Bear attacks on the rise
Wetmore rancher loses llama; teenage camper bit.
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Posted: Saturday, July 30, 2011 12:00 am
By TRACY HARMON | | 0 comments
The Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife warns Southern Colorado residents that hungry bears are causing problems in the region.
A Wetmore rancher lost a llama this week — the third animal lost to bear attacks on the ranch this summer. On July 15, a bear bit the leg of a teenager camping near Leadville.
As a result, wildlife officials are asking residents and vacationers to take extra care to avoid attracting hungry bears to homes, cabins, campgrounds and picnic areas.
"Within the past few weeks, wildlife officers have responded to a higher than normal level of calls about bears entering homes, garages, sheds, tents, chicken coops and damaging beehives," said Michael Seraphin, spokesman for the Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife "Officials also had to kill the bear that injured the teen camper — it had apparently ransacked a cooler outside a tent in an adjacent area of the camp prior to the incident."