Being the stalked hunter

How does that in any way relate to a threat to a human? It doesn't.

Let me explain...
The lion gets conditioned to finding food in the back yard. Eats all the dogs and cats with no adversity. Introduce children into the food chain... most prudent folks can come to the next conclusion....

Don't wait for the kids to become cat scat...
The Threat(since you morons aren't getting the point)

It has stalked me.

That is how I found it.

That was only the first time it has come near my family.


Ya getting the big picture yet?
Doyle Might Be Mentally Impaired
I might just resemble that remark. :D

However, I disagree with Brad on this point. I'm well aware of how animals get to associate humans with food. However, it is a huge stretch to go from scavenging and grabbing weak pets to attacking human prey. And I certainly disagree that this animal is stalking you. You are simply sharing the same territory with it. Yes, it has probably learned that living there means easy meals. That doesn't mean it wants to eat you.
I've heard that lions attack people who venture too close to their kill.

If that lion kills a hog and stashes it in the area, I'm thinking it would cause problems for people.

I say kill it.
The OP did not post that this cat has taken pets and drug part of the gut pile to the house area in the first post. In any case dropping this cat will not solve the problem. You need to deal with the problem with your neighbor because the current bounty of food on the property has brought this cat in. You shoot this cat and do nothing about the feed situation it will be just a matter of time before another one moves in.

You neigbor wants to bait hogs...go online and get him online and watch videos of how to do it correctly with the proper fencing and dropdown gates so that the animals can be removed. It aint hard to do and can be done correctly in a few days. With the hogs gone another cat will not be back.
Doyle, you sound like you are one of those wolf lovers that have flat destroyed our hunting out here. And why we have no hunting season on grizzly bears, even though we are completely infested with them with several attacks a year.

Tsagali84, if this cat is sticking around like that, you need to get rid of it. Its only a short matter of time before its decided to try humans. It has lost its fear of people. You will have to make up your mind whether or not to mention it to the authorities. They usually dont see things with their common sense. Only that they get to write another ticket.

By the way, a 320gr RF cast bullet pushed fast from a 45 rifle does an excellent job thru the front shoulders at 7 yards.:p
You might try some poison meat.
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Doyle, you sound like you are one of those that loves the wolves that have flat destroyed our hunting out here. And why we have no hunting season on grizzly bears, even though we are completely infested with them with several attacks a year.

Not at all. I'm just one who believes in the reality that the danger of attack by Mt. Lion is so remote that it doesn't warrant any effort to take out one animal whos territory overlaps a human's. As to hunting wolves and grizzley, I have no problem with that as a means to balance the population. And I am certainly not in favor of reintroduction of wolves into an area that cannot effectively support them without harming another valuable population.
Based on the lack of details onn which you arrive at your conclusions, and general attitide towrds those who question them, I'm not at all convinced the lion is a threat, and that the fears are not based more on TV movies than lion experience.

I will speculate a little myself since you seem to get upset when questioned on specifics and details on which you base your dramatic conclusions.

How do you know it "got at least 3 cats"? Did you see it snatch them up? You do know lots of things happen to free roaming cats in rural areas that don't even have lions, right?

You left deer entrails 500 ft from the house, and you are surprised that wild animals got into it? You know that is like puttomng out food for them, right? Do you really know that it was the lion that got into it? Not that it matters, because when you put food out for animals, they tend to come and eat it.

I am skeptical that it is stalking you. Based on what? A sighting at night with a flashlight? Watching you is natural for any wild animal that is wary of humans. If it was actually "stalking" you, what prevented it from being successful? Lion attacks are extremely rare on adult humans, but if he was really stalking you, he would probably have been succesful. I've been watched by a lion, and it gives you a creepy feeling, but it does not mean you are in danger. If he truly intends to attack, he is a far more skilled at catching predator you than you are at evading him.

I'm glad you saw fit to discuss it with the right officials. I can't imagine them telling you to shoot it, but then maybe they figured you were blowing off hot air, and the cat would never ever become enough of a "menace" to give you the opportunity. You'll proabbly continue to see occasional tracks, but sightings will probably be limited to glimpse every now and then, so I'm not overly concerned about you successfully poaching it.

I could be all wrong, but the impression you gave a lot of people is that you are looking for an excuse to poach a lion based on irrational fears. I truly hope the lion is not dangerous, but I'm not very convinced that it is.
If killing a lion seems foolish, why not send your children or grandchildren down to play...?

Like other large predators, he is a killer by nature. It is what he is wired to do. Just because it has not happened yet, does not mean it will not happen at all. I guess you guys have not heard of parks that prohibit the feeding of wildlife? Hmmm...

It's pretty funny, one argument says "couger numbers are low - find an alternative to putting the animal down" versus "don't bother to kill it - another will fill the vaccuum"...

How about "err on the side of caution"? Again, risk your family if that makes you feel good, but I value my face and those of my family. Are you guys on other forums advocating leniency for home intruders? Offer your own face to be gnawed off and hey, if it does not happen, good for you. But when it does, perhaps you will rethink the situation...but probably not...
Originally posted by Barnacle Brad[/b[


S.S.S. = S.F.Bs.

No cowards here..

Buck, you should say what you mean and mean what you say. I presume everyone knows what the three s's means, but if you don't it is "Shoot. Shovel. Shutup".

While I would never advocate breaking game laws, I would do what is neccesary to protect my people and livestock. That is just my way. If some mamby pamby mamas boys see it different, I will not judge...
Just leave the door open at night, and some raw meat and a nice soft bed near the fireplace.
In no time that cat will become the family pet. :)
While I would never advocate breaking game laws, I would do what is neccesary to protect my people and livestock.

I think everyone would agree with that. While I support lawful hunting of species that exists in huntable numbers, I do not support erradication of any native species based on discomfort, based on unrealistic, irrational, fear and ignorance, which would seem to be what you are condoning.
I think everyone would agree with that. While I support lawful hunting of species that exists in huntable numbers, I do not support erradication of any native species based on discomfort, based on unrealistic, irrational, fear and ignorance, which would seem to be what you are condoning.


If you are suggesting I am ignorant Sir, I would have you go look in the mirror. Your statement may hold water with part of the audience, but prudent folks know what's up.
I dont know if this would help you in Texas but if you knew of someone or could get a hold of someone who has treeing dogs you might be able to run it up a tree and shoot it from there or at least you might scare it off the property. Otherwise I would try baiting it in some fashion and then shooting it ecspecially if the DNR said to shoot it. I am not from Texas so I do not know the terrain I know that occasionally here in Wisconsin us coon hunters will put one up a tree. I have a daughter myself so like you I would try to do my best to shoot it or get it off the property.