Bad Decision!

I am not going to sit here and give a blow by blow account of how I would have reacted because that would be foolish. The 2 things I know for sure are:

1) I was too hard on the clerk.

2) I still don't like how close the kid is to the line of fire.

Well, none of us really know how we would have handled it and you were honest in admitting that.
With a little luck, and Murphy being out of town screwing things up for somebody else, we likely won't have to. But, it's the unlikely events that scare me.:)
2) I still don't like how close the kid is to the line of fire.

Well I don't like the fact that the robber threatened to kill the people in the room and if we are taking the Sally Struthers angle, I don't like that the kid was threatened either.

Close to the line of fire is not the same thing as being in the line of fire. There is a huge difference.
As many a vet will say... "If you weren't there, you don't know." I will never second guess (publicly) anyone who gets it done. I will pull them aside and get as much "first hand" info before I open my mouth with an opinion- and it will be to them and only them. Praise in public, question or admonish in private... that has worked for me, and kept the professionals, professional. Just my two slugs o' copper.
Good shoot.

Go find something else to rant and vent about, this isn't it.

God forbid I'm ever put in that position; but if I am, I hope I do as good as that clerk.
I thought the clerk handled himself well and appeared to be in full control of his weapon. Agree that the gunman by his actions dictated what occurred and it didn't look to me like the clerk endangered the mother and child in any way, they were well to the side and the muzzle did not stray in their direction. Someone willing to steal at gunpoint sets the stage for what happens next; he got what he deserved and I hope I'd be as calm -- and accurate -- as the guy in the video.

I'd love to know what training, if any, the gentleman had and how often he visits the range ... I was impressed that all three shots hit their target.
Thanks for your answers, gents.

I made this question because under our system, someone shot in the back whilst on the run, even when holding a firearm, is a serious headache for a police officer, not to mention a civilian.
seen that one a few times,other than the baby being so close
I thought the shooter did a good job.......except the bad guy lived but oh well
Norde it can still be a headache. A lot of times it will require testimony at a grand jury or in a court room. Most people, including cops, respond to a shot in the back with emotion instead of scientific thought.
The baby is still to close for comfort. However, the CCTV can be misleading and I guarentee he was much farther away that the video appear. He looks to be a good 8-10ft. to the right before discharging. I think this guy did an AWESOME job, especially keeping a cool head under EXTREME stress. He knew exactly what he was going to do once he moved behind his coworker to conceal the draw. Good SD shoot saving 4 lives possibly. Thats what the antigunners dont realize is that firearms can SAVE lives.
Personally, I liked how he used the other employee as concealment to pull his weapon but it was very very close to the kid. I would have liked for him to move more to his right, if possible, but that is Monday morning quarterbacking. I won't play the IF game but things turned out well and I'm glad a BG was put down.
I rather the kid be 100yds away behind steel barriers :D but like you said its the armchair quarterbacking. I would have also liked a couple more steps to the right but cant pick and choose in SD unfortunatley.
Remember it is all time and motion, the instant you swing your pistol up to engage the criminal, he is now going to perceive the threat to him.

So stepping past the actual place were he can be engaged, IE, line of sight, he (the Night Manager) is actually endangering the people in the middle of this fight,putting them in more danger, so to speak.
He was spot on in a very professional manner, down to business and on target. How many shooters actually HIT their target in a gun battle and he nailed him three times. The guy has hands of steel and never passed the barrel in the direction of anyone but the bad guy and then he stood guard and did not pursue the creep. Moving and shooting is a very difficult skill to learn and execute and would have slowed his response time on top of that.

If anything, the mom with the kid should already have anticipated trouble and started to slowly move away from the bad guy in the first place. Would you just stand next to a creep with a gun talking to the clerks demanding money? Victims of crime should be required BEFORE the crime to learn how to protect themselves and their little kids. Not sure why she was sticking like glue to the bad guy in the first place, that is not how I would have reacted especially leaving the kid up at counter height.

Just my two cents worth.
I viewed this several times. Great Job. Wyoming just went to every person can Carry. I think there will be less crime in Wyoming.
Saw in an earlier post where they stated the BG was running away insinuating the clerk should have stopped shooting.

Just because someone is running away doesnt mean your life is no longer in danger. A BG on the run can still shoot while retreating as well as be taking up a defensive position.
Thats the "Adrenaline Shuffle", lol. I guess it was his way of burning off that massive dump of adrenaline he was still feeling. Actually getting into a gunfight must have you so jacked up It must take a while to feel calm. Can anyone comment on this who has ever been in a SD shoot? How long did it take to calm yourself, if anyone who has doesn't mind sharing?
Isn't there any other legal concerns?. I mean, it looks like the clerk shoots three times, but shoots when the bad guy is already on the run, or at least it so looks to me...
The robber still had a gun and was still in the room. He still had the means and the opportunity -- in other words, he was still an active threat.

Notice that the clerk (or manager) did NOT do what that pharmacist did who was recently convicted of murder, and pump a few more after-the-fact rounds into the robber after he was down.

Just Wondering why the clerk was doing a dance when he went over to the door.
He was in a Weaver stance, with his weak side foot in front, and he was doing a stutter step to maintain the Weaver stance while he advanced and pulled back. Notice that his feet never cross each other, and he's never off-balance or out of a good firing position.
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Issue 1: The woman with her baby was not very smart at all. Once the bad guy came in demanding $$$$$ she should have removed herself and the baby out of the area. Instead she was standing there knowing that a robbery was standing place. :eek::eek::eek:

Issue 2: Even after the shoot-out the woman was still standing there until the clerk asked her to come and seek cover. :eek::eek::eek: unbelievable!!! What if the bad guy had started firing indiscriminately into the establishment.

As far as the shooting goes thank God the bullet hit where it was intended to hit but the shots were close to the idiotic woman and the innocent child.