Bigfoot Permits?

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Careful Carl, you are proving Geezerbiker's point.

I read that as a harmless, tongue in cheek way to raise some additional money for the state fish and game department.

Seems to me that a government could be doing a lot of worse things than this, which has been amply displayed recently.

Exactly. This is akin to Nevada's legislature promoting the UFO angle with their designation of the Extreterrestrial Highway. Washington passed a law making it illegal to kill bigfoot which seemed to again be a tourist ploy, drawing a lot of attention to the state, but also a safety measure to keep people from getting shot by whacko hunters of bigfoot who want to actually want to bag the mythical beast.
I remain open minded but doubtful about Big Foot and a few other things like UFOs.

Carl Sagan once said something like "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." Show me something more than easily faked pictures and casts of foot prints and you'll have my attention.

In the meantime I'm going to get my .17 Hornet sighted in to shoot gray digger ground squirrels. I don't need to prove they exist but rather they exist were I plan to hunt them...

First of all I do not see where the claim is so extraordinary. I guess there are two kinds of scientist, those that explore the unknown and those that will only explore what is in front of them. I believe there are millions of unknowns in this world. But each to his own.

Here is a list that may interest those that Do Believe in finding new species. I am sure many will debunk them, but that is fine. Maybe they are just made up.

13 fascinating animal species discovered in the last decade, from the 'Wakanda' fish to the world's tiniest frog
So the OK legislature, through their efforts, will be helping generate a lot of money off of people like you, Carl. They will sell licenses and they will generate a lot of bigfoot tourism by true believers. The best part is that a lot of their advertising will be 100% free.

I honestly don't know how you could even begin to suggest there are no bigfoot in Oklahoma as you did above. You may not know this, but there are apparently two kinds of scientist, those that explore the unknown and those that will only explore what is in front of them.
Both Sasquatch and mountain lions have been sighted here in Maine, I have a picture somewhere and I'll see if I can find it.

Found it!



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I think Bigfoot is something folks want to believe in. Like the Loch Ness Monster, Yeti and Champ. All have been around almost as long as written history. IMHO, for there to be Bigfoots around that long there needs to be a a breeding population. Having a breeding population around means dead Bigfoots and remains. While once there were areas in our country where people didn't spend much time, between the new age avid outdoors folks we have and trail cameras.....I see little evidence of them being around. Yet, like Roswell, I want to believe.
I think Bigfoot is something folks want to believe in. Like the Loch Ness Monster, Yeti and Champ. All have been around almost as long as written history. IMHO, for there to be Bigfoots around that long there needs to be a a breeding population. Having a breeding population around means dead Bigfoots and remains. While once there were areas in our country where people didn't spend much time, between the new age avid outdoors folks we have and trail cameras.....I see little evidence of them being around. Yet, like Roswell, I want to believe.
I am sure there are people like that. For sure there are people who want to believe in a higher Being even though no proof exist. Why, a number of reasons. Fear of death, coping with life, desire for miracles etc. Some folks believe in buried treasures and seek to find them as a example. Some people believe in ghost and other super naturals, some believe in luck.
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Animal in the film was female. You can see their pictures of the Mammary Glands.
I saw that on TV late at night. She pulled up her wet T-shirt and shook those beauties! I think she may have been intoxicated. I would take her hunting.
I am sure there are people like that. For sure there are people who want to believe in a higher Being even though no proof exist. Why, a number of reasons. Fear of death, coping with life, desire for miracles etc. Some folks believe in buried treasures and seek to find them as a example. Some people believe in ghost and other super naturals, some believe in luck.
That got philosophical (and a jot confrontational) out of nowhere... ;)

The belief in anything, however grounded in evidence or not, is why most of us do what we do. From the belief in a higher power sending me to church, to the belief in tasty venison sending me into the woods, the decision, based on experiential or non-experiential belief, usually supersedes the requisite of proof.

Invoke the requisite of proof, and life slows down the speed of the scientific process. Not my cup of tea :rolleyes:
That got philosophical (and a jot confrontational) out of nowhere...

Except for the part about buried treasure. People actually do find buried treasure and with some regularity. There have been a lot of notable finds over the year. Unlike Bigfoot, there is plenty of proof of buried treasure. Of course, there are a lot of quacks who have so-called maps and claims to mythical treasure, but there is some actual buried treasures.
I thought susquatch was debunked as overweight and older Seattle former single mothers who could not pay rent, and went to live in the bush.
The down side is: the limit is one, the meat is no good, and you have to pack out the carcass.
Sounds like a revenue generation scheme to me. Might as well throw in chupacabra, mothman, werewolfs. Leave the skinwalkers alone. Skinwalkers are people too and killing one is homicide!

BTW, I've heard from three different sources about bigfoot in my area in Southern Coloradostan. Screams, rocks thrown in the air, big branches being s broken, primitive shelters/territory marking. Dunno if it's true, but it's fun to hear about it.
I am sure there will be a few dimwits that actually spend their money on a license. Not very flattering to OK law makers. Seems they would be focusing their energies to serious issues of which there are many now and worst to come.

If I were an OK resident and the permit wasn't too expensive, I would probably get one just to frame.
I thought susquatch was debunked as overweight and older Seattle former single mothers who could not pay rent, and went to live in the bush.

No, they move into tents under the freeway. Next time I drive through I can send you a picture.

To add to the discussion, Washington made it illegal to kill bigfoot in 1984. Just 4 years after Mt St Helens eruption. Several years later some folks that worked on the cleanup came forward to tell the world that they saw the military bring in covered bodies that were piled up and then hauled to a facility elsewhere. The hundreds of dead animals that were known animals like deer, elk and bear were not covered or hauled off.

Years later a scientist that was called in by the military during the cleanup of St Helens admitted that he performed necropsy on multiple bigfoot bodies.

Why would the state make a law for something and claim it was endangered if they didn't know for sure it existed? Oddly, it is only illegal in 4 counties in the state.....can you guess what mountain is in the middle?

I haven't made up my mind yet. But I don't hunt in the counties where it is illegal, so I may become a believer....if I bag one;):D
No, they move into tents under the freeway. Next time I drive through I can send you a picture.

To add to the discussion, Washington made it illegal to kill bigfoot in 1984. Just 4 years after Mt St Helens eruption. Several years later some folks that worked on the cleanup came forward to tell the world that they saw the military bring in covered bodies that were piled up and then hauled to a facility elsewhere. The hundreds of dead animals that were known animals like deer, elk and bear were not covered or hauled off.

Years later a scientist that was called in by the military during the cleanup of St Helens admitted that he performed necropsy on multiple bigfoot bodies.

Why would the state make a law for something and claim it was endangered if they didn't know for sure it existed? Oddly, it is only illegal in 4 counties in the state.....can you guess what mountain is in the middle?

I haven't made up my mind yet. But I don't hunt in the counties where it is illegal, so I may become a believer....if I bag one;):D
I'd be interested in your sources.....
Susquatch Conspiricy Theories

I'd be interested in your sources....
Google and you will find them. After you do, you will probably think they are typical "conspiracies theories", or National Inquirer pulp fill. I did.
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