BEST President in U.S. History...

In my lifetime, it would have to be Ronald Reagan.

In American history overall, it's a difficult choice between George Washington and Thomas Jefferson although I think Jefferson's greatest accomplishments and contributions were made before he was president.
Thomas Jefferson

Looks like several Jefferson fans here. Along with being a strict Constitutionalist, what attributes do y'all like about him?

I started to list the accomplishments of Jefferson's life, they contain the attributes I most admire, however the premise of the thread goes to the excecution of the office of the Presidency and what was accomplished there.

As president Jefferson put into practice the ideas of liberty and good government he espoused.

During his presidency internal taxes were reduced; the military budget was cut; the Alien and Sedition Acts were permitted to lapse; and plans were made to extinguish the public debt. Simplicity and frugality became the hallmarks of Jefferson's administration.

A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement.-Thomas Jefferson
And Mr. Jefferson was largely responsible for the writing & prose of the Declaration of Independence. He wrote the most immortal words in world History, defying the largest force in the world at the time.

Really swinging for the rafters, he was, they were.
For people mid forties and under, Reagan was easily the president who most changed the political landscape. The attitudes of americans toward themselves and the world shifted significantly largely as a result of his advocacy.

Two obviously smart presidents were much less effective. Clinton showed a political mastery, but his politics (to the extent he had any) were either the product of or overwhelmed by a general sense that turning to government to solve every problem is stale and discredited. Nixon, also personally brilliant, wasn't really an opponent of the expanding federal government, though many of his supporters were. For each of the latter, lack of candor is what most associate with their names.

Reagan had an idea of what the relationship between the government and people should be, kept voicing it, and changed people's minds. That's unusual.
Then again, maybe it was Washington after all.

No other President has had the opportunity to take the power that was offerred to him freely.

King George proclaimed that if Washington was offered a crown and he refused it, he would be the greatest man in the world.

And so he was...

Washington, greatest overall.

BINGO. The man could have been king if he wanted and chose to walk away from it. He set the tone for a 2 term limit which even T. Roosevelt chose to follow (considering his completion of the former president's term his first). It took FDR to trash that concept forcing the legislature to put it in writing.

T. Roosevelt is also up there. While he had a very activist gov't one must remember that at that time things were VERY different in America. He drove us into the modern era.
Tough choice I believe Reagan was the best during the my lifetime so far. But my vote goes to Teddy, was a great outdoorman. Trust buster, square deals, first for a national heathcare system, and without him no national parks. We need another Ted!!!!
For people mid forties and under, Reagan was easily the president who most changed the political landscape. The attitudes of americans toward themselves and the world shifted significantly largely as a result of his advocacy.

It was finally okay to stop feeling terrible about the Vietnam War and Reagan let us know it was okay to stop apologizing to the world for what we are and what we do.

Reagan reminded us of who we really are.

Something he was even able to do one more time in death.

Remember what was going on when Reagan died?

The media and the Left was beating us up as a nation over Abu Ghraib. They were wallowing in the self-loathing.

Then he died and the media seemed to be dragged to confront it. For not even they could ignore his passing.

All those wonderful sound bytes and speeches of his we got to listen to again.

It was like he came back one last time, full in mind and spirit, to remind us of who we are.
Teddy Roosevelt, then Harry S. Truman.

Roosevelt because he was just so, well I can't think of another word besides bada$$. He was a man's man. Anything he wanted, he did. In terms of being a president, he probably strengthened the executive branch more so, and more significantly than any other president.


- Need a new shipping lane through Panama to increase US might, but Colombia won't relent? No problem, start a revolution in Panama. Consequently, also became the first president to make a foreign trip.

- European powers messing with the western hemisphere? No problem, reinterpret the Monroe Doctrine.

- Let the Old World know that the US had one very awesome military? No problem, paint a bunch of battleships white and have them sail them around the world. He was also the one who ordered White House to be painted white.

- Avid hunter but notice that good hunting grounds are going away? No problem, become a conservationist. For all the hunters on TFL....

Then there were his feats before and after his presidency.

- There was that charge up a hill we all know about.

- Shot in the chest by some assassin during an election campaign? No problem, suck it up and give your speech, as blood pours down your shirt.

Teddy Roosevelt was no pansy. This guy, on the other hand...

Ronald Regan

No doubt about it. Ronald Regan

"Big government isn't the solution, big government is the problem!"

God rest his soul.
Jefferson---------Davis. The first in what would have been a line of great ones.

Note that the title of the thread is "BEST President in U.S. History..."

Few would support FDR or Truman here for the nomination if we had lost WWII...
During my lifetime (born mid 70's), has to be Ronald Reagan.

I admire Washington but mostly for things he did before becoming president and upon leaving office. While in office, he gave Hamilton way too much free reign.

I admire Andrew Jackson for the way he staked his entire reputation on undoing the mess that was created by Hamilton. Jackson was a man's man too.

I admire Andrew Johnson for risking his reputation on trying to help the nation reunite and heal after the damage done by Lincoln. Johnson was impeached and almost removed from office for refusing to sign the "Reconstrution" acts.

I admire Teddy Roosevelt as a MAN, quite manly one at that, but not so much as president.

I admire Calvin Coolidge because at a time when it was cool to be progressive, he remained true to his oath of office. He said, "I hope people remember me as the president who minded his own business".

I like Ike, he tried dang hard to bring back sound judgement to government after FDR and Truman. "Beware the military-industrial complex".

I really like Thomas Jefferson. Sure he had some personal flaws, but as a president, he was awsome. He worked within the system created within the Constitution although he originally wanted to keep the Articles of Confederation in place. He worked to undo the authoritative policies of the Adams administration. He took on threats like piracy with a view of maintaining a free republic. He could see that the new nation would need room to grow as it would attract people who wanted freedom and opportunity; he purchased the huge amount amount of land (Louisiana Territories) from France when they needed cash instead of just taking it by force and creating more costly problems later. Created a great example and vision of what the US should be. Excellent judgement as president.

I liked different presidents for different reasons. But if I have to pick one favorite: Jefferson
Over half a million Americans were killed. You don't think somebody else could have done better, such as by not waging war in the first place ? Has there ever been a war with so much loss of American life ?

Who's to say that the war (or at least secession) wouldn't have happened anyway? There had already been violence in Kansas and the whole John Brown thing. I think that secession and most likely war was inevitable.
Eisenhower did do stuff. He was the first president to use the military to enforce federal desegregation laws<snip>Eisenhower proposed the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960, and signed those into law

But it was Harry S Truman in 1948 who led the way to desegregation when he ordered our military desegregated, which infuriated the Southern Democrats and put HST at risk to losing the 1948 Presidential election.

Truman didn't give a damn....he did what had to be done!
For all of you picking Jefferson as the best President, just what did he do as President that made him so good as President?

Jefferson had a rather nominal or subdued Presidency. I would be hard pressed to consider him as the best President. He may have been the best statesman in the US's history, but not the best President.