Best cheap milsurp rifle for SHTF???

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Best cheap milsurp rifle for Survival situation???

Just wondering. . .I already have a 91/30 with a hex receiver but ammo isn't as common anymore, so I was wanting to know if there was a good surplus rifle for survival (and I'm not talking about a "zombie apocalypse" that will probably never happen; something like a disaster that causes civilization to collapse) for, say, UNDER $400 that can take a beating, is accurate, is reliable, and that has common and readily available ammo in the U.S. Anything will help. Thanks! :)
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good one shot stop force for body armor or zs.
Well you could probably find $400 worth of 7.62x54r ammunition.

Changing ammunition is going to be expensive if you want to stockpile. The rifle is the cheapest part.
Easiest ammunition to find right now in the US is .223/5.56. You'll need to practice. Hunting for sustinance won't require a lot of ammunition, but will require more expensive ammunition.
You'll be carrying whatever beast you choose for a long time.

General purpose can mean anything, any gun can be a survival tool if you have the bullets to go along with it.

Because you have shtf in the title, this will get closed soon.
Other than 7.62X39, there's not a lot of cheap surplus ammo still available. Maybe some 7.62 NATO occasionally. Most of the surplus ammo is still floating around $1/round, maybe a little cheaper (I see some 8mm Mauser available for around $0.70 a round).

I think it depends on your qualifications for a "survival" rifle. It seems like your gun choices are maybe pre-occupied with prepping or whatever the case may be. Remember that the forum doesn't do too much of that. You're also more likely to need a firearm for close range self defense (maximum distance across the house or yard). Most of the milsurp bolt action guns are not really ideal for this for many reasons. It's for that reason that a shorter semi-auto is generally preferred. Even something like a 9mm carbine (maybe a Hi-point in your situation).

If you wanted a do-all rifle that you can afford to use and feed, I would try to find an SKS today. You can get a box of 40 rounds at Wal-mart for $10. It's still a little long and unwieldy but better than the Mosin for that.

If you want a firearm to protect yourself (family, property, rights, etc.) or for hunting, the most important thing is you put the time in to shoot it. Not just from a bench. Standing, kneeling, improvised rests, prone, barricades, etc. Since your specific circumstances involve unknown distances, ranging and adjusting your sights or holding over at different distances.

The ammo for gaining proficiency is going to be your biggest expense and by far your biggest determinant in being able to use the firearm when you need it.

If you want a bolt action for sure, how about this combo? Savage Axis with a Bushnell scope. .30-06, .270, or .308 are all good choices. Looks like it's on sale for $330 now with ship to store.

EDIT: Forgot to mention you can find a very good 12 gauge shotgun within your range and that will do everything from squirrel and bird hunting to big game and self defense.
SKS is a good choice... if you can find a deal.

Another option, Ishapore 2A or 2A1. The Enfield action is very good, but those Ishapores get rid of .303 and chamber a .308.
There are very few good SHTF rifles to choose from. You need a battle rifle, a small game rifle and a big game rifle. The need of one over the other depends on where you are and whether you will be on the move or not. Where I am a "battle rifle" will be of little use and a good bolt gun will be worth its weight in silver.
Toilet paper, lighters, knives, axes and sanitary napkins will all be worth more than an AR 15 in 223 or 5.56.
Funny. The OP says he already has a Mosin and the first response was to get a Mosin.:rolleyes:

In your other thread someone suggested a lever action 30-30. Ammo is common and not too expensive. I think the day of the cheap battle rifle and surplus ammo is over. A shotgun is very versatile as mentioned. Knowing what your thoughts are would be helpful.

In your other thread I stated I found a Remington 30-06 with a rough finish for $200 OTD. I refinished the stock and bedded the action. Its lighter in weight than a surplus rifle. It has factory open sights and the 30-06 round it is chambered for is nearly always in stock. I would rather have that than any surplus I can think of. And no matter what you buy get set up to reload for it!

The SKS that was recommended is also an excellent choice. I have two of them. Mine are Chinese Norinco models, one 20" and the second has a 16" barrel. I like the 20" best of the two.

Remember don't get too deep in the SHTF discussion or your thread will be locked. Its why I like to call these type of guns emergency guns. And probably more important as already mentioned is a good stock of food and supplies. And things like commodities that can be traded like salt, sugar, coffee, tea, smokes, alchohol and all the things that make life better. In the grand scheme of things a gun is down the list a ways.
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Forget milsurp altogether. Go lever in .30-30 or AR15 in .223. Have you ever picked up 1,000 rounds of anything milsurp and put it in a backpack along with water and carried it 10 miles? I won't be carrying a caliber bigger than 5.56. In a pinch you can hunt game big enough to feed a family with it, even with FMJ. Though I do have a bunch of steel cased soft point bullets with it too.

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Second thread on the same topic, and again I'll state relying on a rifle for long term survival is a bad idea. A couple of good knives and a way to keep them sharp will do more for long term survival than any rifle. If you are "bugging in" any rifle you can stockpile ammo for will work fine. If you're "bugging out" once you're out of ammo your rifles dead weight.

Learning how to find water, edible plants, edible inscets, using snares for small game, and fishing will be of more use than a rifle. Having a rifle in a survival situation is alright as long as you realize it's a very limited and finite resource, and should only be used as last resort.
SKS all the way. Can't be much better/worse than a 30-30 and surplus ammo is cheap. And yes I do have an SKS and two 30-30's. I wouldn't want to shoot elk with it but at the right range i'm sure it would do the job.

The cheap ammo with mine wanders around 2 inch or less groups at 25 yards. But some of the ammo is tighter but going with that I would say it's 100 yard accurate for hunting purposes.

Outside the milsurp world 12 gauge for shotgun and 30-06 for a bigger rifle. Lots of gun choices new and old while staying with a budget in mind.
If you are looking to validate what you already believe, then get a Mosin. They are not bad guns, but not what I would chose. Out of curiosity, why limit your options to Milsup?

If I was really wanting a SHTF center fire rifle, I would probably lean toward a used lever as others have mentioned. 30-30, .44 Mag, .357 Mag are all options I'd consider as viable. I'd consider other calibers, but those are the ones you'd be most likely able to find additional ammo for if you run short for whatever reason.

If you would consider other options, I'd also look at 12-ga or 20-ga shotguns, a good used Savage or other quality brand bolt action or a .22 rifle.
50Shooter, Op said under $400. If i could find M1A for that price i'd have 5 of them.:D

My choice would be shotgun, for a firearm.

But as mentioned, a supply of clean water, food, medical supplies would top my list of things to have.
I would choose a good 22, ammo won't break the bank or my back carrying it.
It will put meat on the table and I could defend the lives of my loved ones and myself.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
Have you looked at the AR-15 market? I just got a flyer in my email for DelTon AR-15 base models for $399.99. You cannot absolutely get more "common" than that. Heck, even I'M interested, and I don't like AR-15s very much.
If you want is just a milsurp, the SKS is peasant proof and uses a common caliber you might be able to find scrounging the dead, or might not. It's not as hard hitting as the 7.62x54R, but it also isn't as heavy or bulky. 5.56mm is even lighter and smaller.
You might evaluate what your local options are - is this a Katrina get-home rifle, or a Lights Out long term firearm? Are you going to do the Clash - "Should I Stay or Should I Go?" and do you have people to get together to survive with - which, from what I am told, is far more important than what rifle and caliber.
SHTF to me is more about survival, or living off the land then the zombie crap.

So in my opinion that means accuracy so you can harvest the food you shoot at. Ammo would need to be conserved and that means accuracy.

The days of $400 dollar ACCURATE surplus rifles is over. But there are several commercial rifles coming out in that price range that fit the bill.

The Ruger American Predator comes to mind, there are others but I mention that one because I do have a bit of experience with it. Mine is a 6.5 CM and was just under $400.

But for survival, feeding your family I would recommend the RAP in 223. Ammo is cheap and with the heavier bullets AND MARKSMANSHIP it would work quite well in the lower 48. If you want heavier, the RAP comes in 308 also. I like the 6.5 CM but 223/308 ammo is much more common.

I'd stay away from gas guns, you're going to want to reload and they tend to scatter brass all over the county.

Having said that there was a time I did have to depend on a rifle to feed my family. I was living in a little cabin north of Healy AK. I worked for the railroad in the summer but was laid off in the winter. There were no jobs to be had. Most of our food was rabbits and ptarmigan. Before going to Alaska my wife bought me a used Savage 24D, 22/410 over and under for less the $80. That was the gun I used to feed my family. The only rifle I can think of that would have been better is the same rifle in 223/20 Ga also put out by Savage. That would have allowed reloading. A 223 with cast bullets would work just as well as the 22 RF and the 20 ga is easier to load for then the 410 and more effective on birds.

Zombies is BS, feeding your family is real. If the 22 cal doesn't suit your fancy then something along the like of a single shot big bore like the 45-70 would work. Cheap to load for and can also be loaded with shot for fowl and small game.

I have a lot of good surplus rifles I use in the CMP Vintage Rifle Matches that would work, but you wont find them for $400 any more.

The Mosin would also work, but with todays prices there are several brands of commercial rifles that are just as cheap, more accurate, and better available ammo.

Regardless of what you choose, you'll want to be able to feed it, 223/308 is the most common in this country and I don't plan on going anywhere else.

Think about reloading and using cast bullets.
I like the idea of a single shot rifle. I had an H&R Handi-Rifle in 357 and let a buddy talk me out of it. But he likes it so thats fine. There is an H&R Handi on GB right now in 44 mag. If you reload for it you can shoot anything from .430 round balls for small game to full bore 44 mag loads and everything in between. And you never have to lose a single piece of brass.

I would love to find a Handi-Rifle in 30-30. I think that is the best of all the SS rifles H&R made. And if a person knows how to hunt and get within 100 yards a 30-30 will kill all but the very biggest game. And it doesn't need special bullets either.

I keep harping on reloading but reloading lets you take one rifle and make it do the job of several rifles. A person who owns a 30 caliber rifle and a single shot shotgun with a reloading kit and a stash of componants is very well armed and prepared.
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SHTF to me is more about survival, or living off the land then the zombie crap. So in my opinion that means accuracy so you can harvest the food you shoot at. Ammo would need to be conserved and that means accuracy. * * *

Below is our daily load-out up at our "North Woods retreat." If we take the ATV, the Mini-G rides in a scabbard. This set-up is good for bears, bad guys, zombies, and, most importantly, the highly-probable invasion scenario where North Korean Commies parachute in with hand-held nukes - ala Red Dawn.

Focus on what's real, my dudenals. :cool:

agtman I didn't know you could pick up a Garand for less than $400 like the OP stated. Where can I get a couple of those for that price?
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