AZ: Judge rejects bid to block employer sanctions law

There are a number of entry-level jobs that illegals take that could be done by youngsters in their teens. I often wonder how much of our teen-gang problems might be solved if kids could grow up with the prospect of actually getting entry-level jobs at 14-17 years of age and learning work skills for a better job in the future. I wonder how many youngsters might be alive today if instead of taking drugs or drinking out of boredom they had been preparing to work the next day or too tired from that day's work to get into trouble. Or if they had some income, they might have been out romancing a girlfriend instead of hanging out with the losers on the street corner.
I absolutely agree; frankly I think the hundreds of billions Illegals cost us should be divided over the companies caught hiring them so we dont have to pay for them.

And, I dont think it matters if Canadians want to be so closely associated with us; it's gunna happen anyway.
Antipitas You have a misprint in your post. You said the 9Th circuit Court of Appeals. You meant the 9Th Circus Court of Appeals
I have to also interject that LEGAL immgrants are great - I have several working with me, and I applaud each one of them. Two just got thier citizenships, too. Come back legally, and build houses.
I have to also interject that LEGAL immigrants are great

Nothing wrong with that. That's what this country is all about. I too applaud anyone that works to become a legal citizen of this country.
I have to also interject that LEGAL immgrants are great - I have several working with me, and I applaud each one of them. Two just got thier citizenships, too. Come back legally, and build houses.
Exactly. Thing is, many of the legal immigrants absolutely HATE the illegals. Primarily they see the illegals as getting benefits that they never did when they played by the rules.
My previous post was deleted as being a "Conspiracy" which is not allowed here.

If it's a conspiracy that America has a plan already to put in place to merge our Country with Mexico and Canada than why is it a regular News Station (CNN) as a News Story of what has already been set as a plan without the public knowledge?

Watch it here from CNN (not a conspiracy):
Wcboggs, arguing over the supposed North American Union, is not germane to the discussion of the laws of Arizona. Whether or not we agree or disagree on what constitutes a conspiracy is a moot point. The subject (of the NAU) is off topic for this thread. :(
I was taking some auto repair classes years ago at the local Junior College and became friends with a guy from Pakistan . Long story short he became a citizen and wanted very much to make a life here . He had applied and went the whole legal way . I had decided to return to truck driving and told him that I would lend him my tools until he got straight . I told him to come by and if I was not home that my wife would give him access to the garage and he could take the tools that he figured he would need . I came back off a trip and my wife told me that he had been by a couple of days earlier . I went into the garage and the stuff was gone . THEN she gives me a 5 page "report". This guy sat down and took inventory of EVERY tool he took . Down to the last allen wrench . I saw him off and on for the next 5 months or so and then one day he drives up with my tools on the back of his bosses pickup . He had made a deal with one of the tool trucks that comes around and his boss backed him to get all his own stuff . We then sat there (he INSISTED) and went over everything and made sure it was all there . Tool by tool . These are the kinds of people we need in this country .
Too often when these immigration problems become front page the bleeding hearts trot out Jose and Maria . Jose is a gardeners helper and she cleans offices at night with his help . Wonderful people . Then they expect us to accept everyone here illegally since these 2 are such wonderful people . They don't want to address the gangbangers that have shootouts over stupid crap that they think have shown disrespect to them . They hit more innocent people than the ones they are trying to shoot . I know there are good people that want to fit in and they should be helped BUT there are laws that apply to these things .
These types are represented in prison populations manyfold of their relative number . There is a huge problem and it must be addressed . Just tonight in PHX there was a school board meeting where many parents won't send their kids to school for fear of them being rounded up and deported . The school system is having kittens because they get paid per student with no regard to status . It will be interesting to see how this plays out . The same with 4,000 students unable to prove their status being forced to pay out of state rates in college . The libs are saying that the children are being punished for their parents bringing them here . Sooooo if someone breaks into their house and gives birth the libs will assume responsibility for this child ???? Yeah , right . These people sneak in and DEMAND to be accepted BUT if you don't agree then you MUST be a RACIST . The handwriting is on the wall . It will be interesting to see if the politicians can read and ACCEPT it . I hope this plays out the way the people VOTED for .