Benjamin Netanyahu

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Did you watch the Glenn Beck interview with Benjamin Netanyahu about Iran?
I found it very powerful. Comments?

Here's an excerpt:

NETANYAHU: Iran is Germany, and it`s 1938, except that this Nazi regime that is in Iran, that`s a religious kind of fanaticism, but it wants to dominate the world, annihilate the Jews, but also annihilate America. Remember, we`re the small Satan. You`re the big Satan.

BECK: Tell me what the world looks like if we don`t act.

NETANYAHU: If you don`t act, it means that it will be the first time in the history of the world that a totally unstable, globally mad regime will have atomic bombs and the means to deliver them.

This means, a, that they will dominate the Middle East very quickly. They will make the Persian Gulf an Iranian pond. They will control the world`s oil supply. And they will probably use the weapons, first against my country, and then to intimidate or threaten Europe. They want to control the world.

Now, eventually, they`ll be brought down. How many millions will have to die for that? How many cities will be wiped out before the Western world and civilization realizes that this is not a local problem, that this is their problem, that it`s directed against them, directed against you?

The transcript is located here.

Note: I believe Glenn will be addressing 2nd Amendment issues on his program throughout the week starting 5/12.
A relative of mine offered his view. He was a WWII vet, walking tour of Europe, bivouacked with the Russian on the Elba. Later worked for alphabet orgs and was assigned to work in Iran for certain leaders long since dead. When I asked his opinion of the current flap in the US over Iran, he said, "Seen it all before." He later said he'd seen it all before in the run up to WWII. He said he hopes we've learned a lesson or two but right now it does not appear so.

There is no doubt in my tiny mind that Iran is a major threat. . . . to the region and as such it is up to the region to fix it. Bush may well be right but no one will believe him. His credibility is shot and he simply has not made any case much less a convincing case.
There's only one country in the Middle East stealing land in possession of nuclear weapons in defiance of all international law, and it ain't Iran.

Can you guess who it is?
There's only one country in the Middle East stealing land in possession of nuclear weapons in defiance of all international law, and it ain't Iran.

Can you guess who it is?


And here I thought I have seen it all...guess not LOL

Free Palestine from them dirty.......:cool:

Okay...what if it used it on Israel? What then?

Hopefully the same reaction if they dropped on on one of our other allies...of course, some folks would cheer.

But hey, I got guns and shot a one holer today despite a 20 mph crosswind....

WildfeelinspunkyAlaska TM

PS His daddy wrote the best History of the Spanish Inquistion I have ever read.....
Gee, I sure hope that nobody was in it

Funny, the cans at the range are one holers :)

They are actually gonna give us bathrooms soon :eek::)

The wind was gusting so bad today that my bud's 100 grain 6.5x55 loads were whipping around...lucky for moi those 185 Scenars rumble through the wind like a truck...the hard part is timing the target bounce :)

Is there generally a lot of anti-semitism here?

There's a lot of anti semitismm everywhere...the difference between now and the older days is that they no longer have the guts to admit it, they couch it in coded language. I have more respect for the blatant ones, you know what you are dealing with.

Mazel Tov!

WildmykingdomforaknishAlaska TM

For those of you who love me, a gift from here is always appreciated...simple potato is fine:D
I have nothing against Jews, don't actually know any.

But, if the Allies wanted to carve out a country for them after WWII, why not East Germany, or southern Italy, or New Jersey for that matter?
Better hope some superpower in the distant future doesn't want to give the American Indians a homeland based on some 1000 year old history.
I have nothing against Jews, don't actually know any.

But, if the Allies wanted to carve out a country for them after WWII, why not East Germany, or southern Italy, or New Jersey for that matter?
Better hope some superpower in the distant future doesn't want to give the American Indians a homeland based on some 1000 year old history.

Well to be totally honest, American Indians were here before there was a superpower.
But, if the Allies wanted to carve out a country for them after WWII, why not East Germany, or southern Italy, or New Jersey for that matter?

You might want to look up what Israel's Arab neighbors agreed to do for the Palestinians and what they actually did.

Hint: They were supposed to take in refugees and help establish a Palestinian homeland- there was land set aside for that. Instead, they attacked Israel. More than once. They still haven't done squat for the Palestinians other than smuggle in weapons and incendiary talk. The Palestinians owe their plight to their fellow Arabs at least as much as they do to the Israelis.
Seems to me if the world leaders at that time thought it would turn out any other way than it has, they were about as perceptive as the leaders we have now.

Like Cheney having us welcomed as liberators, etc.
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