Best rimfire sporting rifle

well, i already answered 10/22 and stick to it, but if you want to shoot competition then like the others said you have to have an anschutz or really good walther or get really lucky with an old winchester or mossberg competition rifle.
I know its not the best rimfire but I bought a new Savage bolt action last year and it is by far the most accurate 22LR I've ever owned. Shooting SK Standard Plus ammo I always out-shoot my friends in our informal matches. For the money I don't think it can be beat. It will out-shoot many 22s two and three times the price or more. However, as has been mentioned, "best" is a relative term--best for/at what?

P.S. I didn't know there were so many Stevens model 87 lovers out there. I love to shoot mine, but it isn't nearly as accurate as the Savage.

If we are talking about the best .22 than the fact that the 10/22 has a bunch of mods available really in meaningless. The reason it has so many mods available is because they are relatively inexpensive and plentiful. In my opinion the finest rimfires ever made had the name Kimber of Oregon stamped on them. For the those of you not familiar just do a search on Gunbroker for "Kimber of Oregon" and put a napkin over your keyboard to catch the drool.
Cooper!!!!! Looks/ Accurate/ Customer service better than anyone out there!

I have a Savage Mark2 heavy barrel that shoots with Anschutz sporterts that cost 3 times as much. The woods not as pretty, and the parts show some machining marks, but it shoots and the proof is on paper.

I want to be a fan of the Marlin 60, but I dont have one yet.
Thanks for backin me up Cooperscool. A picture's worth a thousand words they say. They are the best kept secret in accurate shooting as far as I'm concerned.
My beat up old Remington 511-x will shoot 1/2" groups any day all day with just about any ammo.

I am currently working on a 513-T that I hope will do better than that when I get it all done.

I would rather buy an old Remmy 5teen or Mossberg than anything out there that is new. That is just me though.
CPT Murdoc 30

I know what you mean about the old Mossbergs. They are solid, straight shooting, well-made, underrated guns. I've got a 46B made in the mid 40's that drives tacks and has a piece of walnut on it that rivals some Weatherby's.
I've got an old, beatup Reminton 512x that will nock the 'nads off a gnat. However, I think the ulimate sporting .22 of all time is the Winchester 52C sporter. If you want one, you've got to be prepared to pony up several thousand dollars though.
Yeah, I've got a Remington 513T "Matchmaster" and it's a pretty nice rifle, but it's not even close to Anschutz-land in performance.

The trigger is about an 8lb single-stage (used to be 10lbs+ before I tried lubing the important areas of contact with graphite), it breaks with a woody "thunk", and is non-adjustable. The trigger is the main problem. The rifle shoots groups almost as small as the ones I used to squeeze out of my 1903 club-rifle, but "almost" doesn't quite cut it.

It's hell on squirrels, though.:)
The best .22s I've shot, other than target rifles, are:

Rem 504, pillar-bedded
Rem 581, Lilja barrelled and bedded
Customized Ruger 10-22 Deluxe, Shilen barrel
Winchester 69A
Marlin 39A

The poorest-shooting rifles included a Stevens 87 semi-auto, but it was fun to shoot.

Bottledestroyer22 said:
What do you think is the best rimfire rifle made?

Long before many of you were born, there was one rifle that defined what the best rimfire sporter" should be.....

That rifle still holds the respect and admiration of nearly every gun writer and smallbore affectionado for the last 75 years. Only a couple of manufacturers have made anything that could be considered worthy of dethroning the best ever made....

There are .22's.....and then there are the Winchester 52's.


I've been waiting for someone to bring up the 52. I'm stunned we got 34 posts into this thread before it was mentioned. I agree with you it is legendary and was ahead of it's time. I have only seen one other .22 that rivals it IMO and it's the Kimber of Oregon .22's. I'd also like to remind others the question was, What's the best rimifire made? Price has nothing to do with it and the most bang for the buck isn't the point.
Can you narrow it down a bit?

"What do you think is the best rimfire rifle made?"

All depends on what you want to do with it and what kind of action you want.

I like leverguns best, and would recommend a Marlin 39A (not cheap). I also like CZ452 bolt-actions, reasonably priced.

If you want a semi-auto, no one ever went wrong with a Ruger 10/22 or a Marlin model 60, and they're both relatively cheap.

I think you have to do a little more thinking, first. :rolleyes:
My favorite

Ruger M77/22, Blue with walnut, sporter weight barrel, Weaver V10 scope. Incredibly accurate,(I acraglassed it) handles nice like a real sporting rifle. The best part is it was a birthday gift to me (NIB) from my best friend. I'll bet it's over 20k rounds by now. Still shoots great. My best friends is probably over 60k and still shoots well. Just my opinion
I've owned both the Marlin Model 60 and Ruger 10/22, and loved them both, but my favorite is the Browning SA 22. The fit and finish is far and away the best, I just wish it was a little less pricy, or I bought one years ago when I had the chance and it was more affordable.
