Bigfoot Permits?

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Heard about this on a radio talk show, did not get the state this "permit" will be issued in.
I know it sounds like I should be posting this on April first, but the news item was alleged to be accurate.

Anyone heard about this at all? The reasoning behind the story was the sale of permits would add much needed funding for wildlife. Not so much that one could go out and shoot at tall biped creatures in the woods.

Being of the tall biped group I might get a touch concerned.

The story claimed there was a bill to be presented to a state legislature. Anyone else heard this one?
Yeah, there was an article in our paper about it. The bill was introduced across the line from us in Oklahoma. It's a novelty for sure, and I'd be interested in hearing how much revenue it generates (or tags sold). One thing I didn't see was how much an Out of State Permit would cost.

Kinda silly.
Gotta ask, though: have there been “bigfoot” sightings in OK? There were stories about a “creature” of that ilk more than 40 years ago along the Big Muddy in Murphysboro, Illinois.
That leads to the question is Oklahoma really OK? I have visited Oklahoma, I'm sure Oklahoma has some great qualities, I did not find them.

Thanks for clearing up the question.
It is a tongue in cheek proposal to increase tourism. There are actually folks who run businesses taking people on guided "hunts" (with camera's not firearms) to try and find bigfoot.
From a press release.....

The licenses would be regulated by the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission. There would be set dates for hunting the mythical creature, just as there are for other wildlife.

The bill would only allow trapping Bigfoot, not killing him or her. Humphry also hopes to secure a $25,000 bounty for anyone who successfully snags the creature.
There are laws against harassing animal on the endanger species list.

Fortunately Oklahoma is not considered a prime source for anything other than Dust Bowls so I think BF is same.

Clearly there is some risk to residents as I framed for an Oakie that was 6' 4" and about 260 lgs of muscle. He had long left though to maybe they get out as soon as they can.

Eeerily he did have the long arms. He could stand on his feet and drive a sinker nail into the top of stud on a wall. I had suspicions of a well disguised BF.
LOL, Bigfoot is not on the endangered species list. To be on the list, you have to be real. Unicorns and Nessie aren't on the list, either.

With that said, once any of these is proven to be real, I have no doubt they will immediately end up on the endangered species list.
I read that as a harmless, tongue in cheek way to raise some additional money for the state fish and game department.

Seems to me that a government could be doing a lot of worse things than this, which has been amply displayed recently.
Many would disagree with you in regards to if the Sasquatch is not real, including Professional's that have studied this animal for years. But in OK, not a chance. Yes, I believe there are Sasquatch in the Pacific Northwest and Canada. Small groups or families but not across the US.

I am not a professional but have kept up with the studies for years. The Patterson Film is the most interesting. Their is a documentary out now that had experts from all fields come into do do research.
Some conclusions found. Photographic experts could zoom in enhance the photo's and you can see muscle fibers moving in all parts of the body, especially in the buttocks, Hamstrings, back etc.
The also showed the Animal in the film was female. You can see their pictures of the Mammary Glands.
Bi Pedal Bio-mechanic experts showed proof that No human could mimic the same walk or gait. They could go back and determine the animal in the photo was about 800-900 lbs and about 7-9' tall.
The also pointed out scar tissue on the right leg that also gave the animal a slightly forced bend in her walk. The animal was able to cover much distance with each step that a man simply cannot do. Also watch the High foo lift and leg lift.
There is a wealth of other information how there. Much more than a simple post here. OK can have their jokes, but hopefully this nonsense does not extend to areas of the Northwest and Canada. Actually many folks now trying to put them on a endangered list.
Another interesting Video is from Todd Standing who filmed them in British Columbia. Dr. Jeff Melldron accompanied Standing and remained very skeptical of actually being able to witness one. That changed dramatically as he saw proof. And close up.
On interesting film from Standing shows one of he animals scaling a extremely Steep Cliff/side of mountain. It was amazing to watch the power of this animal. He/She was able to raise their legs vertically to such a unbelievable height and power their body upward along the cliff. And not to mention doing it with so much speed.
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Many would disagree with you in regards to if the Sasquatch is not real, including Professional's that have studied this animal for years.

LOL, you act like I might be the only non-believer, and that is what we are talking about "belief," right? Strangely, the rest of the scientific community seems to be rather skeptical as well.

I happen to have a Ph.D. in anthropology too!!!! I have looked into the bigfoot phenomenon for the last 20+ years. I even own part off Grover Krantz's collection. Grover was a professional true believer. Jeffrey Meldrum and Melba Ketchum are as well. That doesn't make bigfoot real and they don't have any actual proof that it is. There is a reason why you don't find bigfoot on any taxonomic tables, endangered species lists, or CITES lists. There is no proof.

So the professionals can disagree, but until they have proof, then they only have opinion. Their opinions may be based on a lot of very interesting and compelling research, but in the end, it is not actual proof. The rest of the scientific community follows this line of reasoning as well because without hard evidence, those professionals have nothing proving the animal exists.

Interesting thing about Grover, he fully understood his position was dubious and called for people to try to procure an actual body. That shocked and upset much of the bigfoot community of believers, but Grover realized that without a body, nobody is going to believe it is real. He was 100% correct on this.

Bring me a body.

But in OK, not a chance. Yes, I believe there are Sasquatch in the Pacific Northwest and Canada. Small groups or families but not across the US.

Wait, you are wanting to argue geographical distribution about an alleged animal that the scientific community doesnt' recognize as real? :rolleyes:
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Of course Big Foot is real. Haven't you seen Harry and the Hendersons. :) Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Arguing with a true believer is useless. The more you present logic and and facts to them the more they dig into their position. From UFO's Big Foot, the true believers are all alike that way.

Your comment "Arguing with a true believer is useless, the more you present logic and facts the more they dig into their position". That goes on both sides of the fence, believers and non-believers. One thing great about America, folks still have a right to choose what side of the fence they believe in. However that is fast eroding. Your statement is really smug and arrogant, stating that ONLY your facts are true and logical.
We see the same exact thing now with the Liberals. Say anything against them and they make the same kind of comments. And to them, if you believe you are right and you dig in to prove this, then you are a ******! I personally rather be on the side that does not lay-down, but continues the fight. Just like we see going on right now.
I disagree with Double Naught as he does with Dr. Meldroon and myself. That is fine, and that makes for honest debate, but for one side to say they own all the facts is BS. Tune into 10 minutes of CNN and you will understand what am talking about.
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