does walks up 20 feet away, you could shoot the first one with the revolver when you have a calm shot, and then use your rifle after the others pause 50 or 75 yards out.

If you hunt from a stand (or aren't walking too far), another option is to take two rifles. I've done it. Just keep the second one leaned up against a tree or slung on your shoulder ready to go. Heck, 'round here the shops have racks full of used muzzle loaders for $100- you could bring half a dozen of 'em up in the stand if ya wanted to.

If ya just like the revolver, that's cool, but single shot pistols are available in .50, .54, and even .58 caliber. A pair of 'em might be a more effective combo.

In centuries past, a hunting sword, hanger, or Hirschfänger were standard equipment for delivering the coup de grâce. I've finished off plenty of critters with a short sword, and it still works today, with less meat damage than another shot.
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With an energetic powder a Colt Army, Remington NMA, or similar is plenty for deer, especially if a boolit is used. These aren't unlike a mid size muzzleloader's ball at 125 yds where they are well known for producing complete passthroughs on broadside deer.
I killed 2 Mule Deer bucks with a Ruger Old Army back in 1972 and 1973. I used a Lee conical bullet of 220 grains and a full charge of 3F.
4652201R was the number.
Power is about the same as a 45 ACP I think. Maybe a bit faster, but not much.
It worked. one was shot at about 20 yards and the other at about 35 yards.

Neither deer dropped at the shot, but neither made it more than about 30 yards either. It killed them about like a good hit from a broad head on an arrow.
Sounds about right. Swiss has been around for centuries. T7 just since the 90's or the late 80's at the earliest. Pyrodex wasn't even around in 72.
But was Swiss imported here then. Seems I read something a couple of years ago that Swiss hadn't really been available until maybe a couple of decades ago.
You may be right. The first powder I bought in 69 was Dupont and sometime in the early 70's I switched to Hogdon which was made in Scotland.
What powder were you using? I'm guessing it wasn't Swiss or Triple 7 (were they even available then?).

Pretty sure they weren't needed back then, since we still had plenty of other high quality sporting grade powders (like Swiss) available. I have some old partial cans of DuPont on the shelf.
In the late 60s and early 70s I used some DuPont and some Gehart Owen,(I think that's how it was spelled) but I also made my own when the supply's dried up.
BP vs Deer

I have a hunting buddy who routinely takes hogs with a BP revolver.

As others have said, you must be capable of putting that ball where it will kill humanely.

If not, forget the BP revolver.
"you must be capable of putting that ball where it will kill humanely.

If not, forget the BP revolver."


In fact if we can't put a bullet where it will kill humanely, we should go to a shooting range, or somewhere to train and practice, so we can become proficient with any weapon we use, and don't go hunting. We owe that to the game we hunt.

Isn't shot placement important with any type of hunting?! I have set up many Walkers/Dragoons that are specifically used for hunting. This thread reads like a slingshot would almost be better!

Next suggestion will be a "proof of proficiency" test . . . . . !

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