BATFE Bans Some Bullets

Finally, discussion of the issue on several other forums suggests that the ammo in question may not use plain-old copper as Barnes and others' bullets do but rather materials under the "evil list" of 18 USC 921(a)(17)(B).

It now appears that EA made bullets from an alloy of copper and zinc=commercial bronze. It is illegal to manufacture handgun bullets from bronze.
Here the president(OP) says he was told shown the rule during an atf swat raid, but his lack of detail about this situation and the ruling is interesting.

Thallub, is handgun ammunition differentiated from rifle ammunition, or is the marketing of the ammo towards handguns the distinction, rhetorical I guess, but it's beginning to read like he somehow made this handgun distinction on his own which put him under a preexisting 922 rule.
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Why does this sound like another opression from the liberal democrats and the lying polical machine. Who is afraid of gun owners?

"An armed person is a citizen an unarmed person is a subject."
The BATFE say their authority to do this stuff comes from the GCA 1968.

Exactly right. The GCA of 68 was a "law" enacted by Congress that gave BATF broad powers. Everything that BATF has done since has been by "regulation" and, as such, needs NO Congessional approval.

What I don't understand is how BATF evolved from a tax enforcing agency into a jackleg, lamebrained, dictatorial "law enforcement agency" that just pulled the most monumentally stupid stunt of coercing FFLs to "legally" sell weapons so they could be traced over the border into Mexico.:mad:
Thallub, is handgun ammunition differentiated from rifle ammunition, or is the marketing of the ammo towards handguns the distinction, rhetorical I guess, but it's beginning to read like he somehow made this handgun distinction on his own which put him under a preexisting 922 rule.

There is no problem until someone manufactures a handgun that fires a rifle caliber cartridge. In the 90s some company made a handgun that fired 7.62x39 ammo. For this reason the Chinese made steel core 7.62x39 ammo was banned from import.
From what I've read on other forums, the .223 Remington cartridge has been considered a handgun cartridge for this purpose by the ATF for decades since the introduction of the Remington XP100 in that caliber. SS109/M855 penetrator components and ammunition loaded with them has remained legal because the ATF does not consider that bullet to be Armor-Piercing.
From what I've read on other forums, the .223 Remington cartridge has been considered a handgun cartridge for this purpose by the ATF for decades since the introduction of the Remington XP100 in that caliber. SS109/M855 penetrator components and ammunition loaded with them has remained legal because the ATF does not consider that bullet to be Armor-Piercing.

You are exactly right.
So, it would seem then that there is indeed more to this story than what EA is telling us. If I've got all this straight, the ATF has made no new rulings, EA was simply in violation of decades old rulings (due to the metals used in their bullets) and got caught selling illegal ammo. I do still wonder if there's anything to the supposed confiscation since the ammo was indeed illegal (though unbeknownst to the customers) at the time it was sold.
The issue is that EA is saying the ammo is the same as Barnes ammo, which is currently legal and in widespread use. In fact, it appears they make the ammo by taking actual Barnes bullets and modifying them by cutting a deeper band.
In fact, it appears they make the ammo by taking actual Barnes bullets and modifying them by cutting a deeper band.

Uh, no.

Despite what EA says their bullets are not the same as Barnes bullets.

i use lots of Barnes bullets, especially the Triple shocks, MZ muzzleloader bullets and the XPB handgun bullets. Barnes says their TSX, TTSX and XPB bullets are made of 100 percent copper: i believe that to be true. It is legal to make handgun caliber bullets from pure copper. It is not legal to make them from brass or bronze.

Voila!!! There is nothing on the EA website this morning about the BATFE and bullets:

Then there is this little jewel:

Turned solid brass bullets. Extremely accurate with our signature Extreme Boat Tail that drive up ... More

And another one:
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