cptnjm said:
Thanks for the detailed answer with ballistics columns. Very helpful.
No problem cptnjm. It dawned on me after that post that you probably knew that information already, but as a lot of shotgunners don't, I let it bump.
These "best" threads always crack me up. It starts with a (usually) simple, honest question, but because it's prefaced with "best" the opinions can (and will) be all over the map.
A combination of people who actually know what they're about... and people who think FPS video games are a primer for real life conflict. The latter I'm afraid appears to be far too prevalent.
When it comes to discussions about tactical/combat/HD/LEO/defense/sidewalk commando/zombie ammo... the debate almost always becomes heated and quite frankly, silly.
Very few people in these discussions have ever actually shot a human being. One would think, that based on this fact, folks would buffer their comments with a dash of common sense or objectivity... but frequently, such is not the case.
Yes, there are studies enough to fill a library on wound ballistics and most are approached in a logical and scientific manor. They all say that various sizes of buckshot are the preferable loading for maximum penetration and cavity creation... and lets face it, with most anyone, bigger is better, yes?
But... as the opening post of this thread might indicate, bigger is not always perceived to be better. There are so many variables to home defense or self-defense that we could fill another library with them.
I'm a firm believer that an individuals circumstances should dictate their use of a particular ammunition. What works for you, or works for me may not work for a gal in an apartment... or a guy living on a farm.
I'm also a firm believer that people need to think a bit before they speak. Opinion, even opinion based on first-person empirical evidence is often of limited value if the circumstance is unique to that evidence.
I can go on, but lets face it, this little commentary is nothing more than another opinion... carrying with it no more weight or gravitas than any other to be found.
Take it for what it is... another talking head on the interwebnet.