Best defensive place to sit at a restaurant, theater, etc.

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In my experience.......

......I've spent 40+ years as a musician touring all over the Northeast. Never been in a shootout situation but, I've seen LOTS of barroom brawls over the years.

When we would load-in for a gig, we would usually choose a spot close to the stage, backed up against a wall and with the doorway in view.

The location always served us well if (and when) a fight broke out. It provided us a good spot to see pretty much everything going on in the room so we couldn't be blindsided by a chair, bottle, ashtray or any other projectile coming from behind. And, being close to the stage, it afforded us the opportunity to quickly prevent any of our equipment from being damaged in the fracas.
I am with twobit here. On the edges, watch the door and the restrooms. Never in the middle and never in a corner. I am not paranoid, that is an irrational fear, I am merely observant.
You're talking to a forum of firearms enthusiasts. For better or worse, the thoughts/opinions represented in this thread do not represent the vast majority of Americans

I to am a gun enthusiasts that's why i am on this forum. Maybe its a cultural thing cumming form the UK. I agree with a lot of things posted on this forum it makes sense to be aware of your surroundings but i think you have to draw the line somewhere there is a happy medium. I don't think its good if you feel that you have to look over your shoulder every wear you go. PS My wife likes to sit facing the door that's because shes nosy.
You're talking to a forum of firearms enthusiasts. For better or worse, the thoughts/opinions represented in this thread do not represent the vast majority of Americans, most of whom never consider the "tactical" aspects of anything in their lives. The key is "Americans". We are free to make that choice and no one else has to like it. Freedom. It sure beats.... everywhere else... in the world.

Brian. This is the internet, not America. I know this because I just looked out of the window to check and some had written Tere Tulemast Eestis in the snow!
It smelt pretty much like everywhere else... just a bit colder. ;)

We're "gun people". We do guns and some tactics too. They're car people. They do cars.
Fixed it for you!!:D

As for the restaurant question.
I sit where there is a seat available, preferably away from the toilets. I like the window so I can watch the world go by whilst I enjoy my meal...

Perhaps there is a new market for restaurants with armed security, or metal detectors by the Maitre D...
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Pond said:
Brian. This is the internet, not America.

In the context of this discussion, the VAST majority of participants are Americans in America.

The person to whom I was replying is not American and not in America and framed his question directly to American responses, therefore I frame my answer in the appropriate context.
In the context of this discussion, the VAST majority of participants are Americans in America.

The person to whom I was replying is not American and not in America and framed his question directly to American responses, therefore I frame my answer in the appropriate context.

Then it is great to know the response was composed in context.

Quite often many seem to forget that this is an international forum regardless of percentages one way or the other...
When possible, perimeter seat with view of main entrance, access to 1-2 exits, table instead of booth, scan nearest current patrons for possible threat and closest hard cover. Pretty much an automatic mental process I go through in public places.

I’m a little surprised there has been no mention of cover, which I consider to be important. It may be better to achieve hard cover than join the crowd at an exit. For this reason, I pay attention to the kitchen door location – most kitchens have stuff to get behind.
"hard cover"

Most places don't have much in the way of cover. Restaurants and theaters are... if you can believe this, built to be comfortable to draw patrons in, and not so comfortable that patrons stay too long.

"Perimeter seating"

Walls don't protect you from the out of control (or sometimes in control) car plowing through the wall or window.

"enjoying your meal"

Sounds nice! Taking basic precautions and then relaxing enough to enjoy your meal and have a great conversation with your companion is a sound plan.

Remember, double tap the salad bar! and don't skimp on the broccoli! its like level III armor for your heart!
In a theater probably closes to the door ( entrance ) off to the sides. If someone is shooting down isles, and your in the front, thats a higher chacne you will be hit(down range). Stay up field/range and off to the sides. We have two story seating so I just sit up top and watch the middle stair/entrance. When I eat out, I always face the front door.
In a theater the best would be on an aisle. In the middle is a nightmare.. How do you get out past 5 or more between you and the aisle?
Posted by Seamn: How do you get the bad guys to let you know when you're going to have time to get an M22-4 out of your holster instead of using an M442 snubby fired from in your pocket?

If it takes longer for you to draw from a holster than it does to pull a J-frame out of a pocket, you may want to re-examine your carry choices and/or practice regimen. :)
I try to sit back to the wall, away from entrance and bathrooms, and out of the line of traffic. I do this not only for reasons of security but also to avoid noise, weather, odors, privacy, and intrusion by other patrons, intentional or not. This applies to restraunts. I don't go to theaters because my wife smokes and I won't go without her.

I don't go in paranoid that an assailant is going to come in, but I try to keep in mind the possibility. The place I feel most likely to encounter a shooter is my workplace. I work in a factory and we ocassionally have disgruntled employees who get fired. There have been some threats, not to me, but I am in one of the more potential "hotspots", very near an entrance in an office. I still don't lose sleep at night over it though.
I suppose I can be serious this time.

Generally, I like everything in front of me. When I ride a bicycle on back roads, I ride on the left side so I can see cars coming at me. When I have a desk in an office, it faces the door. In a restaurant, I like to sit where I face the flow of traffic.

But I don't put any thought at all into defending myself from some sort of attack. The chances of something like that happening are, in my opinion, so low that it isn't really worth acting on. I'd rather sit with my back to the door in a restaurant than wait ten minutes for "tactically correct" table.
The difficult thing for me is most times we are out and about I need to help take care of the kiddos. That makes it a little more difficult to be so watchful of the surroundings when I also need to be watchful of the kids.

Not to say I am oblivious to my surroundings. The Wife instinctively knows that my back is against the wall and we sit in the corner opposite the main entrance and within good eyesight of secondary entrances.

I have always been a habitual people watcher so I guess that was some good training for watching to protect myself and family.

It is very important to note that while I am watchful I still know how to relax and have a good time. I definitely don't always think someone is out to get us. But why not be prepared in case something does happen. I see it as wearing
your seatbelt. I don't plan on getting into an accident but I prepare in case
something goes wrong.

I almost forgot the most important part. Wherever I sit there is never an alcoholic drink in front of me. I do not ever drink. I feel it dulls the senses and reflexes too much. (not to mention avoiding my proclivity to indulge too much in things I enjoy)
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I see it as wearing
your seatbelt. I don't plan on getting into an accident but I prepare in case

Wearing a seat belt is definitely a good idea.

America is the gun violence capital of the world. According to FBI crime statistics, there were 9,146 murders by firearm in 2009.

Motor vehicle deaths 2009


My concern would be driving safely to the restaurant.
America is the gun violence capital of the world. According to FBI crime statistics, there were 9,146 murders by firearm in 2009.

Being in Ireland you probably don't hear about it as much, but I assure you, America is NOT the gun violence capital of the world.

Here in Texas, there are bullets that come from across the border on a daily basis. I promise you, Mexico is the gun violence capital of the world.

There are many people who are murdered in Mexico with firearms that no one ever hears about...... and there are plenty of others murdered by other means that are never reported either...
Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

According to FBI crime statistics, there were 9,146 murders by firearm in 2009.

I also refute this allegation. It depends on how you define "murder" and count the numbers. I believe the FBI counts any killing by firearm, including self-defense as being murder.
I just sit where it is convenient, or where I can see and hear if a movie.
If I had any idea that the odds of someone coming in and shooting the place up were other than miniscule I would not go.

I don't build my life or actions around self defense or fear of attack. I don't even worry about where I am in the "color code."

Somehow it has worked for me and mine, and I might add all the people that I personally know. Very few who even carry.

Posted by Seamn: How do you get the bad guys to let you know when you're going to have time to get an M22-4 out of your holster instead of using an M442 snubby fired from in your pocket? "....
If it takes longer for you to draw from a holster than it does to pull a J-frame out of a pocket, you may want to re-examine your carry choices and/or practice regimen. " [dawg23]

Ahoy dawg23,

Did not author this, you have misquoted, this was posted by '45 auto.'
Please read Posts #24, #33, and #35 for the rest of the story.

All the best.
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