Benjamin Netanyahu

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But that assumes that the government of Iran is insane and is waiting for its own destruction. They may be different but they are sane within their own framework and are not waiting to die.

You don't know what is sane in their framework. Perhaps the leadership believes it can survive by dispersing and the loss of a couple million people will only galvanize the Islamic world to action and their cause. Perhaps they do feel a martyrdom of even themselves at that scale will achieve god's goals. When dealing with fanatics do not assume even the value of life is the same for them as for you.
have equal standing under Israeli courts

Not true. While for a normal traffic infraction of civil matter, yes they are treated the same. Anything else and they are subject to a military trial, something Israeli Jews are not subject to so easily. An Israeli Arab as to obtiain a specail permit to do just about anything. They even have a different licience plate then Jewish Israelis. I remeber not to long ago a phony story coming out about Iran requirng Jews to wear a badge, outrage insued. Nobody has a problem with the Arab Licence plate. Arabs in Israel can not own land and can be evicted or have there house bulldozed at any moment. Because they are not allowed to own land, unless they are renting from a Jewish owned buliding they are subject to the above. Just look at Hebron and the way the Arabs there are treated. Carrying a Palestinain Flag in Israel is treated as a security matter and is punishable by an undefined amount of prison time.

they have the right to practice their own religion

To a certian extent. With the constant cerfews imposed in Herbron Arabs by the military Muslims can not attened mandatory Friday prayers and Christian Arabs cannot attened church on Sunday. Further more, Anyone under the age of 50 is not allowed to pray inside the Ibraihim Mousque and must pray outside at the feet of a line of Israeli soliders.

Palestine was an invention of the British

So my mother side of my family, who lived in the old city for centuries, and my fathers side who fished the coast of Gaza for the same amount of time were all just a figment of the british imagintion? Outstanding! A litte off topic, but how big is your unicorn stable?

At the same time, Israel took a barren desert that was used for little more than nomadic sheep herding, and developed it into a prosperous country that is a leader in science and high-tech manufacturing.

Lets slow down abit. Israeli is nothing more than a large military base with a big civilian population. With the billions poured in, the flexability of the duel citizenship offered by the US, the endless military tech we have GIVEN them, of course the place is high tech. Israel is our bulldog in the middle east, you think were gonna leave them out there naked? Without us Israel would not be the shinny becon in the desert it is today.
If the Iranians wanted death destruction and mayhem leading to their own deaths they'd be causing some huge amount of crap in the straits of hormuz. They're much happier with low level stuff caused by their clients that bigs up their reputation in the ME. And just because they have different values don't assume they're stupid.
The Belfour Decleration invented Israel. My family who lived and still lives in Palestinine didnt need a delclartion from Belfour to make them real, they were there and have been there...
Not true. While for a normal traffic infraction of civil matter, yes they are treated the same. Anything else and they are subject to a military trial, something Israeli Jews are not subject to so easily.

Yes, for a normal civil matter (the most that almost ANYONE, ANYWHERE has to deal with), they are treated exactly the same as Jews are; so, can you show me an Arab country that does the same for the Jewish component of its population? I didn't think so. When it comes to sabotage, building bombs, attempted mass murder, and the like, I'd EXPECT them to be treated differently, and yet they're still treated with kid gloves compared to the way Israel's Arab neighbours does things (that is, in between the periods when the Arabs aren't killing EACH OTHER over which faction hates the Jews the most).

To a certian extent.

Again, to a much GREATER extent than Jews are allowed to practice THEIR religion in any Arab country.

So my mother side of my family, who lived in the old city for centuries, and my fathers side who fished the coast of Gaza for the same amount of time were all just a figment of the british imagintion? Outstanding! A litte off topic, but how big is your unicorn stable?

Palestine DID NOT EXIST until it was set up as a British Mandate by the League of Nations after WW1, and the Ottoman Empire had fallen apart. That area was known as "Judea" (ie. "land of the Jews") long, long, LONG before it was ever even THOUGHT of being called "Palestine". Since the founding of Israel in 1948, the various Arab factions have had chance after chance after chance of accepting a peaceful solution that granted "Palestinians" their own territory, but each time, they REFUSED it, because they want to grind Israel out of existence. They indoctrinate their children to be freaking SUICIDE BOMBERS, for pete's sake, and as long as they hate the Jews more than they love their kids, they are never going to accept the existence of Israel.

Without us Israel would not be the shinny becon in the desert it is today.
"shinny becon"? Is that anything like back bacon? Israel produces more than its fair share of world leaders in science, engineering, genetics, and other modern sciences. With the billions upon billions of oil revenue that the various Arab states have, I find it more than a little suspicious that they prefer to leave the "Palestinians" living in tenements (in between their biennial "roof diving" competitions). Israel is the sole democracy in the region, and everyone else rules by assasination and car bombings. It doesn't bother me that Israel has the bomb, because I know they aren't going to use it except in self-defence. The fanatics on the Arab side, OTOH, are no better than the Christian fundamentalists who believe that Jerusalem has to fall for THEIR myths to come true; they would gladly see millions of dead in a nuclear war (and yes, that includes Iran) because they see it as a step towards fulfillment of the "prophecies" in their magic book.
in between the periods when the Arabs aren't killing EACH OTHER over which faction hates the Jews the most

Yeah, the Moroccans are even using their pogroms as a tourist attraction. Come to Morocco and stone a jew. (That's ironic, if anybody feels offended.)

From the BBC

It is dawn in the Yusufabad synagogue in Tehran and Iranian Jews bring out the Torah and read the ancient text before making their way to work.

It is not a sight you would expect in a revolutionary Islamic state, but there are synagogues dotted all over Iran where Jews discreetly practise their religion.

"Because of our long history here we are tolerated," says Jewish community leader Unees Hammami, who organised the prayers.

He says the father of Iran's revolution, Imam Khomeini, recognised Jews as a religious minority that should be protected.

As a result Jews have one representative in the Iranian parliament.

"Imam Khomeini made a distinction between Jews and Zionists and he supported us," says Mr Hammami.
Is that anything like back bacon?

I dont get it...

aside from Iran and Saudi arabia, which have shira, what other arab contries mis-treat there Jewish population? If the Jews are so mis-treated by the Arab regimes, why do they take the offer of citizienship in Israel? why are they fleeing Yemen, Morroaco, Egypt adn Jordan? Recently the goveremnt of Israel reached and tried to get Iranian Jews out of Iran. Nobody wanted to leave. I think aside from the two above mentioned countires which have enforced stringent and mis-interputed religous law, its not nearly as bad as you make it out to be. Aside from just make claims of mistreatment, provied some detail....Want to know who is really mis-treated by the ARab regimes? The Palestinian refugees. a Jew in Lebanon and Syria isnt confiened to a camp and can work.
It is not a sight you would expect in a revolutionary Islamic state, but there are synagogues dotted all over Iran where Jews discreetly practise their religion.

Jews in Islamic states HAVE TO "discreetly practice their religion", otherwise they will be killed for believing in the wrong imaginary "god"; Israel, OTOH, allows Muslims to OPENLY practice their religion, even to the point where Muslims are expanding their churches to block access to other religions and are destroying archaeological treasures (because they would have a fit if evidence showed that any other religion has any other claim to history in an area).
If the Jews are so mis-treated by the Arab regimes, why do they take the offer of citizienship in Israel?

And if the "Palestinians" are so badly treated by the Israelis, why don't THEY move to Lebanon, or Syria, or Egypt, or Jordan, or any of the nice, cuddly theocracies and dictatorships in the area that claim to care so much for them? Maybe because they realize that those countries operate in exactly the same way that any possible "Palestine" would; whichever thug could throw the most of his opponents off of a roof, plant the most effective car bombs, and steal the most foreign aid would quickly end up in control.
yeah, I'm was justified after my sweet unicorn stable zinger..only thing is it was a spelling error and the joke was kinda weak.

The fanatics on the Arab side, OTOH, are no better than the Christian fundamentalists who believe that Jerusalem has to fall for THEIR myths to come true; they would gladly see millions of dead in a nuclear war (and yes, that includes Iran) because they see it as a step towards fulfillment of the "prophecies" in their magic book.

When you start saying "Juda and Sameria" you are the fanatic who beleives in prophecies and magic books. The whole concept of Israel is based on prophecies and magic books. If you look at historical records going back to the ottmen empire you'll see there wernt that many jews living inside Palestiane. I think the number at its highest was 10,000. They were the ones who had been there as long as the Arabs. As far as the ones who came over from Europe, they came because of the Fulfillment of prophecies they read in there little magic book. Just like the christians you claim would love to see millions dead in order to fulfill prophecies, the Zionist who came over from Europe fought, displaced and murdered in order to fulfill prophecies
If you look at historical records going back to the ottmen empire you'll see there wernt that many jews living inside Palestiane.

And if you look at historical records going back PAST the Ottoman Empire, you'll see that there's a reason the Romans called "Judea" "the land of the Jews". However, it galls the Muslim fanatics so much that the Israelis were able to do so much more with that land than they ever could, that they would happily destroy it rather than build a land for themselves. THAT is the reason Iran wants atomic weapons, and no other.
Jews in Islamic states HAVE TO "discreetly practice their religion", otherwise they will be killed for believing in the wrong imaginary "god"; Israel, OTOH, allows Muslims to OPENLY practice their religion, even to the point where Muslims are expanding their churches to block access to other religions and are destroying archaeological treasures (because they would have a fit if evidence showed that any other religion has any other claim to history in an area).

Again, you are making claims but not backing it up. Please name one Arab state aside from Saudi Arabia and Iran that does not allow jews to practice their religon? In Iran the practice is not prohibited rather the propergation. Please name on instance where a jew or christian was put to death for practicing their religon. You cant, you are just making things up. As for Palestinains leaving Israel, why should they? South Africans didnt just up and leave because the British people wanted the country but couldnt stand the sight of the natives.

THAT is the reason Iran wants atomic weapons, and no other

You are posting on this forum which proves that you have access to the internet. Did you not read the assesment from our own goverment released just months ago saying that Iran was no where near producing a bomb? Have you noticed that the Admin as strayed away from that assesment and begun the "training terrorist" line? It's Bibi, John Bolton and a couple of other lunitcs that really beleive Iran will have a bomb anytime soon or ever for that matter. If Israel wants to Nuke a country because of some comment about the holocust or a mis-interpereted qoute about map wipping, let them do it on their own.
And if you look at historical records going back PAST the Ottoman Empire, you'll see that there's a reason the Romans called "Judea"

Romans? So are you ready to pack it all up and give it back to the Indians? didnt think so.
In Iran the practice is not prohibited rather the propergation. Please name on instance where a jew or christian was put to death for practicing their religon. You cant, you are just making things up.

I'M "making things up"? For starters here's a page of people that were put to death precisely because they decided they didn't want to believe in the Muslims' imaginary "god" any more:

As for Palestinains leaving Israel, why should they?

Why should Israelis leave Israel, simply because the Muslims have said time and time again that they will accept nothing less than their country being destroyed? You wouldn't accept this if it was YOU, yet you seem surprised that the Israelis won't.

Did you not read the assesment from our own goverment released just months ago saying that Iran was no where near producing a bomb?

Remind me, wasn't this the SAME administration that claimed that Syria wasn't working on a reactor with North Korea (at least until it was proven that they were, and Israel had to destroy that reactor before it went operational)? I have no doubt that Israel is going to do whatever it has to to prevent Iran from getting the bomb, and if it takes an F-16 on a suicide mission to do it, then that's what they'll do. I'd hope that the US does the same, since the US is target #2 on these wingnuts' list of enemies.

As I said before, as long as the Muslims hate the Jews more than they love their kids, they will be only too happy to see millions of dead.

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Romans? So are you ready to pack it all up and give it back to the Indians? didnt think so.

If you are willing to go back to the Ottoman Empire, why can I not go back to the Roman Empire? Is there some sort of statute of limitations that I wasn't aware of? If the Indians started the same sort of suicide bombings and rocket attacks that the Muslims thrive on, I think you and I BOTH know that the US wouldn't put up with it for long, and certainly not for the 60 years that Israel has had to.
Arabs? Muslims? Palestinians? Syria? Egypt? Ottoman Empire? Roman Empire? Christians? Imaginary gods?

Whatever happened to Iran and Netanyahu? You know, the topic of this thread?

Nice civil discussion. Nevertheless, closed, due to thread drift.
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