Best defensive place to sit at a restaurant, theater, etc.

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I prefer to have my back to the wall and a full view of the doors and windows at the front of the establishment.
I do not like to have my back to the door so I cannot see what's going on. I will request a different seat if I have to.

Situational awareness at all times!
When I lived in Tokyo, there was a restaurant fire in which more than 40 people died. The restaurant was on the second or third floor and the fire escapes had been used for storing extra tables and chairs etc and were blocked. After that, we always made a point of checking the fire escapes before we sat down at any restaurant.

Advantages and disadvantages - is it better to be closer to the exit in case of fire or evacuation or to sit with a commanding view and a wall to your back ?

No person can watch their own back so I'd rather eat with a trusted friend...
I'm reading a few posts that suggest "I don't want to 'think tactical' because it will ruin my enjoyment of the restaurant" or "It will make me think negatively all the time, looking for bad guys".

I contend - If you heighten your awareness, you not only keep an eye out for dangerous people and things, but you also keep an eye out for good and positive people and things.

Those people that drive around texting not only miss the pedestrians they're about to run over, they also miss the beautiful scenery, the pretty girls, the cute dogs etc.

Don't cross the street without looking for cars. Don't do anything without looking for a potential problem. That doesn't mean stay locked up in your bedroom. That means look around. ENJOY the good stuff. BE AWARE of the potential bad stuff.

Sgt Lumpy - n0eq
I sit where ever i want without thinking about a gunman. the chances of that happening are FAR less than dying in a car crash on the way over. Yes it does happen but then again people win the lottery.
I haven't been to a theatre in years, they are obviously ripe for becoming kill houses. As for restaurants, not in a straight line at any distance from the front door, nor in a corner as incoming shooters eyes are often drawn to corners. Preferably with my back to the wall just outside a kitchen entrance. If the shooter comes in the front, you have an easy exit or time to engage, and if he comes from the back, the yelling and shooting from the kitchen is a good indication. That being said, I don't go out of my way to request it, unless the place is practically empty anyway.

Look around and find the exit(s).

I attempt to find a table (better than a booth as it is easier to move, and I'm just chubby enough to make a booth awkward) where I have a view of the primary entry and cashier if one exists. I prefer a location where my back is covered, but it's not always available.

In a theatre, the entry is ALWAYS to the rear. One remains flexible and observant.

Life has no guarantees aside from God; and those guarantees do not include long life and total safety on Earth. If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster.
Anything can happen at anytime. Honestly if I'm that worried I avoid. However I'll always set facing the door & my wife knows that:)
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