AZ to Drop CCW Permit Requirement

Yeah. I live in Arizona and I am not sure this is a good idea. The class does a pretty good job of informing you that breaking the shot at some one is just the BEGINNING of some very long and expensive legal hassle.

There are times when shooting another person is justified but one had best be prepared for the legal consequences of such an action.
I live in Arizona and I am not sure this is a good idea.

Would you like to see a requirement that people take a class before buying books, joining a church, or publishing thoughts on the internet? Is the right to keep and bear arms somehow different from our other rights?

There are no rights without responsibilities. It's up to everyone who owns guns to become familiar with the laws pertaining to firearms.

Speaking strictly as an NRA-certified instructor and CCW instructor: yes, classes are a worthy investment, but that's up to each individual gun owner to decide, not government.

My hat's off to the good people of Arizona for showing other states the way!
Interested how this article is worded:
"Concealed Weapons Bill Heads to Governor"
Only goes to gov 'after' senate has approved, as stated in lower section of article.

Also interesting comment:
"But the new bill will allow any Arizona resident over 21 to carry a concealed weapon, and they wouldn't have to take the training classes currently required."
I really doubt that "ANY" AZ resident can carry. I would guess there are a few felons that would hope that is true.

My 2 cents..
There are pro's and con's to everything.
Not being "required" to have a permit does not insinuate that the state will not issue one.
Vermont does not issue a permit. There are many states that will honor another states permit, but the law says you must be a resident of the state issueing the permit. As VT does not issue one, SOL...Whereas a Tennessee permit is welcomed in the majority of states...
I'll be curious to see how this plays out. Interestingly, this is not the first time this has been introduced. The last time, the bill was approved by our state house & senate, and then vetoed by...none other than Janet Napolitano, our current Homeland Security Head. Hope she doesn't come back...
Nappy is gone, and we certainly wish her the best of luck in finding a job after Obama leaves office...anywhere but in AZ.
I certainly want to see it happen as it will most like start a trend to allow Vermont carry in many, many more states, and that's a good thing.

The best argument for this, other than the argument that criminalizing the possession of legal objects is immoral because is punishes someone for not actually harming someone else, is this: with a permit system, there is always a delay in the time you want to carry vs actually being allowed to carry. Now, other than idealogical enlightenment, one of the main reasons people decide they need to carry is because of a threat, and what good is a permit if you can't get it while you are being stocked or weird thing are happening in your neighborhood? If you need a gun, you need one RIGHT NOW, and that's why Vermont carry is really the only way to go.

Now, I'm all for having the state government do everything to promote classes and education, but in my book, allowing someone to exercise their God given rights when they need it the most trumps any type of mandated training and licensing.

That, and the fact that blood isn't running the streets of Vermont... if it were such a bad idea, we would have heard why by now.
I am very happy for them.

- I must ask though, if someone is not a resident of AZ or even the US, are they allowed to carry also?

- Will there be a licesnce to allow CCW out of state? Say of someone leaves AZ and goes to CA to visit? Not that anyone would ever want to do that....
My understanding is that the permit system will still be available. All this bill does is decriminalize the possession of a hand gun on your person (and maybe in your car? I think it covers that too but not 100% sure).
And another point to consider is that without a permit, the 1000' Federal School Zone prohibition will apply. Although nobody has ever been prosecuted under the statute since it was re-instated in 1996.
Nice but not God given

I'm not a AZ resident.. but good for ya'll. I just hope as Standing Wolf says, the people take the ability to do so responsibly, educate themselves and provide a good foundation for the other states that try the same.

Owning & Carrying a gun is not a God Given Right.... God given rights are life liberty and the persuit of happiness. Of course you can place owning and carrying a gun under liberty or the pursuit of happyness... but...
To identify a right as “god-given,” we need an action, a commandment, or a declaration, that clearly comes straight from god. And, such action, commandment or declaration should be so obvious and so undeniable that everyone will understand it – the dim-witted as well as the intelligent; the believer as well as the non-believer. What we need is a giant chariot, or sailing ship to appear in the sky all over the world at the same time. It will come to a halt and god will step out and stand in mid air; he will open his mouth and say, “Hear ye, hear ye, all men of all lands and all tongues (he will speak so that all men will understand), I am Zeus (Marduk, Budda, Ishstar – take your pick); I am the god(s) of the universe and I hereby declare that the following rights are granted by me to you.” He then would enumerate all such rights he wants men to have. Then he (or she) would tell you where to pay your taxes, previously called “sin offerings” – and about all the terrible things that would happen to you if you didn’t pay them.

Since these would be god-given rights; and since god is all powerful and all knowing, he would also declare that, if any of these rights are violated, the wrong-doer would be instantly, and automatically, punished. For it would make no sense for a god – who has the power to grant rights – to fail to also provide automatic remedies where a right is violated. You see, if this god granted rights, anyone who violated them would commit an offense against god as well as the life, liberty or property of a particular individual – and god would want instant and easy vindication.

but I digress... AZ congrats if passed!
Owning & Carrying a gun is not a God Given Right.... God given rights are life liberty and the persuit of happiness.

The right to self defense is one of the most fundamental human rights - it's paramount to the preservation of life (and liberty). It's hard to argue that someone can't carry one of the most effective means to self defense, and the idea that you need permission if you are a law abiding citizen runs counter to the idea of fundamental rights in the US (or at least it should).
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If you're an AZ, AK, or VT resident that carries and you want to visit another state that is shall issue.......... how does that work????????

For instance..... if you visit TN which recognizes a boatload of other states permits would you be OK to carry??

I would say not so that is a small problem for some
I was a bit skittish at first, but it's true that felons carry anyway, and those who would behave poorly will eventually commit felonies or weed themselves out somehow.

AZ resident in full favor here as well.

I'd not be surprised to see crime drop

I still like having the permit for reciprocity in traveling, aiding in perception by officers if needed (let's be honest, every little bit helps if something happens), and especially so i don't have to mess with the NICS everytime i buy a new firearm. 4473 is filled out and immediately filed, I pay and leave. No waiting.
Im a part time Cochise County resident, and I already conceal carry without a permit.
There's nothing up here but me, a roadrunner, and the ghost of Geronimo.
The visitors we get are almost always expected, and they're armed as well.

We haven't shot anybody lately...
Glenn.... and others

I looked on and..........

Apparently we have reciprocity with AK and AZ(under current law).

Also, many states recognize TN permits although we're not reciprocal.
Vermont is one of these.

So.... there must be a piece of paper for Alaskans to carry when out of state.
And........ sorry Vermont apparently you recognize our TN carry permits but I don't think we do whatever it is you all have.