BB Gun Mods

A buddy of mine kept a shotgun on campus in a guitar case. Never had a problem and it was easily transported from car to dorm room.

IIRC, the daisy 880 I had as a kid would easily shoot through the steel barn roofs on the farm (a fact that got me in a lot of trouble). I imagine that it could easily go right through an eyeball and into a brain. In fact, haven't people been killed with BB guns?

Trouble is, follow-up shots. It takes a sec to insert a new pellet and pump the handle ten times.

Are you old enough to get a handgun? Get a mini revolver or derringer. Cost is as much as the $150 airgun mentioned above and you can have it in your jeans pocket without anyone knowing (as long as your jeans aren't too tight).
Let's see now. When I turned 18 the only problem I had was helping decide which bar in Athens, Greece I and my buddies were going to that night.

Before I graduated from HS I had owned a .22, 44 SBH, 6mm, 7mm Mag, 30-06, and a 12 guage. I'm sorry, I just cannot relate.
880 has more power than you think

Theres currently a lawsuit against Daisy because of an accident with another of the powerline guns that left a kid severely handicapped ( BB got lodged in his brain)
I'm not about to say that its going to stop a crazed BG in his tracks but pumped up all the way it will do damage. I have one thats rated at 630 fps with a pellet and it will damn near shoot through a 2X4 at close range. Shot placement would just be very critical in a defensive situation.

When it comes to modifying it. Theres absolutely nothing you can do, or need to do to get more power from it. I just took one clear apart and brazed the barrel into the action because it ws popping loose (they're press fit, if the plastic cap in the muzzle gets damage it can easily fall apart) Breaking it down peice by peice was a real eye opener. They've got mostly plastic parts and are very simple. If you want more power, pump it up lots and lots of times. The valve is very simple, it won't regulate the amount of pressure. You can pump air into the chamber until the pressure inside is to much for the pump to overcome, then you just wear out the seal on the pump( its just a spngey peive of foam rubber soaked in oil). I'd be really surprised if one blew up on you ( I'm not recommending you pump it more than your supposed to all the time though) Theres ust a big spring and striker to open the valve on the chamber and that goes through little elbow into the back of the barrel. All the air is released with each shot.

If its all you can get, it will be better than nothing. Follow ups are a problem. And your not going to hit someone with it very many times before it breaks. If you want a bayonet- duct tape a small fixed blade to the barrel. The outside shroud on it is sheet metal and is very stiff. The actual barrel is a little steel tube inside thats about .25" OD. Its also pretty sturdy but theres not much holding in there. For the shotgun effect, load on BB normally and then drop 3 or 4 down the muzzle, they fit loose enough to roll clear down. it won't give a shotgun type spread though. Each one drops a little more than the one in front of it, but they stay in straight string in terms of left and right.
another thought on the 880. How long will it hold its air pressure? Anyone tested this? You might have to pump it up every night even if you didn't shoot it during the day.
I dunno - I think your best bet is to get an impact weapon and some training. The whole bb gun idea is kinda silly IMHO.

Also - my parents are pretty strict about firearms too. My dad doesn't like em at all and hasn't shot one since he was a small child and still won't come with me or my little brother to the range. But I kep preaching to them about the 2nd amendment - my responsibility to defend myself and loved ones - and the fact that I as also a Member and then Captain of a pistol team. They added up the facts and bought me a nice handgun for my 19th birthday right after I got my CCW.

Don't give up on the 'rents - they will see the light eventually. Also - firearms in the dorm are a no-no here at Purdue. I know of a guy a couple years ago who got the boot from the school for having a shotgun in the dorm. Counselors are nosy and are in your room frequently for smoke alarm checks etc. Don't risk it. I got yelled at for having a 4' CRKT Komodo on my web gear after an FTX last year. I was mad - did he think a member of the Marine ROTC contingent was going to go crazy and walk around the dorm slitting throats all night!:eek: However I also had a 26" ASP baton on the desk too. He had no idea what it was - and I made no effort to tell him.

My advice - 16" ASP. If you wear jeans it will fit evenly with the top of your back pocket while collapsed. Properly trained you can use it to strike, redirect, block, and disarm. Plus the psychological effect is enough to send most who would be fool enough to try to start something packing.

Just my .02
Preach on Brother Tom! The ASP is a great weapon. I carry the 21" daily. But before you start carrying it, check your local/state laws. In Indiana it is legal to carry one, but in Pennsylvania it is illegal. Since you're in the PRK it might be illegal...

The RA here is pretty cool, although she's an anti (I'm working on that!!!).

In that case, I need a good folder. Fixed blade is a no-no in Kali, even in a private school.

626.10 (b) Any person, except a duly appointed peace officer as defined in Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 830) of Title 3 of Part 2, a full-time paid peace officer of another state or the federal government who is carrying out official duties while in this state, a person summoned by any officer to assist in making arrests or preserving the peace while the person is actually engaged in assisting any officer, or a member of the military forces of this state or the United States who is engaged in the performance of his or her duties, who brings or
possesses any dirk, dagger, ice pick, or knife [/i]having a fixed blade longer than 2 1/2 inches upon the grounds of, or within, any private university[/i], the University of California, the California State University, or the California Community Colleges is guilty of a public offense, punishable by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by imprisonment in the state prison.

The security chief was over last night to talk to the house...she said pocketknives were OK. Security's been upgraded in the last few weeks, the new guys are a lot better than the old ones. Probably can't get away with a "Ninja DeathMaster Stabbomatic 2002" like Golgo pointed out, but an ordinary folding blade of moderate length should be an adequate and effective weapon.

I'm moderately adept with stabbing weapons; less so with slashing weapons, unless they're full-length swords.
I also have to agree that and ASP would be a real good idea ... many people won't recognize it as a weapon, whereas some people are just as scared of people owning knives as guns (the jokes about 'knife control" aren't that far from reality ... just try to carry an automatic knife and see what happens).

a quick search dug up this site with ASPs for sale

I'm sure you can get them localy too.

One thing about an ASP ... if you get one, get some training with it. Someone who is trained with an ASP is a dangerous person for (even an armed) criminal to tangle with ;)
May I suggest one of Buck's mid-size lockblades or one of Gerber's? They are ubiquitous, since they are sold at Wally-world, K-Mart, etc. They are reasonably cheap, so having it unofficially confiscated by a cop shouldn't break your heart. If you leave the factory edge on it, or develop the skill to sharpen it properly yourself, they are keen enough to do the job. Both companies make models that can be opened with one hand that aren't especially "Taktikal" looking.
California has strange laws on folding knives. IIRC the length limit for carrying is something like a 5.5" blade or 12" overall length ( maybe 12-1/2"), so long as its concealed. Anyhow the REKAT SIFU is a big honker of a folder that just barely meets those limitations. You'll want to double check me on this, but I know we've been through it on bladeforums a few times and remember things being along those lines.

If your serious about an air gun, you might also look into a CO2 pistol. They be had for cheap, and generally shoot pellets from an 8 shot clip. They're down in the 400FPS range, but daisy makes steel tipped pellets. I can't imagine them feeling very good.
And you can store it loaded with the canister in, just don't flip the piercing lever until your ready to use it.

Or get yourself a paintball gun, and some ball bearings. Paintballs themselves are about .685" in diameter, so you'll want something a hair smaller. We shot some gobstopper like candies through one once, it was very hard hitting and accurate at about 30 ft. no one would volunteer to see just "how" hard they hit though.
Can't keep paintball guns or CO2 pistols on campus either...I've run through all the loophole possibilities already. I think a fairly run-of-the-mill looking lockblade will do the trick, as security has indicated that it's allowed. Something like a Masters of Defense Tempest would be cool, but too "taktikal" in name and too expensive for budget.
Personal experience showed me that possession of a compound bow will get you in the same amount of trouble as gun in a university system.
Being myself a college student, I understand where you're coming from. Here's some of what I've gleaned in my quest to find a viable self defense weapon I can keep on campus with no hassles.

In my experience, (in VA), a bow of any sort, pellet gun, or bb gun or firearm are all no-nos.

However, a good folding knife is ignored, especially if it reasonably is a tool. I usually carry a S&W SWAT folder, no problem. Before I got that, I used to carry a Buck 110 in my jacket. Once when I was helping set up a school function, someone needed a "pocket knife." I pulled out the Buck right in front of the Dean of Students and he didn't bat an eye. Attitude is alot of the issue. If something is a tool, like a PC folder, or a toy, like a baseball bat, people tend to ignore it. A few guys here even have "decorative" swords hanging on their walls as well.

A baseball bat should not be a problem either. Nor would a bo or quarterstaff or perhaps even an ASP. In my experience, people (like RAs) who aren't really into guns/weapons wouldn't know the more obscure martial arts weapons. While nunchaku are "bad" because they're recognizable, a bo or ASP or even a pair of tonfa would not be recognized, and thus ignored. Oh, and once someone asked me about the pair of tonfa I had lying in my room, and I went into a long story on how they were developed in Okinawa, yada yada yada.... thus providing "historical" significance.

I'd second the other recommendations that everyone's made: Start studying a martial art, it's great exercise as well. And whatever impact weapon you get, learn how to use it properly. And, even though a BB gun CAN kill, it would be more likely to tick off a BG. Good Luck!
Some universities have high crime rates. Why would you want a weapon in your home? It's the same principle. Just recently there was a shooting at a law school in Virginia. A university is no more a crime free zone than a high school.