Best handgun for walking through woods

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I have a friend who is moving out of town a bit, and has a quarter mile or so of woods between his yard and a river. He wants something to carry in case of snakes and what not (we're outside of Atlanta). He thinks a knife is what he needs (haha), I think he should carry something like a Judge.

He's not the most gun savy and I don't want to steer him wrong. Thoughts?
I would suggest a 22 revolver, possibly one of the 9 shot types. I would load the first few rounds with snake shot and the rest regular ammo. should cover all the bases. as far as a knife goes, sheath or pocket should be carried as often as he puts on his shoes.
When I had my farm I would carry my .44 mag. Redhawk revolver in the spring loaded with the first rounds up loaded with shot. I almost always killed some copperheads. For the rest of the year it was my Ruger SS .22lr. I used it to control armadillos and nocturnal critters I saw in the day time. It was also a visible warning to some neighbors who were (still are) throwbacks to a more dangerous time in these Ozark mountains.
A couple opinions...

First your friend should learn to recognize non-venomous snakes like the bullsnake - there are a lot of them in Georgia from outside Atlanta up towards Gainesville and Dahlonega. I used to live in Gainesville, and occasionally they can be confused with venomous snakes, but bull snakes for example eat rodents and are not harmful to humans.

Second, having some experience shooting at moving snakes with handguns, I'd suggest something that throws more snake-shot than a .22 round. Any .38 caliber revolver should work, but if venomous snakes are a more frequent concern I might also go with something like a Taurus Judge or S&W Governor.

Most snakes just want to be left alone, and if you don't provoke them they will avoid you -- but there are always situations where venomous snakes might be a hazard...

Yea, he says he has shot before, but I doubt it, i showed him my revolvers and he looked brand new around them.

I was thinking the Judge, mainly because he could point-shoot with the shot shell if it came down to it.
If he doesn't want to carry a firearm, he might want to get a hoe or walking stick. Like others have said, he should learn to identify the snakes so he doesn't harm the non-venomous ones.
When I bum around in the woods, I usually carry a 22 revolver, and a walking stick. I don't know that I've ever used the 22 for anything other than popping a pine cone or something like that. I could get along just fine without the gun, but I just like to carry a gun.

Snakes, I just say "excuse me" and go around. I used to kill every one I saw, but I've made peace with them since then.
IF you are mostly worried about snakes I would say the Judge or Governor. My wifes own a Judge and while I am not a fan I do have to admit it makes hitting a snake much easier even than a 38 shotshell.
My all-purpose bum-arounds are a pair of 4" GP100s in 357 Magnum.

Of course, my walks might include meeting a black bear. Heck, they come up to my doors.
Judge +++

Most snakes just want to be left alone, and if you don't provoke them they will avoid you -- but there are always situations where venomous snakes might be a hazard...
Not in our yard as my wife only knows one kind of snake .... That's right !! :rolleyes:
In the past, I have relocated at least five snakes, to their new country home. I guess there are some things that I don't share with her. ..... ;)

In this case, I think a Judge type would be a good choice. When I lived in the foothills of Colorado, I usually carried a .410/45LC Contender. .... :)

Be Safe !!!
+1 on the walking stick.

If your pal isn't an experienced handgun shooter all he'll do is make a bunch of noise.
A walking stick or hoe is a good idea for "good" snake relocation. I only see one drawback with using anything but a firearm to eliminate a snake. Most snake bites happen when a human attempts to handle a snake; If the aforementioned is correct, I will not get within 3-4 feet of a dangerous snake that who faster and madder than I will ever be.

As for a revolver suggestion, either a .22 caliber loaded with "snake shot" or a 38 special loaded with "snake shot."
I'd say a Ruger Blackhawk 4 5/8" in either .357 Mag or .45 Colt. Very packable, big power if needed or can be loaded down to plink with, rat/snake shotshells available in both calibers and they're just cool.
Nothing wrong with a Ruger Security Six. I bought mine back in the '70s and will have it most likely until I die. Some twenty five years ago when I was doing a lot of camping and prospecting in Arizona, it was always with me.

When "woods walking", I usually tote my s/s, Smith Model 60-4, a J-frame revolver chambered in .38 Special with a 3" barrel and adjustable sights. Someone coined this little revolver a "Trail Masterpiece"; an apt term imo.
Well I'd say that the choosing the right gun depends mostly on what you think you might encounter. In bear, Javelina, or cat country, I'd opt for a big bore revolver. If snakes are your only concern, I'd think the judge or S&W governor would be fine.

Personally, my choice would be a 4 inch .357 mag. with a chamber or two of shotshells and the other chambers with hollow-points or Keith style wad-cutters. This gives the best of both worlds and prepare you for whatever you encounter.

If your friend is unfamiliar with handguns, as it sounds like he might be, I'd suggest you steer him in the direction of some basic handgun safety/education courses.
Best handgun for walking through woods

The one you usuallly carry, cause that will be the one you walk with.

Now I have guns from .22 to .44, semi-auto and revolvers.

Most will do fine for woods carry. Even a hot 9mm will do in most critters.

Sure I really like my 4 inch 629-4, or my 4 inch 28-2 Highay Patrolman, or my Colt Commander .45.

But, it's not the gun that matters so much. It's how good you are with them.

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