Benjamin Netanyahu

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Well, before this gets closed for drifting too badly, I'd like to say, all I wanted from this thread was to get some comments on Netanyahu's survey of Iran and what you felt America's role should be, particularly if Iran gains nukies.

Ahmadinejad with the Shias and Al Qaeda with the Sunnis have threatened us with deadly force and want to see the "Great Satan" fall. IMO, they are the greatest threat to America we've ever faced. I often wonder if we have the wherewithal to stop them before they nuke an American city.

I also don't understand the comment about anti-semitism. I might be dense, but I don't see it in any post here nor do I believe I've ever seen anti-semitism on this board.
Ahmadinejad with the Shias and Al Qaeda with the Sunnis have threatened us with deadly force and want to see the "Great Satan" fall. IMO, they are the greatest threat to America we've ever faced. I often wonder if we have the wherewithal to stop them before they nuke an American city.

If they do bye bye middle east

I also don't understand the comment about anti-semitism. I might be dense, but I don't see it in any post here nor do I believe I've ever seen anti-semitism on this board.

I know If anybody mentions Israel, You will allways get somebody bringing up the race card, Opps I mean anti-semitism
I know If anybody mentions Israel, You will allways get somebody bringing up the race card, Opps I mean anti-semitism

And you've been here how long? A whole month!:cool:

WildanditdependsonhowitsmentionedAlaska TM
yes it does depend on how it is mentioned. But some sure are quick to judge.

The question boils down to. If I think American blood should spill for Israel. No I don't. I don't think American blood should spill for any other country other than the U.S.

If Iran attacks the U.S Then bye bye middle east.
"I don't think American blood should spill for any other country other than the U.S."


Let's call a spade a spade here, folks. Our country gives Israel around 7 billion dollars a year. This number doesn't even account for the billions of dollars spent on fighting this war (and yes, driving up oil prices). Is it anti-semetic to open up a dialogue on this?
And in Europe many are fighting against a having a US-developed missile defense system being installed even as Iran gets closer to having nuclear weapons and a delivery system.
NETANYAHU: If you don`t act, it means that it will be the first time in the history of the world that a totally unstable, globally mad regime will have atomic bombs and the means to deliver them.


Bibi sang the same song in chours that Marched us into the in Iraq. Are we going to listen to this phoney again? And Glen Beck? Come on, the guy is a bigger hack then limbaugh and bill o'reily standing on each others shoulders. I think that if Israel hs a Iran problem, like their Iraq problem, then they ought to deal with it. Unfortunelty, after watching the last lebanon war and Israel's military and politcal defeat in Gaza, I doubt the have the capabiltiy to do anything without our help. People keep on refereing to Israel as our allie....Did I miss something?, when did this happen? Last I checked a country has to delcare its borders if it wants to sit with us at lunch. But that would require a...Fair and just settlement...Luckly the Egyptians, Israels, the Quarte and the State dept. are working on as we speak. Any day now....
Yeah we should stay out of everyone elses bussiness but our own.

We should have stayed out of WW2 in Europe as well. The scenario could have gone something like this.

Great Britian falls- Not our concern

Iceland falls to the Nazis- Not our concern

Greenland overun by Germany- Not our Concern

Newfoundland Invaded- Not our Concern
When will people understand that 1) we can't change the way our foreign policies work now, it is too late for that 2) we can't be hermits and not act until we are physically involved and 3) the solution to the problem with Iran Iraq, etc. is not isolationalism...

People keep on refereing to Israel as our allie....Did I miss something? missed alot. they are ALLIES...sheesh some people :eek:

Back to the OP, I thought the interview was interesting, I could see his inferences to some pre-WW activities, but nonetheless the situation is vastly different in many circumstances today.
Leaving Europe to fall to the Nazi's has nothing to do with whats happening now in the middle east. That foolish comparsion being parroted by all sorts of talking heads on the TV is whats driving this non-sense. I dont like Iran, I've seen what they will do when unleashed. Just look at the robed thugs they command from tehran in bagdad. they took what was a relativly liberal country before and distrcted the country on secterian lines, killing anyone who isnt shia. now we see hezbolla in lebanon getting ready to take over, will they do the same? We wont know till it happenes and it will happen. The fact is, facism that spread throughout Europe was centerd in Germany and spread out. Nobody was a Nazi any where else before Germany. The Shia are everywhere in the middle east, it doesnt start and end with Iran. If you think bombing Iran will save israel from iran ideolgy, which is a religous one that was rooted before Iran, you are way off. missed alot. they are ALLIES...sheesh some people

And this allaince exisit formally, its documented? Can you please point me in the direction of that document? Seems you know something Israel, the US govermnet, myself and history missed.

Some people indeed...sheesh! :rolleyes:
I am just saying, we cannot bury our heads in the sand. Some response is needed.

Yes, but argument is similiar in the fact there were people calling for isolationism in the late 1930s and the early 1940s (Charles Lindbergh for one).
Someone asked what happens if Iran sends a nuke at Israel. Israel would obliterate them, I believe. Israel can take care of itself. That tiny little nation has proven that time and time again throughout the previous 60 years. It is my opinion that under the leadership of Bill Clinton, our relationship with Israel changed... in that they became more compliant to the will of the US leadership. I believe that this has hurt them and their ability to defend themselves as was evident in the last war they fought (albeit short) with Hezbollah in Lebanon.

If Israel doesn't want to give up territory, why should the US try to make them and why should the Israelis listen to our demands... we don't live there... they do.

The US needs to go back to being a good friend of Israel, but not to the extent that we are involved now. I think that our "special relationship" has hurt them more than it has helped them in the previous 16 years.
The only question is whether we want Iran brought to heel on our terms or Israel's. Israel has nuclear subs prowling right now. They are warning us that we can take care of it or they will. If we don't mind seeing Iran obliterated, I'm sure that Israel will be willing to supply the bonfire, rather than becoming a nuclear testing range. Israel isn't the only threatened here either. A foreign flag steamer with an Iranian or other nutball crew can launch surprise nuclear attacks simply by sailing along our coasts and firing nuclear tipped, unguided Scuds at population centers.
A foreign flag steamer with an Iranian or other nutball crew can launch surprise nuclear attacks simply by sailing along our coasts and firing nuclear tipped, unguided Scuds at population centers.

Somehow I dont see that happening...
Somehow I dont see that happening...
Iran has already test fired on multiple occasions missile from transport ships. The launch profile is consistent with the launch of an EMP device. The simplest EMP devices are nuclear in design though there are now conventional designs.
They don't have to fire Scuds. They just sail into port.

But no one in the Bush administration thought Al Qaeda would attack the US with enough urgency to cut short their vacations.

Nah, never happen.
The Palestinians owe their plight to their fellow Arabs at least as much as they do to the Israelis.


We should have stayed out of WW2 in Europe as well. The scenario could have gone something like this.

Great Britian falls- Not our concern

Iceland falls to the Nazis- Not our concern

Greenland overun by Germany- Not our Concern

Newfoundland Invaded- Not our Concern

Wouldn't have happened. The Brits were secure but getting hurt where they were. If America had stayed out the Russians would have rolled all the way to the Atlantic once they had turned the tide on Germany.

Anyway, saying Israel has nuclear weapons and is treating Palestinians disgracefully is not racist or anti-semitic. It is a perfectly reasonable position to hold. Feel free to disagree, even though you are wrong.
How many of you know that before Microsoft tried to buy Yahoo, Netscape (Netscape Navigator) tried. The new company was going to be called Net-n-yahoo.... :)
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