Being the stalked hunter

I think you already have some good suggestions. Buy the cheapest old goat you can find and set up a blind so you will have a good shot at whatever comes for it.

I don't know about your area but here in Oregon we have some stupid laws about hunting big cats and as a result they are way over populated.

If I saw a cougar in my yard, it had better leave before I could get a rifle out. I don't care as much about the fall out as I do the safety of my family...

Originally posted by Barnacle Brad

No cowards here..

Buck, you should say what you mean and mean what you say. I presume everyone knows what the three s's means, but if you don't it is "Shoot. Shovel. Shutup".

While I would never advocate breaking game laws, I would do what is neccesary to protect my people and livestock. That is just my way. If some mamby pamby mamas boys see it different, I will not judge...

I did say what I mean....and I know all to well what the poacher's motto(S.S.S.) means.:rolleyes:

I take it you don't know what S.F.Bs, means tho, eh?:D

You claim you do not advocate breaking game laws but suggest SSS? If you really know what SSS means than you know it means break the law and cover your tracks. The law says you can do what is needed to protect your family, your livestock and your pets. No need to cover any tracks. As for Mamby Pamby mamma's boys, they are generally folks that are ignorant about the threat to humans from native predators and just want them dead. It isn't really about the threat of attack, but the fear of not getting a deer next time out because those predators are better hunters than they. Less predators....more deer for me! As for as judging them, poachers are poachers, they are criminals and make all legitimate hunters/gun owners look bad, regardless of how they try and justify their actions.

The OP came here with a question and did not like the answers he got. Now he is resorting to calling other folks names, like a third grader. He has been here for two days and has a whole seven posts to his credit, yet he insults others who have been giving good information here for years. Not only does he lack any knowledge of cougars and the threat they present, but rebukes the knowledge of those that do.

If cougars are fair game in Texas, then there needs to be no S.S.S. If the cougar really does show aggression toward humans or domestic livestock it also can be legally shot....again no S.S.S. is needed. Just like there really is no need for you, or the OP to call others names.
This is too funny.

Cougars must be meaner/more scary in Texas. Here in Oregon we have lots of them, including several in my area, and I've never given it a second thought.

They will occasionally snag a pet, and I startled one once while it was stalking a deer in a thick fog, all I really saw was a blur and a long tail :D

I'm a mile from the local k-thru-12 and they captured two wayward cougar kittens/cubs at a park half a mile from it. No outcry to kill the big cats and save the children yet ;)

What the OP has described is fairly NORMAL cougar behavior, if it was abnormal or threatening behavior it would be a different story. Your normal/average mountain lion, statistically and in practice, is pretty harmless to humans, even children. Of course you will do as you please, but in my mind you are overreacting somewhat.
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Like other large predators, he is a killer by nature. It is what he is wired to do. Just because it has not happened yet, does not mean it will not happen at all. I guess you guys have not heard of parks that prohibit the feeding of wildlife? Hmmm...

How about "err on the side of caution"? Again, risk your family if that makes you feel good, but I value my face and those of my family. Are you guys on other forums advocating leniency for home intruders? Offer your own face to be gnawed off and hey, if it does not happen, good for you. But when it does, perhaps you will rethink the situation...but probably not...

Your logic is flawed. By your logic because something kills its food, we should exterminate it. Should I be killing every Bobcat/Black Bear I see too? A Lion will kill what he needs to survive. If there is bountiful game in the area (like the OP stated) he will probably never ever be a threat.

The OP has already rubbed me wrong. He has taken to insulting other members that just had a few questions for him. I see nothing in any of his posts that show this Lion to be a threat. Not saying it isnt, but it doesnt sound like it.

If you were looking for us to bless your poaching of a Lion you came to the wrong place.
Finally, some voices of reason who also recognize that all big animals in the wild aren't "out to eat you".

Cougars and bears and zombies - Oh, my!:eek:
"From what I understand you will never see or hear a mountain lion before it attacks you."

That's not true. I can cite two instances where a lion was spotted while stalking a human being. The year was 1978 up in the vicinity of Winnemucca Nevada. Bow season was open and a bowhunter had to take out a young female mountin lion that was definitely stalking him. On autopsy, it was found that the cat's stomach was totally empty and had apparently not eaten for some time.
I was involved in the second instance which occurred maybe two weeks after the bowhunter incident. I was scouting in preperation for the upcoming rifle season and had my .243 along in hopes of taking a coyote to judge the quality of the fur. I had weird feeling of being followed and when looing aroud saw the cat about 25 to 30 yards away. I yelled and it took off. Wasn't much longer and the feeling came back. The cat was much closer and crouched as if to spring. I shot it. I reported it to the Game Warden and when they looked the scene over decided it was a good shoot. They took it in and did an autopsy. Again a totally empty stomach. Deer were rather scarce in that area in that time period and had been for a couple of years. Lots of coyotes though which may have been a big part of the problem.
Mountain lions are a major predator. The fact that they usually do not mess with man probably has more to do with the abundance of game than anything else. Before I rashed my knee making hiking too difficult and painful I used to hike quite a bit in the local Catalina Mountains. Not only are there Mountain Lions there but Black bears as well. I am armed with a large bore hangun but have never been bothered by either lion or bear. since moving here 35 years ago. Yet there are several yearly reports of hiker having problems with bears or lions apparently giving them the once over or getting too close for comfort.
My thoughts are if the OP feels that cat is a problem and the Game Warden has given his OK, why should anyone here feels he should leave it alone? If those holier than thou types don't like it? Too bad, so sad.
Paul B.
The problem here is with the OP and others that know little about cats. The OP and his neighbor have caused this situation by poor stewardship of their property. Both have baited this cat into the area one by baiting hogs and the other by leaving the gutpile.

Undoubtably this cat will have to be put down BUT it is not the cats fault.

I had a cat in our cabin tract. I let the neighbors know that something was drawing in a cat. Someone quit doing something stupid and I started walking around more at dusk so the cat left. Cat problem ended.
Admittedly I would have already shot the cat , not out of wanting to kill it but I could not rest if I thought anything threatened my Family and I did nothing .
I got the s.s.s but it took some time for me to figure out .
One way to solve this that would be win-win would be getting some good dogs as no varmit big or small can stand good agressive dogs . They would keep it out of your imeadiate area .
Re-read my original posting. Then, shut your F____ing mouth.

Just so you know, even using the underscore, is a violation of the TOS. or at least as I understand them.

Are Texas cougars as small as Texas deer? I'm asking seriously because many people automatically picture mountain lions as #250 monsters, but even here in the PNW one over #100 is rare.

Cats are neophobes as are most animals. That means they tend to keep to the same diet and avoid contact with strange things.
At the same time they are stereotypically curious. They will follow strangers in their range. However just as in the OP they will run off with very little encouragement.
Top predators kill top predators when they can. house cats and pet dogs count as top predators to your neighborhood cougar.

I wasn't able to find a cougar season on the Texas Parks and Wildlife site. There was this PDF on cougars

I have camped in cougar country for many years and besides tracks and scat have never encountered a cougar. The only person I've met who was attacked by a cougar, drove the cat off by punching it in the nose.

I don't want to minimize the OP's fears, but from what he's said so far I'd recommend following the measures outlined in the T P&W pdf on living with cougars, rather than eliminating the cat.
Theodore Roosevelt didn't think highly of cougars. He said that if they are spooked, even a modest dog can tree one. On the other, the jaguars of South America were very different. They would attempt to fight off dogs and often were successful.
here in the north east i know of a large black bear that tried to kill several hogs in a pen and the game wardens tried to live trap it out and failed. well the bear just went missing late one night when it tried to get into the house. i think the shooter would have been alright with the law, but just didn,t want the hassle with the wardens.eastbank
So, there are probable man-made reasons why the cat is being attracted to the area, it is statistically unlikely to attack a human, and thus far "hunting" it, legal or not, has been unsuccessful.

Seems to me that there are easily implemented options available that, as others have said, might well solve the issue without pursuing something that has so far failed to yield results.

Its not like, by choosing one option, one has to forego all others.

On a side note, the petty put-downs, attempted defamatory remarks or plain vulgarities by some parties bring nothing to this thread.
They do, however, reduce other members' inclination to give worthwhile advice.
If folks want "Yes, sir. No, sir" and never want to be questioned best talk to a mirror.
I think the OP stated he is in Texas. No closed season. They are pretty much lumped with coyotes and shot on sight here. Any rancher nearby with goats, cattle, or sheep will thank you for taking it. Good luck.
Is it legal in Texas?

Page 72, Texas Parks & Wildlife 2014-2015 edition, Outdoor Annual Hunting and Fishing Regulations.

Mountain Lions are included in a list of "Nongame Animals", followed by these comments: "No closed season. These animals may be hunted at any time by any lawful means or methods on private property. Public hunting lands may have restrictions. A hunting license is required."

Page 74, same publication: "BLACK BEARS and MOUNTAIN LIONS

Black bears are protected and cannot be hunted or killed. Mountain Lions are not protected and can be harvested at any time......"