I have the same question others have asked: what do you mean by getting the "best shooting" .22 pistol for "target shooting?" Because, again, as others have noted, if you mean to be a serious contender at Bullseye matches, the herd of realistic candidates will be thinned out pretty quickly, leaving only ones like the Smith Model 41, the Ruger, the Walther and Hammerli target specific models, some older High Standards and a few others to choose from. And, though there may have been a couple or so on the line, in the years I've attended Camp Perry pistol shoots, I've never seen a .22 "conversion" kit (the type that ride atop CZs, SIGs, 1911s, etc.) used by a serious contender.
On the other hand, if "target" shooting to you means nothing much more than shooting at targets, then almost any quality .22 handgun will work just fine. My only advice for deciding on which pistol to buy for even "casual" target shooting is to get one having adjustable sights.